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Baby, I'm Only A Thought Away......

My heart pounding out your name

Hey there Baby...
If you're here...then obviously you're sitting
there right now missing me as much as Im sure
Im missing you right now as you read this.I know
its going to be a rough week for both of us because
we're so used to having the ability to spend
hours by the numbers together...But we both know
that our Love is so very powerful and what we have
is more special than any other thing in this world.
That's something to be so proud of and Baby I am.
I'm so proud of you...so proud of what I feel for
you...so proud of what we share... so proud of your
Love...and Baby Im so very proud of US!!!
So even tho we're dealing with alot right now (me being
gone for a bit)...I think it's only going to make
us grow stronger and closer. Remember the phrase
(time makes the heart grow fonder).. I believe
that... and altho we wont be together (talking)
much for the next week-week and a half, we ARE
together... thru heart and thought and every way
that counts. Because trust me Sweetheart..I'm
thinking about you nonstop and Im holding you
so very close to me.Can you feel me Baby??...
Feel me holding you so tight in my arms...
feel my heart beating?...
Pounding??...screaming out your name??...
I hope you do feel it baby because I am holding
you and will never let you go...EVER!!!
I want you to do something for me sweetheart...until I
get back, each and every morning at exactly 9 am...
and every afternoon at exactly 3 am ...and then
every night at exactly 9 pm...I want you to do what
you've told me to do so many times... close your
eyes,wrap your arms across your chest and just hold
me there for a full minute...I'll be doing the exact
same thing at the same times... so baby?
We'll really actually be holding eachother...
and then when you lay your sweet head down to
fall into dreamland...hold me close ok?...
and I'll be there every night waiting for you.

I Love You Shawn SO MUCH that I can't even fully
express it anymore.It seems impossible to.No matter
how much emphasis I try to apply to those words..
nothing ever seems to say exactly what I feel.
Just know that I Love You like no one person could
ever love another... and its so real and so strong
and Baby its so beautiful!!!!...sweetheart I dont
want you for one second to feel less because like
you said..it only grows and gets more and more
beautiful by the day.Anytime you feel like you miss
me so much and you just cant stand it anymore...
and you need me so badly.. just remember sweetheart...
Im only a thought away!
Always Baby...And A Day!!!!!

More Than Life Itself!!!

You truly do hold the key
to my heart Shawn