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Hello, welcome to West Hampton's Lollie Pop's Pet Sitting website. I'm Loren, one of the managers in the business. Mollie, the other manager, and I are working together to raise money for school activities, and we just like to have fun with it! We baby sit, pet sit, and we'll even clean your house, take in your mail(if you want us to), and anything else you ask us to do (as long as it's legal). We only sit for West Hampton residents and close friends or accquantances. Look in the West Hampton Neighborhood Directory for our numbers. For me, look up Jeanenne Adams, and for Mollie, look up Susan Bray. We don't charge much, but we do accept whatevet you are willing to give us, just as long as it isn't too much to ask for. We haven't yet decided our price. We hope you choose to let us take care of your children, pets, etcetera. Thanks, we really appreciate it. (Give the images time.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [PICTURE 1:Atina Marie, my great dane puppy;PICTURE 2:Dusty, my cat;PICTURE 3:Fluffy, my other cat;PICTURE 4: Billy Bob Joe Junior, Mollie's mixed dog;PICTURE 5:Tinker, Mollie's poodle;PICTURE 6:Buffy, Mollie's cat;PICTURE 7:Socks, Mollie's other cat;PICTURE 8:Milo, Mollie's kitten;PICTURE 9:Earl, one of Mollie's many hermit crabs.]

Check out the animals we've imaged so far!