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millionaires and soon-to-be-millionaires guild

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my favorite neopets games to earn more money

Poogle Solitare: 500+ np Hint: 29-17 22-24 17-29 31-23 32-24 24-22 26-24 33-25 24-26 21-23 16-28 14-16 9-23 7-9 28-16 27-25 18-30 20-18 11-25 30-18 13-11 10-12 3-11 1-3 18-6 3-11 12-10 5-17 17-15 4-16 15-17 What do you get when you have done this ??? 750np and sometimes a poogle toy. If you completed it fast enough or if your lucky you may also get a intelligence increase or speed increase. THIS QUEST APPLIES NOW! BUY ALL MERIDELL CHESSES! They are no longer being produvced, and they are being bought like MAD! I suggest buying the Quadruple Fudge Cheese. BUY SCRATCHCARDS EVERY 2 HOURS AT THE KIOSK! Historically i have gotten 2 peak o pleannty cards, and even so, all scratchcards are being sold for 819 or more! FOR A FAST COMPUTER - play igloo garage sale. this yields an average of 1000 neopoints for me every game! FOR A SLOW COMPUTER - play meerca chase! i dont ave a slow computer, but you should make many neopoints! TOMBOLA - Every day, i play. About every 3 days, he feels sorry for me, and gives me an average of 200 neopoints! Every week on average, he gives me a winner. then, he usually gives me a codestone! Through auctions, you can find good deals, but for a REAL profit, get over 100,000 neopoints out, so you can get cheap unbuyables! BIG HINT! - I only reccomend this on REALLY REALLY RARE or retired items! THis hint is called monopoly. what it is is you buy as many as you cvan of one item, so u alone can drive up the price. (see the meridell cheat above!) GO TO KRAWK ISLAND- And play BURIED TREASURE! I have played about 2 times. Once i won 500 neopoints, and I JUST WON 20,000! You can win up to 3,000,000!!! Go to the employment agency! it is in faerieland! The secret is to go to the middle pages, and get a quest that allows you not much time! those pay more! I have made a profit of up to 7000 without a job coupon! my way of making 1 million neopoints in maybe about 2 weeks make 5 accounts + your main account play games on all your accounts every day on each account you should make about 10,000 neopoints then when your finished playing al those games go to your main accout and make a trade for ebery other acount that you have then you go back to your other acoount and go to trades and search up your account and lets say you have 5 accounts you should have 5 trades going on click on one of them ship a crappy item and all the neopoints that youve earned to your main account and do the same thing with your other accounts.and thats my million dollar plan. Play Meerca Chase everyday - you can probably make around 1,500NP each day. - Play Pyramids as many times as you can each day - you can make up to 5,000NP and maybe a trophy. - Go to restocks (Magic Shop, Food Shop, Battle Magic Shop & Defence Magic Shop) - these shops sell very rare items worth a lot of NP!! Here is a guide of what items to buy from each shop: Magic Shop: Faeries, Motes, Faerie Portrait, Novas Food Shop: Neggs Battle Magic Shop: Hydro Hammer, Ultranova, Dark Nova, Grand Ligntning Beam Defence Magic Shop: Thyoras Tear, Superior Reflection Shield, Shield of Soaring - Buy scratchcards - they cost 750NP and can be sold for 775NP to 65,000NP depending on which one you happen to get. - Play Bumper Cars - it's fun, it's easy and you can get a fair amount of NP from it! - Spin the Wheel of Excitement every hour - it costs 100NP per spin, but you can win up to 10,000NP. - Play Tombola & The Fruit Machine everyday - you can get Codestones, Faeries and NP! - Visit Coltzan's Shrine everyday - you can get Faeries, Dubloons, NP and stats for your pet! If you follow all these tips, you should get at least 50,000NP everyday!!! - going to restocks is the most important and will get you the most NP! 1] Start off by playing poogle solitare and earn 750np a day. You can find the answers HERE If you have any spare time at the end of the day play it again, gain a special toy and sell it in your shop. [2] Try and get some free items for your shop. You can do this by going to the giant omlette. Also go to the snowager. Hes in the Ice Caves and you can get items from him at the following neopets times. 1-2am = 1-2pm = 8-9pm = 10-11pm. [3] You can get a large amount of money (1000-4000) by knowing the stockmarket. Buy 1000 of the chepest shares, say 6 np. That will cost you 6000 but it is 100% likely to go up within the next 12 hrs. Every 1 the share rises in you your shares will be worth 1000np more. Just sell them when you have made 2000np or more. [4] Im sure you have heard this one many time before but games are brilliant ways of earning np. Poogle Solitare every day, wheel of excitement every 45mins, Kiko Match 3 times a day, meerce chase 3 times a day and many more including swarm! It is best way to make np give it a go at all the games and find out which one you are best at. [5] Allways go onto the auction section and look around for good bargains in the auction place. Wait on the 21-40 items section and wait for a good bargain to come. Then when you get onto the bidding page refresh the page until you get to about 15 seconds left until the auction closes. Quickly put in a bid and you will that other people wont have enough time to bid and you will get a great item. You can find codestones in the auction for 3500 and sell them in your shop for 6000 in seconds. [6] Remember to do the treasure hunt as many times a day as possible, once a day is enough but you can do it more if you have time. Sell the space map you get for 2000np each in your shop. It is better to sell them than to completed the map itself. [7] If you are in the right time zone shop from about 2am Neopets Time (NPT) until 5am NPT. This is when hardly anyone is on neopets. You can buy flat-u-less and neopkins from the pharmacy and motes and sometimes faeries from the magic shop. [8] Never waste your money on a theme park nor on a neohome. They are things that are just for show and its impossible to get a successful theme park that brings in a single np. If you are a millionaire even then you should think about wether you want a neohome. [9] Spin The Tombola 2 times a day. Every seond time you spin it you should get a codestone! (on average) [10] Play a full game of cheat, 9 rounds, and you should get neopoints and battlecards that you can sell for about 15,000np!! [11] Grundos Gym is WiCkEd. For every 5 obstacles you complete you complete a level. For every 5 Levels you complete you get a membership card. For every membership card you have when you complete a level you get a 1000np bonus for completing a level. Example---I have 4 membership cards and i have just completed a level. I therefore get 4000 np. [12] Buy all 9 space map peices (or collect a few aswell) for 18,000np MAX and sell all 9 in the trading post for something between 28,000 - 35,000. A full sey goes for loads of np. Thats a MINIMUM profit of 10,000np and you can buy all of the map peices as many times a day as you want. This rule can make big money!!
