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MiNiSoCcErStAr37: ok
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: w/e
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: loser
Liquid Adio12: dude you are the one who think you are mrs. queen shit of everything,
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: uhh right
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: ..
Liquid Adio12: first off you call arian a ball hog when she plays
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: why are you saying this
Liquid Adio12: when really she is bringing the ball up the field which you can barely do
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: dude kasey even sed she was
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: uhh ya i canw
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: why have i scored this year
Liquid Adio12: and you get rid of the ball ask wuick as you cuz you are scared to be agression
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: and why am I doing premire
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: no i dont
Liquid Adio12: *agreessive
Liquid Adio12: Wow you did premier last year
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: i get rid of it when i need to
Liquid Adio12: CLASSIC not realy
Liquid Adio12: only cuz your dad is the coach
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: im doing premire this year i said no to premire last year
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: nope my dad doesnt ask the ppl
Liquid Adio12: Yah but you aouto matically make it
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: its up to Mr mallet to decide who is doing premire
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: no
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: he asked me jess and mel to all do premire for him this year my dad didnt
Liquid Adio12: arians dad doesn't di shit he lets her PLAY! and she doesn't complain about players, she just plays
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: you suck at goal
Liquid Adio12: I know
Liquid Adio12: I don't care either
Liquid Adio12: cuz I don't play it
Liquid Adio12: we already have one
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: hayden my dad doesnt complain about palyers
Liquid Adio12: and I am sure you are much better ritte?
Liquid Adio12: YOU DO
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: at goal?
Liquid Adio12: yah
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: i paly goal hen i went to..
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: and i never let any in
Liquid Adio12: cuz you have good denfense
Liquid Adio12: not as hard shots
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: no actually last season we had a sucky team and we had shit for defense and did I let any in noo and it was against Coastal to beet that
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: and coastal and above and beydone and i hadda a shut out when I was oal then someone else went in then i went ahead and scored 3 goals so there
Liquid Adio12: dude first off you guys get pussy shots, second they don;t challnege you once you catch the ball
Liquid Adio12: lets see you step in against the guys
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: i will
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: and I have one of the hardest shots on the team the palyers with the hardest shots are me Arian and Fisher
Liquid Adio12: its ot that hard shoot the ball over your head
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: shut up they never get to shoot cuz i go out and get it be4 they do
Liquid Adio12: Kasey has a better shot then you
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: no she doesnt she toes it
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: and always misses the goal
Liquid Adio12: that means it would go faster then yours smarty
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: i dont toe it and i aim for the goal
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: no acutllay it doesnt
Liquid Adio12: I am sure you aim for the goal
Liquid Adio12: you don't aim for a spot
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: i have a rocket shot cuz I have a kick board out back of my yard
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: yes i do
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: corners
Liquid Adio12: Dude how about you
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: YOU are trying to tell me i sick
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: suck
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: and i dont
Liquid Adio12: Wel lI am just putting it back on you because you are the one who said I sucked first
Liquid Adio12: I could smoke your ass for dinner and lunch on the field
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: right
Liquid Adio12: you don't think so
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: you dont suck you cant save goals all the tuime
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: time*
Liquid Adio12: yah right you are just saying that now
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: no actually
Liquid Adio12: stop trying to bull shit me becuse it is not working
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: see i dont suck and you know it
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: why did i go score the fierst goal of the season in 30 seconds huh answer that see I know how to play soccer...
Liquid Adio12: before you say anything about me or arian concering something don;t say it to your dad tell her
Liquid Adio12: Dude he bring it up the field? arian and kasey
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: and if i didnt i wud warm the bench and Idont
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: no i carried it all the way and shot
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: and scored
Liquid Adio12: Doubt it
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: oh yes i did
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: ask kasey
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: you have never even seen me play soccer
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: ...
Liquid Adio12: you didn;t carry it up from half
Liquid Adio12: I know that fo sho
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: yes i did!
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: they tapped it off i ran up to the side and they passed it right when tehy got it i dribbled and shot
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: you so gay at least my dad doesnt walk out of the hosue and leave a family behind like yurs did
Liquid Adio12: yah whatever, just because your dad is the coach you don't say shit about your friends and there skill
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: dude my friends are good and so am I
Liquid Adio12: Dude what the fuck why did you bring my fuckin family into it
Liquid Adio12: what the hell is your problem
Liquid Adio12: I thought you were cooler than that
Liquid Adio12: Iguess not
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: Meryl told me that
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: ..
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: when she was here
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: i dont appreciate it when you tell me i suck at scocer because i know i dont...
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: and i am nie enuf and give other ppl a chnace to score not just myslef
Liquid Adio12: Wwell what that hell how would Meryl know?
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: i cud score more but i dont...
Liquid Adio12: even if she did that why would you have to bring it up
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: lauren told sum1 on the soccer team and that someone told Meryl
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: ionno cuz i did
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: becuz you are trying to say shit about my dad
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: you dont even know him hes wicked good at soccer...
Liquid Adio12: dude whatever, you don;t know my dad and why he did so don;t say shit about it
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: if you dont think i am good that you havent seen me play in a while you have to be wicked good for premire and guess waht Mr Mallett and Mr Walker both asked me to do it
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: i just said at least my dad doesnt leave fam behidn
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: you were saying crap abut my dad
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: yur saying this cuz i told arain that
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: she does need to pass more but you know waht in the last game she passed a lot she listend to me and is passing wicked ggood now..
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: jeesh
MiNiSoCcErStAr37: and I have to go now so bye talk to you tomorrw
Liquid Adio12: ok if you have to be wicked good how come I made it then?