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Look what i did!

ok so i messed up..., heres The Story... Friday nights, i play softball at a local sports bar/ nightclub. Well there was a throw to home, with me coming in full speed, the catcher was about 6' 4" and I knew i couldn't go thru him..( im a measly 5' 9"... so... i attempted to go OVER him... I went over, but he tagged me in mid air. i came down on my right hand, as at the time that seemed best, considering im pushin 210 Lbs, and well that kind of weight coming down, comes down fast... i used my hand to block my fall instead of my head.. below are the results of what happened following the landing.. Btw. for those Curious, we Won.

Ow.. Close up of bruised palm...

yah it hurts, alot...

you can see the bruise on the inside of my palm..

ouch some more

Comparison, Right hand vs left hand

which one you think i landed on?