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Mutant Powers

No place to hide
No place to run
The Mutant Age
has now begun!

They were born mutants...
Possessing powers of a genetic origin which made them outcasts of society. But one man...
Professor Charles Xavier, brought them together to learn to use their unique gifts to protect a world that hates and fears them. They are the X-Men.

Mutants are the future.....

Powers: Absalom is able to extrude razor-sharp spines from all over his body, making him a walking pincushion.

Powers: The ability to create portals.

Powers: Psychometric powers, an ability to see information from a person's views from the psychic residue that the person has left on items they've handled.

Powers: He has been known to regenerate entire limbs in a matter of hours.

Powers: Can transmute anything he touches into any element of his choosing.

Powers: Anarchist sweats acid, which he can metabolize and project as a corrosive beam, literally vaporizing most things in its path.

Powers: Angel possesses a pair of wings with a span of sixteen feet, similar to a birds. Angels anatomy is also adapted to flying - his bones are hollow like a birds making him weigh far less than a normal man of his build. His eyes are specially adapted to withstand high speed winds that would harm a normal human eye. His respiratory system has adapted to allow him to draw oxygen from the air at high velocities and altitudes.

Powers: Angel IV's powers give her abilities similar to a common fly. She has two pairs of veined translucent wings growing from between her shoulder blades, which somehow grant her enough lift to fly short distances. In addition, she can expectorate a corrosive substance, which she also uses to partially digest her food before she can actually eat it. Finally, her reproductive systems have also been changed so that her entire gestation cycle is five days from conception to birth, and she lays large eggs that hang upside-down after being secured by a secretion.

Powers: A highly-developed form of shape-shifting, some sort of teleportation, levitation and energy blasts.

Powers: Flight, thanks to large feathered wings on his back. In addition, he acquired a healing factor that is transferrable via his blood.

Powers: Archer can transmute his body into pure energy. He may also be able to fire energy blasts. He is an expert tracker and hand-to-hand combatant. As part of the X.U.E., Archer came to our time in the form of psychic energy and settled in the body of the recently deceased criminal Jude Black. He and his compatriots were on a mission to prevent their future from occuring. Archer can appear as either Jude Black or as himself, and he has the memories of both. When he discovered that Black had a family, Archer quit X-Factor and went to live with them, hoping to replace the family he lost years before in the future.

Powers: Arclight sends shockwaves through anything she hits. She usually uses her power to throw foes off balance or to smash things.

Powers: Skin color has changed to a pink color, mutation has left Artie mute. He has the ability to produce holographic images in order to "speak".

Powers: Aurora has the mutant ability to move at incredible speeds. He can also fly at similar speeds.

Powers: Avalanche projects vibratory waves from his hands. His power has no effect on human or animal tissue. He can cause the ground to move like a tidal wave to bury people, or even ride the wave for transport. His power is ineffective on organic objects, which reflect his waves back at him.

Powers: Banshee possesses the ability to scream at sonic-high levels. His scream is so high pitched and strong it is capable of shattering objects, hypnotize people, or knock people unconscious. Banshee can use his sonic powers to propel him in flight at the speed of sound. His vocal chords, although superhumanly durable, are susceptible to damage from excessive use of his powers. br>
Powers: Barrage had multi-barreled guns instead of hands.

Powers: Battering Ram is big, and strong. He also had ram's horns growing on his head, hence the name.

Powers: The Beak is effectively an avian humanoid. He has feathers all over his body, a beak instead of a human nose and mouth, and bird-claws for hands and feet. Unfortunately, unlike Archangel, Beak cannot use his feathered arms to fly. With exceptional effort he can flap hard enough to add a few inches to a jump.

Powers: Beast was born with unusually large hands and feet. He possesses extremely high agility and superhuman strength, speed and endurance. and can use his feet as an extra set of hands when needed. He's covered with shaggy blue fur, and has sharp claws, pointed ears and fang like teeth. Though he looks more like a savage primate, he is highly intelligent.

Powers: Bedlam can generate a bio-electric field that wreaks havoc with electrical systems.

Powers: A human battery, Bishop can absorb, store and re-emit any form of energy, usually from his hands. He can also project the energy from his hands as concussive blasts.

Powers: Black Queen has the ability to psychically skin the layers of a person's brain, using psionic projections that look like long blades on chains. This form of telepathy can be very painful for the victim.

