Travis Pastrana

Race Results

Travis Pastrana is most likly smarter then you and also faster, more braver, and a quite a bit insane then you as well. Travis is only 18 and has five amateur champion from 1992-1998. He has won the World Freestyle Championship at the age of 14. After that at the age of 15 he got the X-Games gold medal and also graduated from high school that same year. Could you beat his 4.0 avrage at University of Maryland. Could you macth his Rookie of the year season with him taking the 125 Motocross title then the next year go and get the 125 East Supercross title? He has also completed over 500 backflips.

At the age of four Travis got his first bike a Honda Z-50. On a back yard track the kid began to horn his skills and by the time he was in his early teenager he was becoming a killer on the race track in the freestyle circits on his 125 Suzuki.

He was at the top of his games at an uncredibly young age, Travis's career nearly ended in 1998 when he was involed in a frightful accident that literally dislocated his spinal coiumn from his pelvis in a practice run at Free Festival in Lake Havasu, California. This sort of accident would usually results in paralysis, but thanks to being in incredible shape at that time Travis was only confined to a wheelchair for a few months.

Travis was fully recovered in 1999, Travis went ballistic at the X-Games in San Francisco. He pulled outrageous moves like a Rodeo Air and alot of no-hander-lander, the young man scored a 99 out of 100 and took the gold. He was so soked that after his high score, Travis made action-sports historyby jumping into the San Francisco Bay. Of coures he was promptly arrested. Travis's rookie season did not start off to good. Travis did not win a race untill Daytona. After that he won the St. Louis and the the East/West shootout. He also Went to the X-Games and got a gold there. We always saw Travis two hours after the race. No matter what you would see Travis signing autographs hours after all the riders are done. He always cares about his fans! Travis is one of the most nicest peole that you will meet. He will talk to you and he will listin. His parents are also very nice. I have talked to them before and we talked for at least an hour. The Pastrana family is very nice and you should go see them. Travis always wanted to be like his idol Doug Henrey.

In 2001 Travis's career was marked by more victories but also by a string of injuries that had many questioning whether Supercross and his sponsors were more interested in selling tickets and bikes than in the safety of its riders. In January 2001, right after healing from his broken leg Travis sufferd a grade three Concussion during an AMA spercross event in San Diego. Grade three concussion is a serious head trauma caused by an impact that causes the brain to bounce around in the skull. The next week Travis tryed to ride but can off the track with dizziness from his concussion and he lost his balnce on the bike and fell off his bike. Then in the outdoor season at Unadilla, New York Travis was knocked out and suffered another concussion following a crash. About two weeks later Travis went down hard again with his bike going to one side bucking him off. He hit the ground and his body bounced back up and came crashing down again. Later he would stop racing for the year and go get a gold medal at the X-Games. He had to give up his spot on Team U.S.A. at Motocross de Nations.

It is amazing that a young man like Travis can make such fearless moves and be ok with it. Travis has done a lot liek he got cerified for sky-divig, performing and 80 mph parachute-assisted flip into the grand Canyon on a motorbike, and hauling ass around a rally car course in Europe in a $1 million Subaru rally car. He did this all last year. In July of 2002 Travis got a cast off from a broken wrist while battling a recurring sinus infection that had sapped his strebgh for months. The infections became so chronic that Travis ended up having his tonsils taken out. On top of all that he battled mononucleosis, Epstein Barr virus and fighting some disease that dogs get called Parvo(which you can get from eating dirt.) Then when you think that things could not get worse it does. Travis won the gold medal in the finals of the 2min. run in the Gravity Games then the next day at the step up part of the games Travis got 90 feet in the air and bailed off his bike from 90 feet high. He tore up his whole knee and had to get surgery. That put him out of coming back to motocross this year and he also had to sit out of the X-Games.

Travis has broken 20 bones up to date and has had to fight with some nasty viruses but he is getting heathy. He was racing but hurt his shoulder swiming and put him self out for the supercross season. Travis is going to make a come back when the motocross season starts and we all wish him a safe and happy outdoor season!
