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Isn't God Good!
Welcome!  May God Bless You.
I have done this website up for those that are christians and those who aren't.  

My History:
I was a christian throughout my high school years.  I married right out of high school and we both went to a private University, for youth ministries.  Eventually, things began to go downhill for us.  He got a job making good money and it all went to his head.  Before too long church was no longer in our priorities and we slipped from God's arms.  I became an alcoholic after having my second child and my husband was not in the home much.  I became depressed and we split up after a while.  I did remarry after a few years and had one more child (making 3).  

Last year I started to have a really hard time, emotionally, and it began taking a toll on me physically and mentally.  I felt my life slipping away and felt worthless.  I wanted it all to end.  But for some reason I kept hanging on by a thread.  I didn't understand what all was going on, but I couldn't keep hurting the way I was.  One night I told my husband to just let me go.  I wanted to get away from it all.  I sat in the floor crying because it all hurt so bad.  So many years had gone by and so many hurtful things was kept inside.  
I finally decided to write to my youth pastor from high school.  He returned a letter to me that broke me, spiritually.  It was a message that he wrote specifically to me that hit me hard.  His letter made me realize what I needed, to give me life back to Christ.  I did just that!  

It is a struggle still occasionally to keep myself going, but now I can remind myself that the one thing worth living for is that I can spread just what Jesus did for me.  He died for me and my sins.  He loved me so much that He gave His own life to save mine.  Isn't that such a tremendous thing to do for someone.  But He didn't do it only for me, He did it for you and everyone else in this world.  He doesn't want us to hurt, He doesn't want us to suffer.  He wants us to be safe and to be blessed.  So out of all I have been through I have started a letter.  I started off with sending it to my family, but feel that it is time to move outside the family shell and share it all with more.  And that is why you have visited this site today.  Because maybe you are hurting and you don't know where to turn.  Maybe you feel there is nothing for you here in this world.  Well you are thinking wrong, because although you feel alone, you are not.  Jesus is right here calling your name and saying just lean on me and give it all up to me.  He is saying, "I will take your hurt and your pain."  All you have to do is give it to him.  Let it all go and tell him that you give it to him and ask Jesus into your life and to save you.  He loves you and me and wants us all to be abundantly joyed in His loving presence.  
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