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Hey this is my homepage! Check it out. I wanna give some lovin to muh girl Renae and my daughter Kylie. Here's the update on me...I am a full time student at IUSB and I am majoring in elementary education. I contstantly have tons of homework so i don't have much free time between that and my daughter. Here is the update on Kylie. She turned 5 months old on September 8th, last time we were at the doctor in August she weighed 12 pounds and was 23 inches long. She still has her blue eyes and a dimple in each cheek. She is learning to crawl pretty well and rolls all over the place. She talks but it's not anything I can understand :) She has just learned to hold her bottle pretty much on her own. Other than that not a whole lot else is shakin...leave me some feedback! Love always~ *~*JeSsIe*~* :)
get this gear!

*~*FriEnD's PaGe*~*
*~*FaMiLy PaGe*~*
*~*BoWlInG GrOuP*~*
