T H E  C A R E E R  K I L L E R
J  E  N  N  A     J  A  M  E  S  O  N

<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/wavsus15/philcollinsintheairtonight.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

*~*The scene opens up inside of a somewhat crowded backstage area at the Stade Charles De Gaulle in Normandy, France, which will play host to this month's XWF pay per view extravaganza, Redemption. Now, the halls are somewhat crowded because of all of the trunks being used to set up the somewhat elaborate stage for this Sunday's event. Walking through the jungle of trunks and cables, the cameras come across a meidum sized area, just shy of the main hallway, set up for superstar interviews. Seated in one of the large, black leather armchair is none other than the voice of the XWF, Jim Ross. Seated across from him is none other than XWF megastar Jenna Jameson. Dressed in a pair of slim fitting khaki pants, black heels, and a black, fitted short sleeve turtleneck, Jenna sighs slightly as she brushes a single strand of hair out of her face. Folding her hands in her lap, Jenna waits as JR starts the interview.*~*

Jim Ross: Well, first off Jenna, I want to thank you for taking the time to do this interview. I know you're an extremely busy woman.

Jenna Jameson: Not a problem at all.

Jim Ross: Now, lets start off with last weeks match. You were teamed up with Morgan Steel to take on the tandem of Madison Johnson and the woman whom you will face this coming Sunday, Trish Stratus. Last week, you came up a bit short in that match. Tell us about that.

Jenna Jameson: There really isn't a whole lot to say about it, Jim. The point is...I lost. No real drama or mystery there. The fact that I lost to a couple of...well...second rate hookers isn't making things any better. I could be the complete bitch and blame Morgan for the loss, but unlike three quarters of the people around here, I'm above that. Essentially, there wasn't anything Morgan could have done. It's not her fault.

Jim Ross: That's pretty professional of you to admit.

Jenna Jameson: It's just something I've had to learn the hard way in this business.

Jim Ross: Obviously, you have to be pleased with making it to the finals of the Cruiserweight TItle tournament.

Jenna Jameson: Correct-a-mundo. For me, this is a chance to become one step closer towards writing history again. This is my chance at immortality. This is my chance to do what few others have been able to do, and thats become a Grandslam champion. It all starts this Sunday.

Jim Ross: If anyone can do that and achieve that goal, it would be you. You've come a long way since I first saw you compete here, and you can give just about anyone a darn good run for their money.

Jenna Jameson: *smiles* Thanks. I appreciate it, especially coming from someone like you.

Jim Ross: Not a problem. Now, lets talk about this match you have coming up this Sunday. This has to be one of the more hellacious matches that we have witnessed, and yet here you are, not only fighting in it for the Cruiserweight title, but against the very woman who almost cost you your career at Souled Out, Trish Stratus.

Jenna Jameson: To be honest, when I was told of the title tournament and who was in it, I wasn't concerning myself with who I was facing. I was more concerned about making it to the finals. Not trying to be overly cocky or anything, but I knew as soon as the thing began that I was heading for the finals. Now that I get to face Trish in the finals, it makes it that much sweeter. This is only driving me hardter to win, and thats what I intend on doing.

Jim Ross: Everyone in the world knows that you are one of the toughest and best superstars around. But, even you have to be concerned about stepping into the ring with Trish Stratus once again, considering what happened the last time you two were in a match together.

Jenna Jameson: I've thought about that, and I've decided that I'm not even going to think about it. If I keep it in my mind, then it's just going to throw me off of what I am setting out to do. I'm not out to just win a match and to just win a title. I'm out to put the woman who has made life around the XWF hell for so many people, just as bad. Trish Stratus is going to get what is coming to her come Redemption.

Jim Ross: Now you know that Trish is probably watching this and is just as determined as you are to win this.

Jenna Jameson: Ask me again if I really care, Jim.

Jim Ross: All I'm saying is, Trish has been talking all week about how she's the true star now and that she is getting all of the attention and that she is going to win the title.

Jenna Jameson: Thats pretty much all she does is talk. All I ever hear out of her anymore is the same crap about how she's the star. But, the more I heard that, the more it got me to thinking. It got me to thinking about my first full year here in the XWF. I remember that there was a time when I was considered to be the underdog in just about every match. That is, until the night came when I proved everyone wrong. Hell, you were there, JR. You called the match.

Jim Ross: When was that?

Jenna Jameson: it was A Cold Day In Hell, in August of 2001. A Fatal Five Way Match for the Womens Championship. In fact, I brought a clip. Watch.

*~*Jenna motions towards the video monitor, which crackles to life.*~*

##However Stephanie is back up on her feet and punches Maria in the stomach. Maria pauses for a second, Stephanie climbs up onto the second turnbuckle, she sets Maria up for a Superplex!##

Jerry Lawler:"Oh god no!"

Jim Ross:"Steph' is about to prove that Women's matches are as extreme as men's!"

