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List of Committee Post Responsibilities

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desirable qualities in blue



  • To chair meetings and prepare agendas of the club committee which will meet once a month in the first instance
  • To call extroardinary general meetings if appropriate
  • To be responsible for recruitment of players: disseminating adverts for club in appropriate channels eg. netball forums and dealing with enquiries
  • To monitor membership levels, and increase marketing of club if numbers fall
  • To keep players informed of changes to time or venue of training or matches
  • To be initially responsible for administration relating to entering team/s in league/tournaments etc.
  • To liaise with the venue and seek alternative venue if necessary

ACTING CHAIRPERSON (VACANT) organised, efficient, reliable, able to take over at short notice


  • To oversee the general running of the club in the absence of the chairperson
  • Therefore, all duties as above



  • To take responsibility for all club monies:
  • raising sponsorship according to club needs
  • purchase of equipment and clothing
  • collecting money for venue hire one week in advance where possible
  • collecting entry fees for competitions/tournaments when required
  • To keep records of membersŐ payments

ACTING TREASURER (VACANT) organised, efficient, reliable, able to take over at short notice, numerate, with a flair for marketing


  • To take responsibility for all club monies and financial records in the absence of the Treasurer

SECRETARY (VACANT) methodical, with access to computer and email, with database skills - ideally Access.


  • To record (briefly but accurately) all decisions taken at Committee meetings and to circulate these to all members via email or posting on the forum as appropriate
  • To maintain and update a secondary/reserve database of players details etc.

Social Secretary (VACANT) Party Animal


  • To investigate all possible sources of fun in and around the venue, to arrange a Christmas party and other seasonal gatherings/boozy sessions as required by the team! If appropriate, to arrange socials with other teams esp. any hunky rugby teams we may bump into whilst training.

PRACTICE COORDINATOR (VACANT) organised, extremely reliable, first aid knowledge useful, transport essential


  • To look after all equipment: bibs, balls, whistles, pumps etc.
  • To get to the training venue at least fifteen minutes before everybody else and set up.
  • To motivate the team by leading pre-training warm-up and cool down at end
  • To clear up equipment at end and take home for safekeeping

ACTING PRACTICE COORDINATOR (VACANT) organised, extremely reliable, first aid knowledge useful, transport essential


  • To do the above if the Practice Co-ordinator cannot attend a specific session

Development Officer (VACANT) good knowledge of rules, enquiring mind, commitment to develop standard of club play long-term


  • To keep abreast of all rule changes and notify club members
  • To develop a successful coaching programme, and liaise with coach (when appointed) as necessary
  • To find out and relay to others, information about coaching and umpiring courses run by AENA or other affiliated bodies.

Once the teams are established we will also need somebody to take responsibility for league and tournament entries and transport.

The above posts may be expanded or reduced depending on how the club progresses over the next few months.

page last edited on Tuesday 18th February 2003

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