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~*~*~*Ms. JuNe*~*~*~

...Welcome To My Page Friends And Foes...

Today is January 24, 2008 @ 9pm
Hello everyone!
I hope that all of you are doing great! I can’t believe it’s already near the end of January 2008! Unbelievable and depressing as well… But I’m glad I’m alive and well, although life isn’t perfect, things has changed, for the better, along with the worst. Oh, goodness! Even today I still contradict myself! Hehehee!
I guess there isn’t anything new about me. I’ll always be the Gemini that I am! I’m still the same-o-same-o girl I’ve always been…stubborn, hardheaded, my way or nobody’s way-kind-a gal. At last, you can’t blame me, I’m always right, for your sake and mines too that is. Well I really want to start sharing my boring life ideas and experiences here… I don’t know how it will work out, but I’m hoping it won’t bite me in the ass one day. Nah! It won‘t, if I keep it short and simple! ;-)


Ok, since the last time I’ve been here to this darn old fashion web-shell, hummm…what has happened…?
I fell prey to people I trust and they turned their backs on me. I’m sure it’s happened to all of us. I’m very disappointed to be blamed and accused of hypnotizing others, they know who they are, yet they don’t know that I’m talking about them. LOL! But, it’s cool! Life goes on and those people are many less bitches I got-a worry about. Makes my life simple! YAY! I don’t have many friends, and those I know are my closest, until they act stupid and blame shit on me. Sorry wasn’t my fault you‘re not happy, ok! I’ve warned you! Hehehe!
And yes! I’m going out of country this year. YAY! WHOOPIE! Can’t wait! It’ll be this summer, hopefully things turned out the way I planned them to so I can chill with some of my good friends in Thai Teb, babe! Ok, just for fun I’ll tell you a story…kekeke!
In 2001 when I was in Thailand for my oldest brother’s wedding (he married a Thai woman), I met these kids around the same age as I was too. Well, the ceremony needed to be set up at her house so we did a lot of arrangements and picking up tables and chairs, well not me, I was treated like a guess so I didn’t work my ass off too hard. Anyways, before I left for breakfast at a near by pho restaurant, I saw this guy, around my age. He looked at me like he didn’t like me, like he hated me for something I did. I looked back at him mean too and I thought to myself, okay dude, your weird, then I walked off and got into a truck. Well after breakfast, the driver received a call so he had to go pick up some table and chairs with his truck, so we went. Finally we got to the place and I was hoping my brothers were there so I could hang out with them, but no one related to me was there. Here I was standing beyond a group of male youngster who didn’t speak a word in English. I felt so muted and stupid I decided to help them load the trucks, there were two trucks. These boys stared at me, watched me carried loads of chairs to the truck. A few of them started to giggle like girls, gosh it ticked me off. And there was that boy who gave me an evil look too, just that morning! Just a bad day for me! They might be talking shit and I don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about. Anyways, so finally it was time to haul the stuff back to the main house. I couldn’t wait to get away so I hoped onto the truck I came in and we drove off.
When we got to the main house, the same dude came out of the house to help us unload. And I thought to myself, what the? Dude, how did you get home before I did and I left before you? There was only one way in and one way out and the other truck was nowhere in sight! Freaked me out! So as he was unloading he kept looking at me, I felt so uncomfortable, I just stood to the side and watched. Then there came the other truck pulling into the driveway, and BAMM! Another one of him popped out! OK!? Wait! So what now? I looked around for the other guy that was unloading and he was nowhere in sight, and I’m just thinking ok, I’m seeing double, I really need a break now. Finally that day, I saw them two together, they were twins.
Silly ass me! I can’t believe I was freaking out thinking I saw double, I should have been smarter than that. But how can two people look at you the same way, scary! Anyways I didn’t fight my curiosity, I just let it go. But come to find out that night, these twins worked for the people who owned the property, taking care of chicken, cooking, cleaning…etc. I was like, oh, no wonder they roam around as if they live here, and they do. Later that night at the pub they sat with us at the same table. It was me, my once best friend, my two brothers and my crazy retarded uncle. We hung out and they ordered drinks, the candle lit and we had a seat outside the pub looking in. Damn I tell you when I say mosquitoes! They were all over the place. So I started smacking them and smacking my legs. Urgh!!!! As loud and silly as I looked that night, the younger twin brother looked me in they eyes and said that I was very beautiful in Thai. I was like huh? Come again! He hinted to my brother and wanted my bro to translate. My brother did, and he said that I was beautiful. I’m just like….!?What!?….
To ease the awkwardness I just said, oh, thanks. Smiled and tried to be normal, for I was a confused child, too slow for my own good. LOL! So we all talked and joked, my once good friend was like, I think they like you girl. I was like, no, girl, they think they like me…hahahah! As we joked on about other silly things to pass time, I’ve asked if anyone play guitar, they both responded, so I dared them to bring it tomorrow and sing for me. Knowing they never will, I dared them to. Surely enough, before I finished my early morning shower, they were up the stairs and heading for the house with their guitar and a few notes. OMG! I was just teasing them, can’t believe they really did it. Hahaha! So they came and they sang, fighting over the guitar and the music sheets. Omg! It was hilarious and so FUN! We can’t understand each other but hey we do sign language, the universal one, Hahahaha!
Since then we all were inseparable. Became good friends and we still are except for one stupid lame girl. Oh what the hell, I’m having fun! So, yep I’m looking forward to meeting all of them again soon in Thailand. It’ll be awesome, we’re gonna go karaoke, to the white sand beach, bike riding for four, parasailing, even to the temple to do some fun fortune telling game, maybe to the market and just chill. I’d be super fun! Can’t wait!
Just thought I share this with you all. Have a good one! Bye!!

Sooo Good To Be Back!!

WOW! He's beautiful.

............. MY HONEY BABE .............

********KIM DONGWAN********


oooooooooo US TOGETHER oooooooooo

at the very left corner you will see the menu on it and take yourself away...INTO MY WORLD....PUAHAHAHAAAA!!!!