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Well, If you're reading this chances are you already know who I am. Just in case you've stumbled here on accident, and are wondering who the hell I am, let me brief you.

I'm Amanda. I'm 19 and I live in Wisconsin. It's not fun here. And no, I am not in college. I do have a job though, so I'm not a complete bum. I feel like I practically live at work, but it's all good cuz I love my job. I work at Eastbay, if you wanted to know. I like music. All kinds. I mostly listen to a bunch of bands you've probably never heard of. I'm also into writing and photography. I love sports. Football, hockey, and baseball to be specific. My favorite teams are the Steelers, the Vikings, CO Avalanche, MN Wild, and the FL Marlins.

I miss high school! If you're still in school, take my advice..hang out with your friends as much as you can and make the most out of the time you have. It doesn't last forever.

I bet you're thinking I'm a big nerd for having my own website. The truth is, I like making websites. I think it's fun. Plus, I AM a nerd. It's okay.

This is basically just a place for my friends to go to see what's going on in my world, since they live so far away now. If you're just getting to know me now, take a look around my site cuz you might discover just how cool I am.


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