"GRIPE CENTRAL" Gripe Central



Welcome to GRIPE CENTRAL....Yes we are back!! Here you will find up to the minute "GRIPES"...MINE! Yours too if you happen to agree or disagree with me...There has to be a place where we can vent our frustrations, our anger,and hostility towards our fellow man and the whole world around us....You have found it..Please don`t take offense of my views or GRIPES,it is my way of releasing a little stress and avoiding any encounters with law enforcement...Enjoy ...and leave your GRIPES about my GRIPESin the guestbook area..Until we meet again...

Let the GRIPES begin!!!


Due to the mature nature of some of my "GRIPES"..It should be noted that people 18 and over should view the pages,unless your parents don`t mind...then it`s cool-There is no pornography on these pages/Thank you

copyright@2003*all images used with permission..should any image here be copyrighted..please let us know and it will be removed immediately*All opinions are "GRIPE CENTRAL`S" and are for entertainment purposes only*

Last Update:January 21, 2004

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