Powers: Siena Blaze has the ability to tear into the Earth electro-magnetic field, creating a giant energy burst and shockwave. Each time she uses her power, she runs the risk of destroying the Earth.

Powers: Skin color has changed to a light purple color with pink markings near the eyes. Ability of spacial shears (telportation), accompanied by a "blink" sound effect.

Powers: The Blob can increase his body's density until he is virtually immovable.

Powers: Bloke had a chameleon-like ability to change his skin color to match his surroundings.

Powers: He is a type of vampire, who needs to drain others' lifeforces to survive.

Powers: Bolt can absorb electricity from his surroundings into his body, causing his hands to spark.

Powers: Cable has the ability to travel through time via his computer. He also has latent telepathic and teleportational abilities.

Powers: Callisto has enhanced reflexes, senses and coordination, making her a super-human fighter.

Powers: Candra is a powerful telekinetic.

Powers: He is able to generate a thermal/kinetic field around himself which renders him invulnerable and allows him to fly. Though it usually emanates from his lower body, he has been able to extend it outwards as a shield and channel it to his fists for added punch.

Powers: Catseye is able to shape-shift into a lavender feline humanoid form with enhanced strength, senses, and agility. Catseye also has the ability to walk up walls.

Powers: Changeling was a talented shape-shifter.

Powers: Psychic.

Powers: Chrome could transmute the molecules of other living beings. The transformation could leave them immobile or it could enhance their physical capabilities.

Powers: Size-shifting, with associated gains in mass and strength.

Powers: Clarity also has the mutant ability to absorb information from all types of media at a superhuman rate. A reclusive information broker, he now sits in a room with hundreds of televsion and radio sets blaring away all around him. His ability allows him to see and hear all of it, process it all, and find patterns or specific details that are important.

Powers: Colossus has the ability to convert the tissue of his body into organic steel, granting him superhuman strength and resistance to physical harm. He is able to transform into this armoured form at will and remain in that state for however long he wishes. If he is rendered unconscious, he instantly reverts back to his normal form. Colossus cannot become partially armoured; he must either be fully armoured or not at all. Even his eyes become steel like, able to deflect .45 calibre bullets. He has also shown the ability to go without oxygen while in his armoured form. His speed and endurance are also increased while armoured.

Powers: Copycat is an incredible metamorph, able to duplicate another person so accurately that even those closest to them can't tell the difference. Unlike Mystique's shapeshifting, Copycat's morphing seems to go to the genetic level, where she can reproduce powers as well.

Powers: Cortez can amplify any other mutant's power, usually to the point where his victim burns out.

Powers: Courier has the ability to control every molecule of his body, allowing him to heal wounds and prevent infections, among other things. He can even survive bullets to the head and regrow limbs.

Powers: Cyber's mutant power is to track other mutants by reading their brainwaves. His torso is covered in adamantium, and one hand's claws is laced with poison while the other's is tipped with a hallucinogen. Cyber also has a cybernetic eye, to replace the one that was ripped out.

Powers: The ability to shoot red laser bursts from his eyes. Unfortunately, he can't control this power without special optic glasses or a visor. He is immune to his own power and that of Havok.

Powers: Cypher's ability was an innate understanding of all languages, human, computer or alien. He was a software genius as well.

Powers: Ability to feed on negative energy, and depressive feelings.

Powers: Heat blasts.

Mutant Powers: Dazzler has the ability to convert sound energy into light energy, that can be released and manipulated at her will. She cannot convert any sound made by herself as her body cannot take it in. Her eyes have also been strengthened as part of her mutation, allowing them to withstand intense light to a degree where she can stare at the sun without harm.

Powers: Dead Girl, as her codename implies, is dead. She has no need to eat or breathe, and can survive unprotected in hard vacuum. She can even reconstituted her body (and clothes) after being disintegrated. Dead Girl also "reads" dead bodies, "talking" in some fashion to the micro-organisms and cells that are still alive on corpses and learning what happened to the deceased, up to and including pre-mortem thoughts.

Powers: A walking skeleton, Deadbolt was able to use his bones as weapons. His body seemed to glow a light blue, from unknown sources.

Powers: Deathbird has wings which she can use to fly, although she seldom does so. She is an excellent fighter.

