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My Daily Journal

Wednesday, May 14, 2003 I am so pissed off for various reasons... First of all, Prom is driving me insane. Sure, I went last year, and sure, at least it's not my senior prom, but why the hell does my mom have to keep me from going!?!? I will be the only person besides the hairy ogre who sits behind me in APA that isn't going. And I would have, too! I had my dress and everything, and my lovely boyfriend, Matt, already got his tux. However, he is the second focus of my already overwhelming frustration. How can somebody who is working at Cedar Point ALL SUMMER without the girlfriend he supposedly loves to death think that calling her once a week is reasonable? Well, it's NOT, and he's making me more fucking mad and stressed out than I need to be right now. He's probably fucking around up there anyways with some blond, tan airhead who runs the carousel and goes by one name, or maybe a hyphenated one (ie, Bethy or perhaps Bethy-Sue). The third source of my rapid decline is the fact that I have applied to over 15 sources of employment and not one has hired me. What's so bad about me as an employee? I'll work for minimum wage! I'll wear the uniform! But no, they'd rather give the job to some poor, unfortunate college student home from the summer, who, you know, really must need the money since he's going to an Ivy League school with fully-paid tuition by the fully-unapprecited parental unit and everything. Basically, people everywhere are pissing me off. All I want right now is to see my baby, be done with school, get the much-sought after job at Sheetz, and an orange Misto shake from Rita's. Is that too much to ask?

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