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6/01/03 It is set. No It All is playing their first real national act show. The band is Biohazard and it is at L'Amour. July 3rd doors open at 7:30pm. Subzero and a more bands to be announced. Be sure to check it out. We are going to have an awesome time and we have some surprises for everyone. We will be updating the website for the next week or so, keep checking it out.

No It All

5/28/03 So we had an awesome show at L'Amour this past saturday. Thank you to everyone that showed up to show the support. We made a few friends in Rock Inc.from Long Island and Sin Sin from NYC. It was a wierd show, with an emmo type start moving into punk. Then it was time for No It All to take the stage. The show then got heavy. Next up was Sin Sin who was amazing, then Rock Inc. took the stage. By far our best show yet, but there are more to come. In fact, we have been invited to play with Biohazard on July 3rd. This is going to be our biggest show yet. Hope everyone can make it out and party with us that night. More info will be available soon. Check back for updates. Peace. 

No It All

5/10/03 Happy Mother's day to everyone. Just a couple of weeks away from our show at L'Amour. We have been working together on a couple of cover songs and a new one is almost done. If anyone is interested, BigTopLow is looking for a drummer and a bassist, just go to their website(go to links page) and drop them an email. We are meeting tons of people and helping to promote the band and broaden our horizons. New stickers are being discussed and we will have some more cd's by the time we hit Brooklyn. We are currently trying to set up a date at Empress Ballroom and I am in the process of contacting Don Hill's. Be sure to check back for updates. 

4/20/03  Well here we are the weekend after the last show. We have decided to take some time off and rest up before we come back and kick the shit out of the world again. Let me just say, Don Hill's treated us very nicely and is an awesome place to play. The only problem I found playing there was this, I almost went through the stage, taking the band with me. LOL. Hey, that would have made for a good show too, huh? Well it was a great time, another show under out belts and experience. Our next show is on May 24th at 8pm. We are playing with A bunch of bands, @ L'Amour in Brooklyn. This is going to be our second time playing there, and should be a good one. As many people that can make it would be cool. Tickets are $10 and are available at the door or through us. Drop us an email and we will be sure to get you one. Also there is a special dealing working with ticket sales... For more info let me know.  How do you like the new site?  I will be sending out an email with some updates soon, if you would like to join our mailing list let us know.

4/02/03  The show on the 15th of April is confirmed. Doors open at 8pm and we are opening the evening. This is a metal show, with Brick Bath, Carnival of Souls and Droun. Tickets are $10 and are available at the door. Also, our guestbook is up and running. Be sure to drop us a line, tell us what you're thinking. Check back soon for more news.

3/30/03  A big thanks to everyone who made it out to L'Amour on Friday night. A lot of people made the long haul down. The show went pretty well. Hopefully we will get a chance to play there again. As of right now we are working on a show at Don Hill's in NYC opening for a national act. If everything goes well, we will be playing with Brick Bath ( on the 15th of April. I will update the site when we know for sure.

3/25/03  Here it is, Tuesday night. We are just three days from the show. We found out that we go on around 10pm. If you are coming to show, we ask that you still come when the doors open. This is a local band night, and we all have to be there to support each other. The set list is ready and so are we. We are gonna "bring tha noise" and "kick heads in." See ya there.. I want to wish all the troops over seas and on our turf, best of luck and I hope all this war mongrel bullshit stops soon. 

No It All3/22/03  The new site is being uploaded little by little. Please have patience I am still new at this web page deal... Any way, Here we are just a short time away from our first show out. Here is the scoop, Denis and I haven't "played out" since our gig in Chester, NY with *****id and BigTopLow back last April. This is going to be Ethan's first show out with any band, and the same goes for Will. Hopefully, we can get a good crowd out there in Brooklyn on the 28th to support us.



I would like to personally thank, Pete( and Tony( for fueling the fire under my ass to get this whole band thing going. I am grateful to have met you, and I admire your talent so much.