Powers: Destiny was a powerful precog, with the ability to see many, if not all possible threads of the future. She also used this ability to allow her to "see" where she was walking, even though she was blind from birth.

Powers: Dirt Nap has the ability to absorb himself into people and possess their bodies and control their minds from within.

Powers: Dive-Bomber had two pairs of insectoid wings that allowed him to fly.

Powers: Emplate is a Genetic vampire, ability to drain the marrow from a mutant's bones (through small "mouths" on his hands) and assume the victim's powers temporarily. Ability to phase in and out of a person's sight, able to create portals to different realms. Has some spell casting abilities.

Powers: Feral is a catlike mutant with fangs, claws and a tail. She possesses above-average speed and excellent senses of smell and hearing. Extremely dangerous.

Powers: Firestar generates microwave blasts. She also uses her power to fly.

Powers: Forge is the ultimate inventor. Essentially, if he can imagine it, he can build it.

Powers: Foxbat had red skin and sharp spikes on his arms and legs.

Powers: Franklin essentially makes what he wants a reality.

Powers: Gaia has near-omnipotent telepathy and make whatever she wants by just thinking of it.

Powers: Can charge objects with kinetic energy, causing them to explode. He is extremely agile and quick, and well trained in the martial arts. His thoughts are hard to control, and his voice is somewhat hypnotic.

Powers: Gamesmaster is an omnipath, a telepath so powerful that he can hear the thoughts of every being on the planet. However, he cannont block the thoughts out, so his head is constantly full of six billion voices.

Powers: Teleportation.

Powers: Excellent marksman, high-powered weaponry. Probably an enhanced human.

Powers: Tyler could project thoughts as images, like moving holograms.

Powers: Gin Genie had the ability to create tremors in the Earth. Strangely, her powers were fueled by alcohol, so she wore a harness that ran liquor to her intravenously.

Powers: Ability to alter reality to suit a person's dreams.

Powers: Flight.

Powers: Grizzly was very large, very strong, hard to hurt, and had orange-red skin. One can assume that if he was a mutant, those attributes comprised his mutancy, since he never displayed any other abilities.

Powers: Hairbag has a canine-oriented mutation that provides him with a brown-furred body, claws, enhanced senses and sharp teeth. He may also have some control over the level of "dogginess" he can exhibit, as he seems to appear hairier in combat.

Powers: Shapeshifting, access computers with the speed of thought, create plasma_firing weapons out of his body, and absorb organic and inorganic materials, including people, to regenerate himself.

Powers: Haven herself has no powers. Instead, the unborn fetus inside her is the mutant, with various abilities ranging from healing to telepathy to dimensional portals. The fetus acts through Haven, so the true nature of the mutancy was unknown to the public at large. The fetus was the result of an affair that she had when she was younger, but it never came to term, instead remaining a sentient, powerful embryo.

Powers: Havok has the ability to absorb ambient cosmic energy, and release it in waves that heat the air in their path, turning it to plasma. These waves emanate from his entire body unless he specifically controls their path (usually along the length of his arms). Havok is immune to the heat he generates, although it is not yet known if he is immune to other sources of heat. Havok's body constantly absorbs radiation. When his body reaches its maximum limit, he begins to emit the energy in negligible amounts. If Havok completely depletes his power, it takes about 16.5 hours to fully recharge.

Powers: Detection of mutants.

Powers: Hemingway is very large and very strong. He has a skull-like face and spikes down his back. Hemingway seems to be constantly growing larger, and that may be part of his mutant power.

Powers: A Mephistoid, Hepzibah is a feline humanoid with combat skills, catlike grace and acrobatic skills.

Powers: Self-induced metamorphoses. Ability to husk or shred the outer layer of skin to reveal different forms underneath. She, unlike most metamorphs, changes her form by tearing off a layer of skin, revealing a new look.

Powers: Ice-Man is a mutant with the ability to dramatically lower his external and internal body temperature, projecting intense coldness from his body. He can also create "ice slides" as a means of transportation. He can use this ability to project cold, freezing moisture in the air around him into unusually hard ice. He can form slides, bats, shields, projectiles and other objects. He is also immune to sub-zero temperatures around him.

Powers: Infectia could generate and transmit any manner of contagious infection, essentially by changing a person's genetic structure to suit her purposes.

Powers: Excellent tracking abilities.

Powers: Jetstream generated a heat blast from his legs that allowed him to fly.

