..::"The Leggy" Stacy Keibler::..
..::"The Leggy" Stacy Keibler::..

~*~ Stacy Keibler ~*~

** Just then "Legs" by Kid Rock blast over the PA System. Test's manager, Stacy appears on the top ramp as the fans begins to cheer. Stacy looks at the fans and begins to smile. She waves to them as she makes her way down to the ring. **

<:: Lilian ::> Making her way down to the ring from Baltimore Maryland ... Stacy Keibler!!

*~* Stacy walks up the steel steps and taunts the fans as she goes under the bottom rope. She walks to the middle of the ring and poses for the fans. She takes the mic from Lilian and begins to speak. *~*

<::: ||*Stacy*|| :::> What's up New York!!! The Leggy makes her debut here in Madison Square Garden!! I'm glad to be here in PWA, this fed is great!! Believe me you will see Stacy kicking ass every night!! Well, I guess that all you fans know why I'm out here and that I got a shot at the Women's Title at the Royal Rumble in a mini Woman's Battle Royal!! I'm in the match against Stephanie, Ivory, Sable, my EX-Friend Torrie and a Pschyo slut, Victoria. I know I will win the match and there is no doubt about that!! I'm not trying to make enemies but if that is what I have to do to knock every single diva OUT then I will!! You divas don't understand true beauty because you looking at it!! I'm mean, I consider myself athletic, I can kick ass and I can pick up a pinfall unlike some of these loser divas in this federation!! I also consider myself smart, I mean look where I got Test, he loves his testicles and I love Testicles. Anyway, I'm gonna start off with with Stephanie McMahon!!

Now that right there is a true slut, I mean she slept her way here. You can look at every guy around here and say oh, Steph fucked him. You see she gets around, who knows who else she's doing. Anyway, Stephanie I will totally kick your ass this Sunday because we all know you ain't got no kind of skills what so ever, I still don't know how you got in here anyway. Its ashame that your first match will end up being your last because I will make sure its your last. You may have won the Woman's Title in WWE, but here in PWA you won't get the title unless you cheat your way and that is impossible!! So I advise you to put together some moves because you will defintely need to know some in order to win this match. Now on to Ivory.

Now Ivory, you are what you are and your shirt says it all. You nothing, but and ugly, old looking BITCH!! Thats right I could you old grandma. Look at me, I'm 23 years old and how old are you um maybe 45 years old. Now lets see, who will have more skills me or you. I think it will be me because I have all my youth and you have nothing!! So there really isn't no competition between me and you because I'm much more faster than you. I know I will tried you out in this match, but I hope you can keep up with this YOUNG Beauty because it will be also ashame that you passed out during the match from me kicking your ass so hard. So get in shape at least so we won't see that happen. Now on to the totally FAKE Sable!!

Sable, look at that picture, how could you walk around like that letting everyone know that they are FAKE!!! I mean Divas looked up to you because you showed us that we can be SEXY, but you are also telling people that it is good to get implants. You are gross and that isn't a good reputation. You say all the divas want to be you, well honey what kind of world are you living in. Not one single diva wanna be you because the only person who wants to be you is YOU!! I bet when you was growing up no one wanted to be your friend because you acted so FAKE around them!! I can see why you don't have any friends in the PWA!! Anyway, you are another slut in this battle royal. I know for sure I can tear you apart, you might have some skills, but I know for sure that the skills I have can beat your stupid skills. My baby been teaching me some of his moves and I advise you to watch out because I might end up hurting your face. Oh well that sounds good to me!! So get some moves together if you think you can beat me. Now on to my EX-Friend Torrie!!

Now Torrie, I don't know what went wrong. You thought I was jealous of your ex-boyfriend Tajiri. That was wrong and I can't believe you will actually think I will be jealous of him. This whole situation reminds me when we was in High School. You thought I was jealous of your boyfriends and they end up breaking up with you and making you look stupid. I hope that you learned from your mistake because this Sunday, I will show you who is the strongest out of us. I always wanted to show you who was the strongest, but no you wanted to go out and act like a prissy little SLUT!! I know you slepted around and I know you slepted with Test. Don't think I don't know because I DO!! When I get my hands on you Torrie, its OVER!! You will wish you had nevered slepted my Test!! I am gonna tear you apart and between us, we all know who has the better chance of winning this match. So Torrie get ready and last by not least, the Psycho Bitch VICTORIA!!

I can't believe my eyes that was you Victoria, hoeing around. Eww I mean I will never thought of you being that way and being a psycho. I mean I can see why you turned crazy, none of the guys wanted you. I mean who would!! Anyway, I seen what you can do in the ring and I have no problem facing you if it comes down to it because I know I can try my best to beat you. You are a dominating diva in the ring, but that will be all over when I become champion and become the dominating diva of PWA!! We all know its possible, but just wait and see. Anyway Victoria, get ready because I got all my moves in shape and believe me you will feel every pain that there is to feel!! So every diva I mention better get their asses ready because their asses are gonna get kicked!!

**~~ Stacy gives Lilian back the mic and poses for the fans again. She taunts the fans again as she goes under the bottom rope and down the steel steps. She walks up the steel ramp and poses for the fans again. She goes through the curtain and goes back to her locker room. ~~**

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