Welcome to the Newton Family Website!!!

Juliann Newton is the mother of these three incredible children. I am blessed to be a stay-at-home mother. However, with just my husband's income and no paid sick days or vacation days...... our dream to go on the Disney Cruise Ship as a family is going to remain that.... Just a dream.

I wish to enlist the help of any person who wishes to see our dream of a family vacation come true!

I will never give up on my dream to take my children on a vacation before thay grow and and no longer find it "cool" to be with their parents.

Here is My Motto:

Follow your dream take one step at a time

Don't settle for less, just continue to climb

Follow your dream, if you stumble, don't stop;

Keep your eye on your goal and press on to the top.

for only on top can we see the whole view

can we see what we've done and what we can do

can we then have the vision to seek something new!

Press on and follow your dream!!

author unknown

I am definitely determined to let this year of 2003 be my ultimate best. I am 32 years old and I am working on writing and illustrating my first children's book. I will probably be posting some of my illustrations on ths website. (By the way, my books topics will include water birthing stories, mermaids, princesses and death. I believe there are many ways to present a story to make it just what the child needs to hear at that particular time in his or her life. Stay tuned for sneak previews. I will be the next sought after author/illustrator. Just wait and see.

My children are so cute!

Meet nine-year -old Jonathan---he is ready to try out his new snowboard that Santa brought him for Christmas. Just where the heck is all that darn snow????

Kendallyn is seven years old. She loves her kitty, Shadow, and she is a cheerleader!!!!! Kendi is also beginning acting/modeling classes.

My youngest, Myelie is a ballerina dancer who loves mermaids and princesses. (That is why her mommy is going to write and illustrate lots of books just for Myelie!)
See why I will never give up on my dreams? These children are the three best reasons on earth to never give up:))))))))))

I want to continue being a stay-at-home- mom, and I can only do it with your help!

Any simple donations will go toward the benefit of pursuing our dream of a family vacation.
Keep visiting our site for updates!
We appreciate any help..... because we want Daddy to go on vacation with us, but with no time off for vacations....Daddy won't be able to go........Please help us go see Mickey and Daddy needs to see Mickey too.

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Email: jon89@earthlink.net
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