Powers: Jubilee has the ability to produce energy globules (fireworks) that vary in power and intensity. She controls their flight path and shape mentally, along with when they detonate. Their range of power varies from colourful sparkles capable of blinding, to a powerful explosion capable of destroying tree trunks and metal objects. Most of the time they are small, but when she's stressed or scared, she can cause major damage. She can also reabsorb her energy globules back into her body without harm. Jubilee aslo has a psionic "stealth" power in which she is capable of escaping detection from hostile persuers, which also include telepaths.

Powers: Super strength and invulnerability powered by the Ruby of Cyttorak. He must keep the jewel on his at all times, or he could die. His only weakness is psychic attacks, if his helmet is off.

Powers: Karma takes possession of other people's minds. She controls their actions while she "rides" them, but a physical attack on her host can hurt her as well.

Powers: King Bedlam can mentally disrupt other peoples' thoughts, messing up their concentration and making them spout gibberish.

Powers: Kylun can reproduce any sound that he's heard with fantastic accuracy.

Powers: Leash exerts a telepathic possessive influence on other beings. Her power manifests itself as a blue energy collar around her victims.

Powers: Leech projects a field which cancels any other mutant powers in its radius. He also has green skin.

Powers: Legion was a telepath, telekinetic and pyrokinetic.

Powers: Lifeforce was an energy vampire, able to suck the life out of a person using her hands.

Powers: Lifeguard possesses the ability to generate armor plated skin, as well as grow wings or become amphibious when necessary.

Powers: Locus teleports through time and space. She can teleport to anywhere she's been before, or, if she's taking a passenger, to anywhere he or she has been before.

Powers: Longshot also has extremely light bones, which gives him super human agility. He also has three fingers on each hand. Longshot has the ability to alter probability in his favour. He can only maintain this ability so long as he remains "pure of heart". He also has the ability to psychicly "read" items, detecting who has handled it recently and even who will handle it in the future.

Powers: A voice which left any man who heard her paralyzed.

Powers: Lupa is akin to a werewolf, in that she has pointed ears, fangs and claws, and furry arms. However, the fur/hair does not cover her entire body. She also wields control over the animal kingdom, especially (or possibly limited to) higher-order mammals, and keeps a pack of Dire Wolves around her for attack and defense.

Powers: A bestial man with wolf-ears and the ability to speak to animals and control them.

Powers: Super-strength, speed and stamina, flight, and invulnerability. M also has a very high level of intelligence and probably some psionic powers.

Powers: Maggott's entire digestive system has mutated into two giant metallic/robotic slugs, Eany and Meany, that have the ability to eat through anything. Because he has no digestive system the slugs must eat to keep Maggott alive. When they have filled themselves, the chew their way back into Maggott's abdomen, sealing it behind them. Once inside, they release the energy that powers him. When powered up, Maggott turns blue, and has super-strength.

Powers: Magical abilities including spell-casting, shape-shifting and teleportation.

Powers: Control of the earth's magma and lava.

Powers: One of the most physically powerful mutants, Magneto has control over all forms of magnetism, including electro-magnetism or electricity. He can fly, project a force field, cast energy bolts, or stop the flow of blood to an opponent's brain. He can sense metal around him, and has been seen deflecting asteroids with his vast power. He is one of the few mutants who can single-handedly fight all of the X-Men to a standstill. One of the strongest mutant minds, Magneto also had a little-used ability to project his astral self out of his body in a manner similar to Professor X.

Powers: Malcolm had the ability to detect the difference between mutants and humans, which allowed him to tell when humans were out of danger from mutants.

Powers: Margali is a powerful sorceress, with various spell-casting abilities, including teleportation, shapeshifting, elemental control and so on. While her power is based in black magic, Margali on the whole uses her powers for good.

MARVEL WOMAN (The Goblin Queen)
Marvel Woman has the power to telekinetically lift, move and--to some extent--reshape objects through sheer force of will.

Powers: Mastermind could project sophisticated illusions that fooled almost everyone.

Powers: Meggan is an elemental with the power of flight. She uses her elemental powers power to change shape into anthropomorphic versions of animals, in order to enhance her tracking abilities, for example. In certain instances she could also increase her size and mass for added strength and durability. Lately, she has been focusing more on her elemental abilities, allowing her to sense things like earth movements, fire and water and control them. She also has bio-blasts and limited control of electricity.

