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Role-Play Title: HEEEEEEE'S BACK!!!
Record: 0-0-0
Next Match: Unknown
Last Match: Unknown

As the UKW cameras begin the evening broadcast of a house show. It begins backstage where a dark shadow is seen lurking around in the boiler room. Cameras cant tell what, or who it is... All that is seen is the faint outline of a man near the back of the room.

[Man] I bet your all wondering who I am... And what the hell I am doing here.

The room falls silent for a moment...

[Man] Well... Here are a few clues.

The man takes a breath in and then continues after exhaleing.

[Man] I was the first ever NYOFB champion....

He goes on...

[Man] I was a former UKW World Tag Team Champion.

He laughs.

[Man] I made it to the semi finals in the UKW Glory By Honor tournament until I was screwed out of the win agaisnt UKW superstar, Wayne Saliba.

The man walks closer to the camera, but not close enough that it picks up who it is.

[Man] One of my biggest fueds was with former world champion Shawn Ashlocke.

I was a former UK title Number One Contender, until I was placed on the inactive roster because of an injured knee.

My longest winning streek was 5 matches with out a loss.

I have been placed in matches with some of the biggest superstars of the UKW, such as Shawn Ashlocke, Bryan Tann and Dylan Styles.

Now there are only two more "Clues" for ya', I WILL be the next world champion.... And, The UKW Will once again... "FEEL....MY....PAIN!!!!!!!"

Heeeeee's Back.... Again!
As the cameras come back on, after a short commercial break. Fans packed in the stadium for a UKW house show seem to be dissapointed with the performance of the superstars up until this point. Just then, "My Life" By. 12 Stones hits the PA system, Fans stand up and peer down at the entrence gate curious to whom is comming out. And a very familiar face comes out onto the ramp. Griffin walks out onto the ramp with a mic in one hand and a water bottle in the other. It seems that with his time off, he died his hair blonde and changed his appearance significantly. He is wearing a pair of custom blue shorts with GRIFFIN written down the side of them. He is wearing no shirt... And he has a pair of black boots on. Griffin raises the mic to his lips...

[Griffin] Ahhhh, the site of useless UKW fans sitting on their asses moaping over the lack of talent left in the UKW. DAAAAAMN its good to be back. Now I know this may come as a suprise to many of you. I mean GRIFFIN WAS GONE RIGHT?.... WRONG! Now if there is one thing I have realized in the time ive been gone from the UKW is that the UKW just isnt UKW without Griffin. I mean I am what puts these damn people in their seats. And I am sick and tired of sitting at home watching people like Dylan Styles steal my spot light. So you know what, insted of sitting there bitching about it like these people... I figured I was gonna' do something about it. And if there is a chance of me leavin' again. It wont be until I have that world title wrapped around my waste! I am back for one reason, no it isnt for revenge against any UKW superstar. No it isnt so that I can listen to the fans complain, although that is a bonus. It is to become the one thing I havent managed to become in the UKW... And that one thing is the world champion!!!

Griffin laughs as he circles the ring a few times, and then raises the mic to his lips again.

[Griffin] Night after night, I sat at home with the remote in one hand... Flipping through the chanels trying to ignor the UKW altogether. But when I watched Anarchy, I was truly dissapointed. Dissapointed in myself, and dissapointed in the UKW roster. Hell, I remember sitting in my locker room with the egsact opposite problem. I would sit there wondering how I was ever going to be able to break the surface with the people in the UKW. Now I sit at home wondering how this place went from an A class federation to a shit hole like it is today! Now listen, I know that im not the UKW favorite... Hell, I never was. But this time around things are going to be different. This time I have motivation that just wasnt there the last time. Now I am going to place an open challenge. Anyone in the locker room who things they can beat me... Come out here and try me!

Griffin stands in the ring with his hands on his hips and awaits a response from the locker room...