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News & Updates

Subject: Matt Mentioned in WWE.com Article
Date: June 24, 2003
Posted by: webmistress

Among the highlights of last night’s show were Kurt Angle suckering Shelton Benjamin into running the ropes like his life depended upon it – you had to see this to believe it; Billy Gunn using Jamie Noble as a barbell and putting on an incredible feat of strength; and, Matt Hardy plummeting to previously unforeseen depths and tactics in the effort to unseat Cruiserweight Champion Rey Mysterio. Who knew that Mattitude involved such depravity? Torrie’s victory over Nidia, which featured some surprising moves by referee Dawn Marie and special guest ring announcer Sable, also got quite the reaction from the crowd.

To read the rest of the article, click here

Credit: wwe.com

Subject: Matt Comments On..
Date: June 20, 2003
Posted by: webmistress

Wanna know what Matt really thinks on..

The success of the Hardy Boyz: "What really made the Hardy Boyz stand out was that we would take the spectacular bump."
Going Solo: "Now that I am wrestling as a singles wrestler, I am now getting some credit I didn’t get when I was with the Hardy Boyz."
Vince McMahon: "There is no denying that Vince McMahon is the greatest wrestling promoter there ever has been."

Credit: Wrestling Digest

Subject: Matt Talks About Lita
Date: June 19, 2003
Posted by: webmistress

WD: "There have been some passionate moments shared between you and Lita on TV. Is is safe to say you guys have had a very close personal relationship off camera, and what are your thoughts in general about Lita?"

MH: "Well, as you know Lita is my girlfriend on and off camera. We have had some passionate moments on TV, and I think that has kind of translated from an actual off-camera relationship. She is No. 1. She has a great personality, and she and I see eye to eye on the sports entertainment business. We also see eye to eye on everything in life. It has been really hard being on the road without her over the last year since she had her neck surgery in May. We just wanted to get her right again. I think she is over the hump as far as getting back into her training and getting back to where she needs to be by the end of the summer, and then Matt and Lita will ride again."

Credit: Wrestling Digest

Subject: Jeff Leaves His Mark
Date: June 18, 2003
Posted by: webmistress

Willow's Watch
Eleventh Tear

Subject: Matt Bein Pushed for US Title
Date: June 13, 2003
Posted by: webmistress

The reason for the US Title being brought back to SmackDown is because it has now been made official that there are no current plans of ending the brand extension. Executives within WWE felt with the return of the Intercontinental Title that it would be best if SmackDown had a mid-card title as well. With the US Title already gaining credibility in WCW, the decision was made bring back the belt.

This week’s edition of SmackDown marks the end of Matt Hardy’s feud with Rey Mysterio. Hardy was said to have impressed WWE officials, while making the title match with Mysterio the highest rated segment on the show a week ago. Hardy is now set to return to the heavyweight division of the roster.

With Matt Hardy reportedly moving out of the cruiserweight division and John Cena suddenly ending up nowhere after a huge push, WWE brought back the US Title for its very strong midcard (the midcard title can probably do more for SD than it can for RAW). Wrestlers like John Cena, Billy Gunn, Matt Hardy, and Rhyno are supposed to be most involved with the title.

Credit: Prowrestling.com

Subject: Matt's Video for Desire
Date: June 11, 2003
Posted by: webmistress

This is Matt's Desire video sent in by himself to Chantel @ MatthewMooreHardy.com Best way to view this is to right click on "save target as" or it'll just be crappy if you try by clickin the link below.
Click here to view the video.

Subject: Join Peroxwhy?gen Mailing List
Posted by: webmistress

If you want to resubscribe or have been wantin to subscribe for some time now, send an email to info@peroxwhygen.com with "mailing list" in the subject box.

Subject: Edge Speaks of the Hardyz
Date: June 10, 2003
Posted by: webmistress

In Edge's latest commentary he retells "the blizzard of the millennium" story.

"Ever since the release of the Hardy Boyz book, “Exist 2 Inspire”, people have wanted my version of "the blizzard of the millennium" story. It was in Baltimore. It was cold. It was snowing as much as the Devils win Stanley Cups (I couldn't resist). The storm was bad enough to postpone our taped SmackDown! No one would have made it. It was that bad. So we stuck around Baltimore for two days and went live on Thursday. When we got the news, Jericho, Christian and I decided this was an opportunity to do something we rarely do: drink. Now I'll admit, I'm not much of a drinker, neither is Christian. Chris usually morphs into his alter ego, Drunkacho. We thought we'd grab dinner together at the hotel restaurant. Now, I said I wasn't a drinker, so instead of whiskey or beer, we ordered three bottles of wine! Trust me, that was enough for me. By the end of the meal, you had three drunk, long-blond-haired Canadians on the hunt for mischief.

Earlier, we had talked to the Hardys, so we invaded their room in a different hotel. Somehow, this visit degenerated into a Lita/Drunkacho shoot fight that saw Lita tap out to the ankle lock, but damn she did good! As this was going on, the screen got knocked off the window. I was sitting with Jeff on the windowsill looking down at the snow from our perch on the 2nd story. It was getting really hot in the room with all the scufflin' going on, so I looked at Jeff and said, “What do ya think?” He said go for it. Now, normally I would have walked down safely through the lobby, but that wine had me feeling frisky, so I jumped. I looked up from my soft landing in three feet of snow and saw Jeff saying, "You crazy bastard.” From there, he proceeded to Swanton into the snow. Now everyone else realized what had just happened. All the remaining heads in the room filled up the window. Next was Chris, followed by a jimmy-jumping Matt, and finally Christian. Now we decided to start wrestling in the snowbanks. The Hardys had no shirts on, none of us had shoes on. What can I say? Boys will be boys. Blizzard + bored, drunk, immature wrestlers = snowbank wrestling!"

Credit: Jenny Belmares @ JeffHardy[dot]com

Subject: Exclusive Matt Pics from Matty himself
Posted by: webmistress

These are exclusive pics of Matt taken at his home in Cameron before losin his title, sent to friend, Chantel @ MatthewMooreHardy.com. Enjoy!

Subject: Matt & Jeff Collector Cards
Date: June 9, 2003
Posted by: webmistress

If you love ice cream, you're gonna love this! Right now you can get and collect 10 WWE Superstar cards in the WWE Ice Cream Bars. Ya know, those ones you usually buy from the Ice Cream Man? lol. Superstars include the Hardyz, Stone Cold, The Dudleyz, Edge, Chris Jericho and many more. Interested to see just what the Hardyz' cards would look like? Click the links below and enjoy!

Card 1
Card 2

Credit: Anne Marie @ JeffHardy[dot]com

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