Powers: Meltdown generates plasma spheres that she can detonate on command. They're fairly powerful.

Powers: Mesmero has the power to hypnotize anyone with whom he comes into eye contact.

Powers: Mimic can duplicate the powers of any mutant near to him.

Powers: Mondo can absorb any organic matter and take on its properties.

Powers: Monet has powers including super strength, flight, and telepathy.

Powers: Moonstar started off as an image projector, bringing out her own or her target's greatest fear or desire.

Powers: Madrox duplicates himself upon impact.

Powers: Many of her bones grow to an abnormal size, protruding from her skin without causing her any real damage. These bones are often blade shaped, and Marrow can use them as throwing or hand to hand weapons. Once the bones are removed, new bones grow in their place. Marrow can control the growth of these bones with extreme concentration. Her entire skeleton has enhanced durability, granting her some degree of protection against physical impact.

Powers: Phoenix is one of the most powerful telepaths and telekinetics on the planet, second only to Professor X. She can also 'fly' by levitating herself.

Powers: Aside from having naturally blue skin, Mystique is a metamorph, able to change shape into anyone she's seen. She can modify the transformation somewhat, and even change only a part of herself, like morphing Angel's wings when she needs to fly. Her ability may also slow or mask her aging process.

Powers: Neophyte can move through solid matter. He can also phase others if they are in physical contact with him.

Powers: When Neurotap makes eye contact with another person and activates her power, she sends a neural shock pulse through their central nervous system, paralyzing their body and mind.

Powers: Nightcrawler has blue fur, yellow eyes, fang-like teeth and a 3.5 foot prehensile tail (capable of carrying his own weight). He has three fingers and toes on each appendage and can stick to walls. His spine is more flexible than that of an ordinary human's, allowing him to remain in a crouched position for extended periods, without harming his posture and enabling him to perform contortionist feats. He is a line-of-sight teleporter. He can teleport himself, and anything he holds. He is also a master swordsman and acrobat. His teleporting is instantaneous.

Powers: Ability to control dreams using a persons mind.

Powers: Northstar has the mutant ability to move at incredible speeds. He can fly at similar speeds.

Powers: Ogun is a master of martial arts, but he may have some demonic connections, and may have be immortal.

Powers: Omega's mutant power is to release a death-spore virus that can kill across a moderate distance.

Powers: He has two fleshy antennae that protrude from his forehead, and blisters all over his skin as a result of his incredibly sensitive skin. Even air rushing by his skin is enough to irritate him, and his other senses of taste, smell, sight and hearing are on par with Wolverine's, and in many cases, even better.

Powers: Metamorphic.

Powers: Invulnerability.

Powers: Penance has rock hard diamond-like skin that can cut through almost anything. Because of her sharp diamond-like skin, she is virtually untouchable. In Penance form she has long sharp tendrils for hands, feet, and hair. She is also unable to speak in penance form.

Powers: Phantazia projects a bio-electric field that disrupt communications, machinery, senses, neural systems, and telepathy.

Powers: Polaris has the ability to control and manipulate all forms of magnetism.

Powers: Reptilomorph (Ability to change into a half-reptile-half-human form).

Powers: Prizm appears to actually be made out of crystal, which allows him to channel and amplify all sorts of energy, but mainly light.

Powers: Professor X is a telepath (read people's minds), probably an omnipath, and certainly the most powerful one in the world. He can sense other mutants within a small radius, controls people's minds, create temporary mental and physical paralysis, induce the loss of specific memories, and produce mental illusions in other people's minds.

Powers: Reality-manipulation.

Powers: Psylocke possesses telepathic powers, enabling her to read minds, communicate telepathically, mentally "stun" others, control minds and create illusions within others minds. She can also focus her telepathy into a "psychic knife" which she can use to stun or kill others.

Powers: Pyro controlled fire, as his name suggests. He did not, however, generate flame, so he usually wore flamethrowers and a fuel pack as part of his costume. He could enlarge or diminish flames, and can even make detailed fire constructs which respond to his will. Pyro can also increase the intensity of his fire to the point where bullets melt before they reach him.

Powers: Speed, speed, and more speed. Nuff said! Quicksilver is possibly the fastest human in the Marvel Universe.

