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Welcome to my Website! by Justin Lake

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The following are pictures from my trip to Myrall Lakes and Stockton beach.

Videos 1 2 3 4 5 6

Elon's always the master at packing his car well for a 3 day trip.

Christie is buring into the junk

Mim just fits to have her picture taken in the beast

Justin and Mim have their first shot of the trip together at the service centre past Newcastle

Mim is in love with the little Jack Russell

Mim wants to take the puppy home.

Buladeelah is as about as excited as country towns get.

With a population of 1100 Buladeelah doesn't know how to make good Cauliflower and cheese pies.

Elon, the captain of the ship

Lonnie looks stunned like a BLOB.

We are deciding whether we should camp here.

Time to pack in 4 people into a car that can only fit two.

My car doesn't really fit into this environment.

What a bumpy trip, how far have we travelled?

Mim, Christie and Elon....decide I think we should turn back.

Justin and Mim on a long and lonesome road.

Christie and Elon just missed the puddle.

It's nice to finally sit down

Is lonnie comming back or are we camping alone on this beach?

Mim and Justin trying to fill in time

The sun will be down very very soon and we don't have a campsite yet.

Here comes lonnie to the rescue.

Mim is relieved that Elon has finally arrived.

How much pressure are we meant to let out of the tyres?

Seal Rock's is renowned for its seals, pitty we didn't see any.

Arggg, is that a possum or a large rat.

I think its definetely a RAT.

Mim and Justin look a bit scared with all these wild animals roaming around.

Our fire is blazing.

The tent looks sturdy enough.

The beast is tired and rests for the night.

Mim and Justin awake to a fresh sunny morning.

The stunning beach 3km's past Seal rocks makes a nice start to the day.

I hope no one day see me undressing here..

The Campsite is all packed up and we're ready to head off.

Mim is trying to get a tan while we await outside the RAAF airbase

Where are all the planes?

Comming in for landing.

*roar* looks like a fighter jet.

We're ready to head off to the Stockton beach Sand Dunes.

Mim looks like an angel.

Come on Elon, keep it steady.

I see a sandstorm approaching.

Lonnies making another attempt to get up this hill.

The rugged sand dunes make Elon's 4WD look tiny

Down the mountain we go, yippiieeee!

It's really hard to climb up, I know Mim!

These sand dunes must go for miles.

Elon is admiring the views.

Justin is doing rolly polly down the hill.

Silver town, its free for anyone to stay whenever they want, so long as its not fill with squatters.

Looks like a guest has just checked in.

4WDing along Stockton beach

I'm allowed to ride in the front seat with Elon, I feel privileged.

There's soo many people fishing, 4WDing and awesome antarctic birds flying around

We've made it to the end of our journey in Nelson Bay

Mim and Elon look like they've had an enjoyable trip.

There's still awesome terrain to explore, but maybe later.

Mim and Christie having one last bond before the trip is over.

Mim and Justin's final shot of the trip.