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Immanuel, God with us

In Him

Isaiah 55:1-2 "Ho! Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat. Yes, come buy wine and milk without money and without price. Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to me, and eat what is good, and let your soul delight itself in abundance." John 3:16 "For God so loved the worl that He gave His only begotten Son, that all who believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." ONLY GOD........................................................................................................... Everything in life changes. Things can change from bad weather to good, single to married, life to death, rich to seems anything and everything can change. But there is something that won't change, that will always be the constant about all the variables. You might say, "Death and taxes!", but even those can change. It is only God who is the alpha and omega, everlasting and forever, creater of all, one true God. Whether you believe it or not, that's what He is. In the Bible, a man named Job lost his children, servants, and livestock all in one day. Later he even got ghastly boils all over his body. The only thing that had stayed the smae in his life was God. No matter what happens to us, we can always trust God and He will never let us down............................. LIKE WATER......................................................................................................... "Pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord." --Lamentations 2:19b. This was written in a time of incredible hunger. It goes on to say, "Lift your hands toward Him for the life of your children, who faint from hunger at the head of every street." You might be able to imagine how it would feel to have your children dying. You might be going through something like that right now. You might just have the day to day stress of a job, or school, or a family, or anything. Now think of pouring all that out to someone who already knows exactly what you're going through. You don't even have to talk, to tell what's on your mind, because He already knows. In the Bible, "the face of the Lord" can mean "the presence of the Lord". To paraphrase Lamentations 2:19b, i could say, "God was, is, and always will be in your presence for you to pour your heart out like water to Him." God is waiting to envelope you in His perfect love. Has your heart been broken one too many times? Have you given up on love, any form of it? God's love will never leave you. Once you let it in, it will fill you up and restore your heart. Who wouldn't want that?. ....................................................... ................................. TO ACCEPT HIS LOVE................................................... If you want Jesus to come into your life and fill it with a vibrance you've never had before, you first have to admit you've sinned. I know that last phrase may have sounded really "churchy", but it's true. You have to admit it's true. No matter how good or bad you've been, no matter what you have or haven't done, we've all sinned and that means one thing. None of us can get to God or heaven on our own. That's where Jesus comes in. Jesus was not a myth, that has been proven by several historical documents. He was also not just a good man, or teacher, or philosopher. First of all, He was born from a virgin, which is physically impossible except through divine intervention. Second of all, He performed many miracles such as Cleansing lepers, healing, and bringing poeple back to life, (e.g.:Matt. 8:1-3, Matt. 9:18-38), feeding 5,000 with five loaves of bread and two fish, (e.g.:Matt 14:13-21) and many others. Also, Jesus was completely sinnless, which made it possible for Him to carry out the rest of the plan. Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice when He died a brutal death on the cross, (Matt. 26-27), for nothing. Three days later He rose from the dead, (Matt 28:1-10), proving Him a living God, even to today. Through all this, everything has been prepared, everything is ready, and now the choice is yours. You must know you are a sinner, and that Jesus traded in His life for yours, so you could have eternal life in heaven. You must know that He rose from the dead and now lives for you and me. Once you know all this, you have the free choice to choose to accept Jesus into your heart, or not. Let me give you an example I heard once that I want you to imagine. There was a father who worked at a train station. He had the job of directing trains. It was a fairly simple job, but people's lives depended on it. At three in the afternoon, every single day, a train would come by on a certain track. The man had to push a lever to quickly turn the train onto a different track, because it's current track would send it off a cliff at a point in the journey. One day, the man decided to bring his five year old son with him to work to show the boy what his father did every day. The man's son went to the bathroom. At 2:59, the man realized his son had wandered off and was playing on the track that the man usually had to turn the train onto at three. The train was getting closer. The man would have to decide whether to let his son die on the tracks, or let hundreds of people die in a crash. He chose to save the train. God chose to save the world with His Son's life. Some of the people on the train thanked the man for saving them even though it meant he would lose his son. Some ignored him and went on their way....................................................................................................................................... NO WORRIES! "Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to your stature?" Matt. 6:27 God knows that a lot of worry and stress is not good and can even harm your health. He want us to laugh and be happy!..................................................................................................................................... Did you hear about the clown who went down to a tropical place for a show, but got eaten by cannibals? As they were eating, one cannibal said to another, "Does this taste funny to you?".................................................. .................................................................................... Please feel free to email the address at the bottom of this screen and tell me your comments about the site, how you're doing, what you'd like advice or answers on, or anything and I will be happy to help! you!