Powers: Ramrod has the ability to control plant matter such as trees. He can change its shape, make it grow at hundreds of times its normal rate, and even generate unnatural projections from it. The plants do not even have to be rooted and alive for Ramrod to control them, and he frequently uses the wooden staff he keeps with him as a sharp weapon.

Powers: Randall has immunity to radiation.

Powers: Random has the power to adapt his body to counteract any mutant power, and to fire projectiles from his gun-morphed forearms.

Powers: Secretion of a paralyzing neuro-toxin.

Powers: Laser vision, x-ray vision.

Powers: Reignfire can fly and hurl deadly bolts of energy like rain.

Powers: Cecilia's body has an automatic, nearly impervious psioplasmic force field that engages six inches from her body whenever she is struck. Amazingly, she can feel things through the field, including the pain of attacks.

Powers: Rhapsody has the ability to use music of any sort to warp reality and control other people. The control can manifest as full hallucinations, or simply as subtle mental urgings.

Powers: Ricochet has the ability to turn a person's abilities against themselves.

Powers: Riptide spins at an incredibly fast rate. Upon reaching top speed, he throws out shuriken (Chinese stars) at such high velocity that they can punch through steel.

Powers: To absorb the memories, abilities and physical characteristics of anyone with whom she comes into flesh-to-flesh contact. She can special talents from other mutants. The victim loses their abilities for the same amount of time as Rogue possesses them.

Powers: The daughter of a casino dealer, Roulette was able to change a person's luck, a power which she focused by throwing gambling chips, black for bad luck, red for good.

Powers: Ruckus has the ability to amplify any sound he hears to earth-shattering levels. He can literally knock someone over with the volume his vocal cords can produce, and can amplify even the slightest noise to devastating effect.

Powers: He has the ability to fire flames from his hands.

Powers: Sabretooth has enhanced senses, speed and strength, along with razor sharp claws. His biggest asset, however, is a healing factor that can repair almost any wound, including a broken back (courtesy of Caliban, a slit throat, and one of Wolverine's claws through his brain.

Mutant Ability: Tessa has an extensive memory with a computer-like ability to analyze and store information. She can also kickstart the powers of latent mutants.

Powers: The ability to heal herself and others.

Powers: Salvo has the ability to turn his arms into projectile-firing weapons.

Powers: Time travel.

Powers: Ablitity to transform into a large, super-strong, furry beast.

Powers: Levitation.

Powers: Scanner can transmute her body into an electro-transitional state in which she is virtually undetectable and can travel great distances.

Powers: Wanda has a mutant probability-altering power, which she sometimes manifests as "hex-bolts." Essentially, Wanda's power creates a field which alters the probabilities of events, making unlikely things happen. The field's range is limited by her line of sight.

Powers: She may have been able to mentally record things, including objects, actions and conversations.

Powers: Scrambler's power is to "scramble" other mutants' powers so they can't function, and sometimes burn out.

Powers: Shadowcat has the ability to pass through solid objects (eg. walls, people, water, etc). She calls this process "phasing". When she is attacked, she can enter her "phased" state, which allows bullets or energy blasts to pass through her harmlessly. Shadowcat is still vulnerable to psionic or mystic attacks while phased. She can also phase her clothing and any objects she holds. SHATTERSTAR
Powers: A genetically engineered warrior with enhanced senses and physical abilities. He also has hollow bones.

Powers: Shortpack's power is short-range telepathy. However, his mutation also came with a severe price - his body began shrinking at puberty. If not for the meditative exercises he learned from Professor X, he likely would have shrunk to a microscopic size. Unfortunately for him, he cannot control his power to grow and shrink further, and so he remains about 8 inches tall. His strength and stamina are proportionate to his body size.

Powers: Sikorsky is a superb healer of both organic and cybernetic systems.

Powers: Silver Fox has an anti-age (and healing) factor. He has claws instead of fingers.

Powers: Siryn has a sonic scream that allows her to fly, knock people out and pulverize things.

Powers: Skids projects a nearly impenetrable forcefield.

Powers: Angelo has approximately six extra feet of skin on his body that he can manipulate.

Powers: Unknown, although he might be a techno-genius like Forge. His mutancy seems to have affected him physically the most, giving him a huge body and head that his limbs can't support without braces.

Powers: Smoke had the ability to turn his body into a living column of smoke. He could fly because he was effectively lighter than air, andhad small tubes that released more smoke on his back, which seemed to help with propulsion.

