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For A Moment Like This:
Your love
Your touch
Your loving kiss
A moment like this
No one should miss.
Some people wait a lifetime
Some people search forever
For a moment like this
I hope you have found happiness
You've never known
Let it be more than you ever knew existed.
More than you ever dreamed of
Every breath that you take
Every moment your awake,
May this love be all you need to take
This world can be so hard but,
With a love like this things can change
And no longer will you feel the sadness
Nor loneliness and the pain
Feeling loves embrace,
my heart begins to race.
With love, you found what you was looking for
Behind you, shut the door
Knowing deep inside
You have to search no more
For you, this love is everlasting forevermore.

Love is special:
Love is sweet
Love is what makes
Life complete.
Love is giving
Love is kind
Love is joy
And peace of mind.
Love is laughter
Seldom tears
Sharing, caring,
Through the years.
Love is more
Than words express
But mostly
Love is happiness.

Symbols Of Love:
Sweet sounds from the music of the heart
Composed of flowers and flattery
Played by instruments--each has its own part
Sung with passion and delicacy
Faded pages with meaning beyond comprehension
Written with strength and fervency
Read by many with constant devotion
Stored on shelves of diversity
Strokes of vivid colors and happiness
Drawn by the instinct of desire

~ No One ~
There is no one quite like you.
You're unique in many ways.
You sooth a broken heart,
Bring joy and brighter days.
Your smile lights up my world.
Laughter echoes through the hills.
Your walk portrays a confidence
In the Lord. You serve at will.
His love has filled your heart
And you share it willingly.
His grace, imparted in your life,
You've given back to me.
No one could touch my heart
Quite the way you do.
You've accepted me as I am
And that's why I love you.

Angel From Above:
Gazing into her blue eyes when we first met
I knew then she was heaven sent.
All I ever dreamed of, an angel from above.
She had no idea from the start
true love, I'd found in my heart.
One of a kind, Love that lasts a lifetime
All I ever dreamed of, an angel from above.
Still, her smile, my breath it takes away
wanting, needing, to hold her, so much to say.
All my prayers answered when into my life
she came to me, she is everything.
All I ever dreamed of, an angel from above.
Like the moon, stars, morning sunrise
so much beauty, so much grace.
She's even more through my eyes.
All I ever dreamed of, an angel from above.
Together, forever, I long to be
can you see, you're very precious and sweet.
The only one for me.
All I ever dreamed of, an angel from above.
Your gentle words, your tender touch, life meaning so much
wrapped tightly in each others arms I wish to be.
With you, I feel so free.
A vow to you I made, forever, you'll have my love.
All I ever dreamed of, an angel from above.

Two people with common
interests, and characteristics,
values, and views.
They need not be lovers,
but they need to be friends.
Friends who share most anything,
without having to worry, about
what kind of reaction
may be brought forth.
Knowing that compassion
and understanding
will always be there.
Knowing that caring advice
comes from the heart,
but is not ruled by it.
One who can tease
tears, and anger,
and even a muddled mind
Into a smile or a laugh.
A person you wish to have
as a part of your life,
For always.
You come close to asking
"What could become of
all of this, if circumstances
ever came to allow it."
For some reason,
you always decide to stop.
When the time comes, and
I share this writing,
I'm sure I'll be asked,
-if only by one person-
"Who did you write this for?"
Thanks to someone in my life,
who is all of this to me,
I've written it for those
who have found their soul mate.
And for those who continue to search.

I Promise You:
To be with you each night
watching it slip into each new day
the sun brings the promise
of my devotion in every way.
To watch the years
blend into years
being the keeper of your dreams
the conquer of your fears.
To have you feel the passion
only hearts in love can feel
from this moment on
proving my love is real.
I will give my love freely
in everything we do
spending the rest of my lifetime
whispering words of love to you.
No more broken hearts
or unhappy memories
never any fallen tears
where smiles should be...

Love is sweet
Love is true
Love is what I want to share with you
It's not a place that we fall
It is only what we do
Love is what I live to do
I live only to love you
Love is what I give to you

I Am Your Silent Angel
I'm your silent angel,
in your heart is where I will stay,
friends until our lives will end,
a true friend in every way,
I understand your worries,
I can feel your pain.
I will try to bring you sunshine
on the days when you see rain.
I will try to make you smile,
when you are feeling bad,
I will try to chase away your woes,
I will be there when you're feeling sad,
remember me when the song thrush sings,
or with the scent of fresh cut grass,
I am a friend you can rely on
I offer a friendship that will last.

Best Friends
From the day I met you,
I felt the connection,
Through your love, laughter,
Concern and affection.
Best friends
We were to soon become
Sharing tears, secrets
And having fun.
A friend like you
Is hard to find,
someone so alike,
We almost share the same mind.
I hope for us
To never part,
As close as we were,
From the very start.

My Greatest Blessings
In my life, God has granted me a blessing few can claim,
The riches were my many friends who into my life they came.
Some were family members like my mother oh so dear.
But most were people that I met, many every year.
No matter where life sent me, what city I called home,
I made life long friends and never felt alone.
My friends are there for me to listen and to care.
At times life wouldn't have been worth living if my
dear friends were not there.
I could name them all one by one, a volume it would fill,
But they know who they are and that I love them and I always will.
I hope some day when the Lord I go to see,
He will grant just one more blessing,
And let my friends dwell next to me.

A Little More Love
If we have faith, and believe,
that we are in God's care,
then we can believe
that the Lord is with us everywhere.
His angels have been sent
to protect us from any harm,
and to teach us about love,
and keep our spirits calm.
This heavenly love
surrounds each of us
every single day,
and today,
because you are
so very special to me,
I asked the angels to bring
a little more love your way.

May I Listen
May I listen to your worries,
Though you feel despair,
If you talk with me a moment,
You will see that do care,
Please share with me your sorrow,
Don't be ashamed to shed a tear,
I'll listen to your worries,
Try to help remove the fear,
I can not solve your problems,
This is something only you can do,
But talking through your worries,
May give an overview.
Perhaps within the silence,
You might just be aware.
That deep within the silence
Is some one else who cares.

Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving
cologne and they go out and smell each other."

"Love is what makes you smile when you're tired."

"When you tell someone something bad about yourself and you're
scared she won't love you anymore. But then you get surprised
because not only does she still love you, she loves you even more."

"Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still
friends even after they've know each other so well."

"When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars
come out of you."

Joey & Monica,

As Joey's best friend, you know I couldn't just let this go. ( lol)
I made this page to be the first official online friend to
congratulate you both. Joey, you mean soooo much to me,
You have always been there when I needed you most. For
a year now, We have been extremely close. You are my
best friend, and you will remain in my heart always. Monica,
I look forward to getting to know ya girly. As much as Joey
talks about you, I feel like I know you already. I wish you
both luck, happiness, love, and above alllllllll else, LOTS of
little babies running around...hee hee..May you both continue
to live on in health and happiness for many years to come, and
eternity. I will always be here if ya'll need me. (lol) I won't tell
you to treat him good Monica, because I know you already do.
But take care of him for me, sometimes he needs it...keep him inline..
(lol) Life may have it's rough spots, but you'll get through it.
Don't ever go to bed mad, and follow the Lord, he will lead you in
the right direction. In my thoughts and prayers constantly.
Love Always & Forever ,

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