Tuesday, August ?
I can't keep track of days. Pfft! Oooh, hehe. One of my neighbors son (I guess) just walked by with a guitar case and a bag of..oranges..in his hand. I've heard him play before, when I was walking home from school, he was sitting in their garage. He was really good..and cute..but he's like older than Russell. HAHA!!! My dad was getting a root beer just now and I said "Hey, you can't have that until lunch..." and he put it back up. Haha..I have control..::evil grin:: Yesterday, when I was at H-E-B with my mom, there was this dude there...he was cute...and he kept walking by and my moms like "He's cute." and I said I was thinking the same thing. And then she said she was gonna go up to him and ask him his name, age, what school he went to, and if he wanted to come over for supper. But she was kidding....I think. Well she didn't do it..so yeah. It was funny. I would kill to meet just ONE guy thats perfect for me. This year, thats one thing I pray for every night..someone to go through this with. This being the um...Christian walk, I guess you could say. I'm tempted to make a "perfect guy" page..bah. Well..last night I got bored and put on makeup and curled my hair, and also took pictures. My mom said the makeup was too dark...forget her.
*Molly, *Hair, *Face (eeww..it looks oily)

Sunday, August 3
I just realized how, in my last entry, I sounded..er..preppy. Well, I'm not..I was just have a good day and was unusually hyper. Friday night at Dosher's house was fun. I didn't really need my drums, ACK. We played a little bit then we went outside and tormented the neighbors..the stupid boys and a girl that looks like a man. (*Gasp* ELAINE!!! so mean.) We were climbing on the fence and they climbed up on the fence and were talking to us and they were really rude and so Elaine and Dosher hurled insults at em. Then they threw water balloons at us..then we threatened to get the water hose..then we got the guitar outside and played..then we went back up to the fence..and they said they were gonna piss on us..then we got in trouble and had to stay inside..then they hopped the fence and did n-knock twice..we thought they would wrap the house so we were seance-ing in front of the door, waiting for em with an egg in our hand. then sara dropped the egg on fresh chocolate chip cookies..then we played hide-n-go seek in the dark..then we prank called jo bob (haha, phone sex) and kyndall..then we listened to music and watched dosher and elaine do the dillio dance..then we stayed up..then we went to sleep at approxamately 8:00 AM..then we woke up..and katie did a 'makeover' on me. *Phwew* I think I should actually start on my playlist and stop lying about all of this..haha. Erm, me go bye bye!

Friday, August 1
Wow..this week has been great! On Wednesday, Sara came over. She brought her guitar and we have "Freak" by Silverchair down pretty good. I'm not gonna lie...we ROCK!!! Tonight I'm going over to Katie D's party time thing. Katie W. is bringing her guitar and Elaine is coming too. I'm bringing my drums so we can work on some songs and whatnot..My layout looks cool. I got that picture off of the Cornerstone Festival website. (I really really really really uber want to go to that...it looks so much fun!) I liked it alot and it looked like he was praying..so I messed around with it on Paint Shop Pro 8 and came out with this. Woop! Oh yeah..and this is a PERSONAL WEBSITE, which means there is nothing for you to have..unless I feel like spending time making something kind of...worthless, so yeah. I think I'll start my endless list of songs now. Yep. *Sigh*


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