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Majic TYPE SHIT.....

Thursday, 23 September 2004

Stress or Chronic?
Mood:  loud
Alright Im big on controversial subjects as you could tell from my political entry.Now heres the next one marijuana.....
Now I'll tell you off the top I just moved from Texas to Cali and I smoke alot of pot. So I guess this is coming from a potheads perspective but thats ok. Everyone titled to their opinion right?
How many people do you know that have died from smoking weed?Me... NONE!Damn aint that amazing?Now take that and compare it the amount of people that die everyday from ciggarettes and alcohol.Big difference aint there? Yeah thats what I thought.There is no medical proof that says marijauna hurts you in any way. (That I know of.If Im wrong someone please inform me Id really like to know)
The goverment has approved medical research using majiauna."Medical marijauna." Bullshit, weed is weed. Anyone who smokes pot smokes to get high I dont care what anyone says!!!I mean take a look at our ex-president Bill Clinton...Do't take this wrong ,cause I liked Clinton,but when he had the nerve to say that he smoked weed but didnt "inhale", that was over the line right there!Why the fuck would you smoke weed if you didnt want to inhale or get high.Shit not me if I'm gonna smoke you better believe I'm gonna get twisted!!!4 real people!! I guess here's another one of my great opinions and you can let me know what you think about it...Please post your comments or e-mail me....

Posted by extreme4/majic at 5:21 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 24 September 2004 11:43 AM PDT
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Mood:  quizzical
Ok so Im 18 and can vote now so whats the big fuckin deal?What the fuck has Busch done for our country? Either one?I mean be realistic people his dad started this shit with the gulf war!..
I mean I totally agree that when the fucking iraqi pigs attacked the U.S. we had every right in the world to blow them off the face of the fucking planet, but no Busch fucks around and now we are over there getting our fucking heads cut off , and basically losing the fucking war.I Mean what are we doing over there seriouslly?
Now see I know why Busch is fucking around right now,cause he really wants to win this election and he doesnt want the people to think he's just some war pig.(which in my opinion he is)If we are going to be over there at least make progress, right?We aint doin g shit over there!!!!
So I dont know I Mean I want to vote but I dont know who to vote for...I really think Kerry is a little scary bitch who would get our country into a bad situation,but I hate Busch.So anyone who reads this you can post comments or e-mail me and Id like to hear your opinion about todays political issues.Be serious people my generation is here to run the country we have to do something....Let me know...

Posted by extreme4/majic at 5:00 PM PDT
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