Loved-Knight's Hide Away

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Loved-Knight's Hide Away

Everyone needs their space, and time away from one's busy, life. To escape if not only for a minute or two. For life can be over whelming at times, enough so you would think your head might spin.

Feel free to relax here as long as you like, and enjoy each others company while your here.

A Poem from the Heart....

Love is like a warm summer day,
passing through you taking your breath away.

People say that one can tell,
by the way you feel or even a smell.

Love seem to sneak up on one that is not expecting it,
as if it was waiting until you were least expecting it.

It can be funny at times,
making ones heart flutter, skip and talk in rhymes.

One never can tell if you will ever find your true love,
some even pray to the heavens and the sky above.

Love is precious, warm and pure,
as long as you love you will always be happy thats for sure.

For life is short and love is sweet,
make the most of it for its quite the treat.

Poem by "Loved-Knight"

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Lin's Page (she's a sweet heart )

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My Daughters page(Nasty_girl26)

A Good Friends Den (Wolves of Anarchy)

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