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(WhcW comes back from a commercial break and the crowd is buzzing. With the recent debuts of Chris Jericho and Stone Cold Steve Austin, there is almost a surreal feeling about Generation X. It seems as if the fans, and wrestlers alike know that this is going to be something special. With the "Summer Sanitarium" tournament only 5 days away, tension is beginning to build. When will the Prez announce the teams? Who else will put there names into the hat? As the camera pans over the crowd, which includes such signs as "Taz: Go Back To Smackdown" and "Stone Cold Wrestling Again!?!? What!?!?"...a suprisingly familiar song fills the PA system at the Cow Palace in San Fransisco, CA. It takes only a few riffs for the fans to realize that the song is in fact "Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck" by Grinspoon...the signature theme song of the man known to the wrestling world as Justin Credible. After a few moments, the curtains part and Justin looks at the crowd with a rather sarcastic grin on his face. He is wearing a pair of jean shorts along with his Hardcore Icon shirt that he worn back in his days in ECW. He has his patented Singapore Cane in hand and makes his way down the aisle. He is greeted by a chorus of boos. The boos don't even phase Credible, as he has been met with them his entire career. Justin now approaches the ring apron and hops up. He then makes his way between the ropes and into the ring. Justin makes his way to the ropes and stands, his right leg on the middle rope, left raised above the tope rope...and his arm raised above his head with cane in grasp...)

(Justin then proceeds to hit the same exact pose on all 4 sides of the ring before getting a hold of a mic. The crowd continues to boo, but after a few moments of hesitation, Credible decides not to wait anylonger...)

-Justin Credible- You know, if you people don't stop right now, I may follow Jeff Jarrett's lead and head right down to Nashville!

(The fans cheer this suggestion which frustrates Justin...)

-Justin Credible- You honestly think its going to be that easy? Not a chance in hell. You see, what I signed yesterday, well...its what we like to call an iron clad contract. There is no chance in hell that I am getting fired. Last time around that crippled son of a bitch in the back canned my ass on a technicality. But this time, things are going to be a lot different. First and formost, I do not work for that crippl! The man that signed me is a man of dignity. A man that shows me the respect I deserve. That man is known to all you as the CEO.

(Immediately upon hearing the name of the CEO, the crowd errupts into a drowning wave of jeers...)

-Justin Credible- Now, first things first. I have come out here before you all to announce myself as the winner in the Summer Sanitarium match. Earlier in the back I signed up for this little match and I want you all to know that you are looking at the first champion of WhcW Generation X. I have heard all of these people come out here and rant and rave about how they plan on running the table in the match. But the question I have for each and everyone of you, and I mean EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU, is....Who the hell do you think you are!?!? Because I can tell you right here in the middle of this ring who I am. I am Justin Credible. I am the Hardcore Icon...and I am a bonafide career killer. You want to look at the list? The cane I hold in my hand belongs to none other than The Sandman! You heard of him? I sent his ass packing years ago. And the cane isn't the only thing I stole. That drunk son of a bitch used to call himself The Hardcore Icon...but I've been doing that name justice for the last few years, making up for all of the years that he disgraced it. And he is just the start. I destroyed Mikey Whipwreck's legs! Do you know what it takes to decimate a man like I did? That man was never the same. Hey Mikey, if you are sitting at home watching this, tell the wife and kids I said hello...and explain to them why you are collecting unemployment! Speaking of collecting unemployment, I ran Shane Douglas out of the federation that he claimed to be "The Franchise" of. Hey Franchise, how's Nashville? But you want to talk about my best moment? You want to talk about a career highlight? How about when I broke the Great Sasuke's leg? Not to mention that, I took his god damn mask! You hear that? I took the mask of a japanese legend. And you know the best part? I did it without an ounce of remorse! I destroyed each and every bit of his dignity and I loved every moment of it! With a resume like that you have to ask yourself, do you people realize who you are dealing with? You know, before I came out here, I had a few people telling me that I shouldn't be messing with "The Hitman" and "Stone Cold"...but all I have to say to you two crippled pieces of sh*t is...what the hell have you done? Where have you been the last couple years? Bret, I know you've been at home washing your tights...and Austin...I saw an Actor break your neck at Wrestlemania 19. The fact of the matter is that you are all has beens. You are all done. Justin Credible is the future of this business and you fans are just lucky that the CEO realizes this.

(Once again the crowd boos...)

-Justin Credible- Oh, you don't believe me? Well you just wait and see. Because I don't give a damn who they put on my team. Hell, you may not want to give me any partners at all...because the way I see it is this match is no friends, all foes. No one is safe, not even my team-mates. WhcW, start the clocks, because in five days we begin the era of The Hardcore Icon...when I single handedly win The Summer Sanitarium match. That feat is going to be something to remember. It's something so special that...Well, It's Not Just The Coolest...It's Not Just The Best...It's Justin Credible!

(Justin immediately spikes the mic as "Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck starts up again. The crowd once again showers Justin with boos as he heads to the back looking more cocky that ever...)