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“The poem with no end” author: R.J. Hendricks........ Once there was a knight in the land of wooves, he had 2 horns, and he had 10 hooves, he went to a cave to fight a beast, yet when he came he received a feast, he pondored and wondered and pondored again, and at last he killed the dragon eating hen, but,my friend, this story has no end, he fought 10 thousand badger eating men, he saved a damsil, he flew to France, he did get drunk and again did he dance, he knew he was the best frum the little town wooves, but he hated and complained about his 10 ugly hooves, ‘til one day he fought the fight that he had never fought, and he thought the think that he had never thought, he went to the doctor but the doctor said, “just go home and smoke some pot.” So the knight responded with a Jollygood, “fine” but all he did is sit and dine, he sat and he sat but at last he thought, “I better go home, to smoke some pot”, When he got home with much desire, he realized The town was on fire! He flew and he flew ’til he got to the sea, he opened his mouth and pleaded, “Follow me!” the sea obeyed, and followed him to, the little town of desire, yes, the town of wooves, the water spilled and let out a roar, the water tumbled and again did it pour, until, at last the town was safe and sure, everyone was happy and happy again, they loved each other, even the hen, they did get drunk and had a good time, they danced and they danced everything was fine, like I said before this is a poem with no end, so, perhaps think of one and pick up a pen,just please oh please don’t tell the hen!

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