Powers: "The Spike" had the ability to generate razor sharp bone spurs from any part of his body, which he can fire off at high speeds as deadly projectiles.

Powers: Spitball is a mutant with the ability to fire super-heated balls of plasma from his mouth.

Powers: A furry clawed mutant, Spoor used his mood-altering pheromones to make people kill.

Powers: Stacy X has copper snake-like skin and the ability to control hormones by secreting pheromones through her skin. She can control her pheromones to induce a variety of sensations, from nausea to extreme pleasure, or she can just give a slight adrenaline boost.

Powers: Storm has the ability to psionically control the weather in a limited area. She can generate or disperse all forms of weather, including, wind, rain, typhoons, flash-floods, lightning, hurricanes, snow, sleet, hail, etc. She can fly by creating winds strong enough to carry her weight. She has limited immunity to extreme heat and cold.

Powers: Strobe generates intense heat from her hands. She often used her power to melt through walls and to destroy enemies' guns.

Powers: Super-strength, incredibly dense skin, breathing underwater and flight, thanks to small wings on his ankles.

Powers: Sunfire can absorb solar energy, which he uses to ionize matter, usually air, to create plasma (fluids) blasts. Sunfire can use his powers to generate super heated air currents around him giving him the ability to fly. Sometimes this heated air can be seen as a trail of flame behind him. The force field protects him from the intense heat he generates. The force field also prevents excessive light from the plasma reaching his eyes, which would blind him. His powers can be temporarily exhausted if used for too long or at too high a level.

Powers: Sunspot absorbs solar energy, which used to increase his strength and hardiness.

Powers: Sabre had two specialty moves: the "Mach-One Punch," in which he would punch the air in front of a target and let the air pressure deliver the knockout, and the "Microsonic Boom," a sonic boom generated by the snap of his fingers, also used for knockouts.

Powers: Switch can mentally trade places with another person, so that his mind is in his victim's body and vice versa.

Powers: He can mimic other mutant powers.

Powers: Tempo has the ability to "twist time" by generating a temporal field around herself and whomever or whatever else she chooses. Usually, she used her power to speed up her teammates, so that they could dodge bullets and battle relatively slow foes.

Powers: Temptress was a mutant with the ability to release mind-controlling pheromones.

Powers: Tension was a mutant with the ability to stretch his arms to great length.

THE FALLEN - The Horseman of Death, The Angel, The Avenging Angel
Powers: The Fallen retains the ability of flight that he had as The Angel. In addition, he can breathe fire and possesses sharp claws at the end of his fingertips.

Powers: As her name suggests, Thumbelina could shrink down to the size of a few inches.

Powers: Thunderbird possessed superhuman endurance and strength that allowed him to lift up to two tons. His muscle tissue was three times as dense as a normal human's and distributed to give him massive shoulders, arms and thighs. His skin was several times thicker than normal and included an additional layer of leathery epidermis. His lungs were oversized and his respiratory system had developed in such a way as to allow him maximum endurance with a minimal oxygen intake. His strength and endurance allowed him to run at speeds of up to 35 miles per hour for extended periods.

Powers: Thunderbird has the ability to generate and control fire. He can also use these powers to allow him to fly.

Powers: Timeshadow could shift himself a few seconds forward in time. However, he had few other physical abilities and skills, and so generally relied on his power to surprise his foes and knock them out.

Powers: An incredible jumping ability. He has a long tongue, yellow-green skin and toad-like hands and feet that are used to grip onto walls and ceilings.

Powers: Telepathy, which allows her to read minds, project thoughts, manipulate an opponent's mind and body, exert mind control, wipe minds and mind freeze an opponent.

Powers: Wolverine has a healing factor that can heal virtually any wound or disease he has, and also slows his aging. This enhanced healing also gives him a high resistance to poisons and toxins. His bones and claws were bonded with adamantium (the strongest metal on earth), rendering them unbreakable. Long adamantium claws could shoot out the back of his hands, through the skin between his knuckles. Wolverine possesses heightened senses allowing him to see things at a greater distance than a normal person. His hearing is enhanced to a similar degree and his sense of smell is strong enough to identify people by scent, even if they are hidden.

Powers: Telepathy, flight, ability to shoot flames out of his left eye.