##Jenna Jameson is back up on her feet, she runs to the corner and pushes the two women off of the top turnbuckle to the floor outside!##

Jim Ross:"For the love of god!! These woman aren't as tough as some of the men, they shouldn't be doing this!"

##Stephanie and Maria are laid out on the outside, not moving. Jenna Jameson raises her arms and smiles triumphantly! She turns to see Little Buff and Stacy climbing back up onto their feet.##

Jim Ross:"We could have a new women's champion here folks.. Jenna Jameson is getting the upperhand!"

##Little Buff runs towards Jenna Jameson! The crowd go wild. Jenna Jameson catches Little Buff and connects with a Bearhug Spinebuster!##

Jerry Lawler:"Yes! Yes! Jenna Jameson is kickin' some ass!"

##Stacy stares into the eyes of Jenna Jameson! Jenna smiles and the two women begin to hit eachother. Jenna ducks a punch thrown by Stacy, Jenna pops back up and connects with a Sambo suplex on Stacy! The crowd go wild! Jenna Jameson drops to her knees and pins!##

Earl Hebner:"1... 2... 3!"

Jim Ross:"Yes! Jenna Jameson has finally won the women's title belt!"

Jerry Lawler:"I am happy for her J R!"

Jim Ross:"Me too..."

Howard Finkel:"And your winner and new women's champion.. Jenna Jameson!"

##Jenna Jameson holds her women's title belt up high as the crowd give her a mixed reaction!##

Jim Ross:"Jenna looks pleased as punch!"

*~*The video monitor then shuts off as Jenna turns and looks at Jim, a look of determination etched on her face.*~*

Jenna Jameson: You see? That right there was one of the greatest nights of my life. All that week, I had to deal with people constantly saying that I didn't stand a chance, that Maria, Stacy, Little Buff and Stephanie were all going to be too much for me to handle and I wouldn't last, but lo and behold I came out the winner. That right there was the first of many title runs that I've had here, JR, and I won't stop until there are no more for me to win.

Jim Ross: I'm sure you've heard the pretty desparaging remarks that Trish has said about you throughout the week......

Jenna Jameson: Actually Jim, I haven't been near a television all week so I have no idea what she's been saying. What has she been saying?

Jim Ross: Well, let's go to the video tape.

*~*Once again, the video monitor comes to life.*~*

Trish Stratus: You had people handing you things, and now look at you. You're pretty much a shell of what you used to be. What happened? Where have all of your supposed friends gone? Well, I know where one of them is. Matter of fact, she's downstairs with Tyson and Luther. That has to be eating you up inside, doesn't it? You knwo WHO has your supposed best friend, but you can't do a damn thing about it. Man, some friend you are. You can't even do anything to help your best friend. That...thats just sad if you ask me. But, I guess I can see your reasoning behind it. After all, Dawn does tend to be a bit of a gloryhog, now doesn't she? I mean, one week she's being kidnapped. She's being attacked outside of the arena. And lets not forget being impregnated by your boyfriend. So...I guess I can see why you have done seemingly nothing to help Dawn. Your jealous that someone else is getting the attention that you used to get.

Trish Stratus: You see, I know you probably better than you know yourself, and if you were to realize that, it would scare you blind. I know what makes you tick, what buttons to push to JUST about set you off. And if you don't think I won't use that to my advantage this week, then you are sadly mistaken. Forget Triple H. I am the REAL Cerebral Assassin. While I am surrounded by people who will do whatever I want whenever I want, you are alone. You're alone because for one reason or another, the people around you left. *grins* You obviously know what happened to Dawn. Morgan grew a brain and realized that she loved her husband a lot and went back to him. And Keith.....well, whose to say IF he'll be able to come back after what happened. So you see, being alone after a while has to start to get to you.

*~*The monitor shuts off as Jenna turns her head away, a blank expression on her face. Jim clears his throat a tad as she shuffles through his notecards.*~*

Jim Ross: Now that you've seen that tape, what are you feeling right now?

*~*Jenna isn't even paying attention to what Jim is saying as she stares blankly at the floor, sort of not sure what to do, how to react after what she just saw and heard.*~*

Jim Ross: Jenna?

Jenna Jameson: *snapping back to attention* What? Oh...sorry JR. I was just thinking.

Jim Ross: Thinking about what?

Jenna Jameson: I was mainly thinking about how I am going to positively rip that woman to shreds this Sunday. You honestly think for one second that I am going to let her get wawy with saying that shit? I don't frickin think so! Trish Stratus is going to be in for a rude awakening this time around. Now, if you'll excuse me, I just remembered an appointment I'm almost late for.

*~*Standing up, Jenna briefly shakes hands with Jim as she walks off the set. Once she is far enough away from the set, Jenna stops and leans up against the wall and sighs. That same expression she had on her face earlier returned. For the first time in God knows how long, Jenna is somewhat bothered by what one of her opponents has had to say. And it's coming from Trish Stratus nonetheless. Heaving another sigh, Jenna looks down towards the floor ans shuts her eyes slightly as the scene fades out to black.*~*