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Jacob Frost

Fae Mein

Jacob the normal teen in high school he wanted somewhere to belong...his family not much of one...lazy loffing around. The Trailer Park kind. He hated it...he would do anything to get away from his parents they didn't even seem like his own. He felt alien to them different in some way...He would go to school....and stay there or at a friends house as long as he could...before it was evident that he wore out his welcome. He started with a friend who showed him how to ride BMX his freshman year. It began to become a life...everything flashed by in a brilliance of colors and he could practice even into the night around the lighted areas of town. There were many like him that were easy to accept and teach him new tricks on his bike. One night there were a bunch of other kids that seemed to not like them skating in their area...and blew out a light with a rock ....who that happened...and while Jacob was doing an alie he lost track and his concentration flumped he skidded across the ground severly hitting his head...he was so angry and his vision blurred but he got up...the world around him was changing and differing even as he finally got focus...That's when one of the other kids in his group moved to see if he was all right....his hair was long red and a wicked grin on his face tough looking skin and there it was the crysalis. Since then Jacob has found more and more time to bike meeting a few of the scouts in the area who are currently working on getting him big time...though in the region he's already well known for him creative tricks and fearless attitude. Though finishing high school he decided not to go to college. And this brings us to now.....

Fae Mein
Jaosic is a tall pooka with a mischevious grin and horns covering his body. His hair blending right into the scheme of things. Though his wings don't give him any leverage...he still needs to work on the muscular part of them to make them work right. The wings weak he thinks they still give an interesting look to him and thinks it gives him the edge to people.
Mortal Mein
Jacob is a tall guy with lengthy digits. Blonde spikey hair and brown eyes. A facial peircing on the side of his lip and a few other peircings hidden among his clothes. He normally wears ripped and worn jeans, declared as his favorites, and shirts with smart ass sayings. One in particular he likes the best...would be
"How many licks does it take?"
"Paper or Plastic"
or perhaps
"Eat. Sleep. Fuck. Rinse. Repeat"
Though he just likes it because it draws so much attention to him
