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6 - 1 - 9 M a s t a R e y M y s t e r i o

ROLE-PLAY: # 001   RECORD: 0 - 0- 0

ACHIEVEMENTS: [Crusierweight Champion1x Current in wCw] [Top Roleplayer of the Week 2x in wCw]

||Scene One||

(As the World Wrestling Entertainment Corporation come sback from a quick commercial break, all of the fans are up on their feet cheering and chanting names. Holding up their wrestling signs andclapping for their favorite superstars. Most even have on their favorite superstar's Murchandise like a Rey Mysterio mask, Jeff Hardy T-Shirt, Rey tank top, Rey shirt and hundreds more. Michael Cole and Tazz are sitting at the announcing table setting up their notes getting ready to speak about what has been going on around the World Wrestling Entertainment Corporation latly. The WWE Corporation cameras goes in a circle in the direction of the fans twice. As soon as the fans stop cheering a little, all of the lights that are surrounding the ring dims to black... a bunch of masks appears on the large titon tron screen as REY MYSTERIo flys out of the the ramp behind the white and silver pyros. Rey Mysterio spins around twice sticking his arms out like a sirplane and than he starts to walk down the ramp while the fans are cheering from the top of their lungs and holding up signs. When Rey Mysterio gets to the ring, he walks up the silver steel steps and gets into the ring by hopping over the top rope. He walks over to a turnbuckle and gets on it looking at the fans cheer. he jumps down and walks around a little. He gets a mIC from the ring anonuncer and starts to speak as his music goes off)

* * * R e y M y s t e r i o J r * * * Yo yo whats up all of you WWE Corp fans out therr?(CROWED CHEERS REAL LOUD) As you can see, I hav'nt really been paying attention to this business right herr, but now I'm in it and not just for myself, but for all of my fans as well. My fans that know me from anywhere. ECW, wCw, WWE, it doesn't matter. And also, in the future real soon, the crusierweight gold will be mine. I'll have it in no time because from what I'm seeing, I am the best Crusierweight herr. I always will be the best Crusierweight herr. So whoever gets in my way first, will be the first to dial da numba, 6-1-9. We have Buff Bagwell here in the WWE Corp, but he is nothing compared to me. he isn't better than Rey Mystrio and I know coz I remember this kid when he was in wCw too. We have jeff Hardy herr but I don't see him showing up either. I mean, come on Vince, Mick Foley, Eric Bischoff, where did you find these asswipes?!? But to get to the point, I am going to be one of the bet in this business and starting right now. So those of you who think you can handle the 619, step up and say sumthin. I'll never back down a challange because I'm never scared. I'll never need to back down a challange. I have more heart than anyone here. I mean, injured twice less than... what eight months, and still standin in one of these wrestlin rings... come on whos betta. And also, we have a few tall giants backstage who are probably thinkin I can take this guy out, hes onlt 5'4. Well height matters but not much to me because I am the quickest superstar herr and thats one way I will win most of my matches. We got The Undertaker, kevin nash, and Kane. But you know one of them who I already took care of in wCw, Kevin nash. I beat him and his bad guyb uddy Scott hall. A few powerbombs won't stop me from standin again. Never because I never fall down and can't get back up. So just back up when you see tha 619 masta wallkin in front of you so you won't smacked up. So those are the very first words from Rey Mysterio herr in the World Wrestling Entertainment Corporation and you will be hearin alot more too. So whenever I am posted in one of the matches, you'll hear from me. So peace my 619ers!

(619 hits the pa system as the fans starts to cheer from the top of their lungs. Rey Mysterio tosses the mic outside to the wwe corp ring announcer. He slides out of the ring and slaps the hands of the fans while he walks up the ramp. He than walks abckstage as the World Wrestling Entertainment Corporation goes onto another quick commercial break as the camera fades black)

Could Dial Tha Numba: [You], [Who Else], [Who Else]