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.::| HBK |::. .::Shawn Michaels Shawn Michaels::. .::| HBK |::.
Shawn Achievements People Used People Mentioned Shawn Allies Shawn Enemies
Copyright © 2002-2005 Shane Lobo Result Writing. All Rights Reserved! Dont Even Think About Trying to Steal Any of this! The Pics in the Rp were takin from Eric Markovcy and Banners will be coming from Untouchable Designz and/or Myself If You do want to use this layout please IM me at Lobosmu2007 And Ill consider it So thanks!!


As the crowd went crazy in the UcW suddenly the lights started to blink as sounds of girls screaming began through out the arena! The crowd erupted into cheers as the Heart Break Kid came out from behind the curtains with a smile on his face! Shawn stopped at the top of the ramp and looked at the crowd like something was missing! Shawn's face then lite up and Shawn grabbed a mic as his theme song slowly faded.

*.::.~*X*~.::.X*Shawn Michaels*X.::.~*X*~.::.*

*X* Ya know guys. HBK usually does not come out to WWE HBK Music here in the UcW. So Imma walk back through those curtains and come out to the regular UcW HBK. *X*

The crowd looked confused as HBK walked back to the back. Suddenly BREAK IT DOWN! screamed through out the arena! The crowd erupted! HBK came out again from behind the curtains and raised his arms into an X! Shawn went to the left part of the staging area and looked into the crowd! Shawn threw his arms up then down into a crotch chop! Shawn then went to the right part of the staging area and looked at the crowd as he threw his arms out to the side of him! Shawn then turned back around and started down the ramp! Shawn stopped half way down and then got down into his flexing position! Shawn flexed his arms and pyros went left to right to right to left behind him. Shawn then got out of behind his flexing position. Shawn then started to skip down the ramp as the crowd was going crazy. Shawn then rolled into the ring as he started to spin in the ring. The lights then went green as Shawn got in the center of the ring. Shawn raised his hands into the air as the crowd went crazy! Then suddenly BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM!! Shawn did 4 crotch chops and each time he had done one 2 green pyros went up behind him forming an X! The lights slowly went back to normal as Shawn got out of the center of the ring and grabbed a mic as the music slowly faded out. The crowd went crazy as HBK raised the mic to his mouth and started to talk...

*.::.~*X*~.::.X*Shawn Michaels*X.::.~*X*~.::.*

*X* Ahhh That felt good Now that thats out of the way though I think I have some business to take care of. Triple H! Hunter Hunter Hunter! You think Vince was going to make a match between us 2?! He knows better to make a match when you ask for it! But hes smart enough to listen to me Hunter! You wanted a match! I wanted a match! Everybody wants to see the match! So you know in 2 months Hunter. At UcW Unforgiven 2003 you will see Triple H in one corner! And in the other corner, you will see the Show Stoppa! The Icon! The Main Event! The Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels!!! Thats right Hunter! See Im not cleared for another month to wrestle so Hunter till then I will be watching every move you do! Every single thing you do Ill be there to watch!

Shane Lobo Rp Awards!!

..::..\*/ HBK \*/..::..

Any Questions Just E-mail Me at!


..::..\*/ Shawn Michaels \*/..::..