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Welcome to the Asian Beach!

Welcome to the Asian Beach, home of two very good-looking, intelligent, young, and humble Asian girls, Jessica and Vanessa. As you can tell, we're very proud of our race and you'll see the word ASIAN plastered over everything we do here, lest you forget where we're from. So check out our site and enjoy snooping around in our personal lives!


The Asian Answer Hut is up and running, with a new bg, graphic, and an actual person seeking advice! Whoo! That's right people, Mr. Bumfuzzled in Bullhead has broken the ice, which means letters can start pouring in now. Anytime now. Also the graphics shoutout page has been fixed up, as well as added to. Mucho thanks to Dollie Crave, the mecca of graphics and dolls on the net. *Vanessa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7-24-03

Sweet! Got some work done today! As you can see, I've added some awesome buttons to our menu (I made 'em myself with a button maker from Doll Paradise) and I added the Asian Answer Hut. God I love myself. Can't wait for the questions to start rolling in so I can test out my amateur psychology skills, muahaha... *Vanessa



vanessa, hey! good thinking on the update box (i like...) but haha hey... i read your profile part, its hilarious!! well call me so we can do something before i go to chicago and alan (boyfriend) is coming home tonight so hopefully i get to see him!

luv ya lots xoxox..jessica



Well today I actually added an update box (whoo!) so you know what's going on, and I added all my info to the profile. Cuuuuuuute, huh? More to come! *Vanessa

Thanks Faerie Pop!


About Us The Asian Answer Hut Jessica's Journal Vanessa's Journal Our 'Thank You' to graphics sites!