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"Valerie's Homepage"

((Press Play))

Hi all! This just about everything you need to know about me and what I like to do. Hope you enjoy the page!


* NAME: Valerie

* AGE: 18

* BIRTHDAY: July 9th, 1984

* HEIGHT: 5'6

* WEIGHT: Yeah right... like I'll ever tell!

* LOCATION: Sayville, Long Island NY (ugh)


* INTERESTING FACT: I have my tongue pierced and I LOVE it!


I like to do a lot of things, way too much to put on here so I'll just put my faves. I like to go to movies, listen to music, play pool, bowling, get pierced =), driving around sometimes, and just basically hanging out with my friends causing chaos around the Island hehe! My favorite hobby though, is horseback riding.


Since theres really not much more to say about me, I'll just make a whole lot of shoutouts to my peeps here instead.

James- 4/12/02... Ever since that day I've wondered how I could have ever gotten so lucky. You and I are perfect together. Sure we've had our moments but we've always gotten through them. I can never thank you enough for coming into my life, I love you!

Jamie- We've had our little spats in the past but it seems to me that recently we've been getting closer. You are a great person, never change who you are for anybody.

Tammy- My wild and crazy horny friend. What would I do without your stories to keep me amused? I can't believe that you were finally tamed! Congrats on your engagement and good luck to both you and Brian! Just remember study halls and the good ol' days in SHS. "What number are you up to now?", "HIPPIE!". Luv ya girl!

Bernadette- '"Where the hell are we?" "Shit, I think we're in Bumblefuck!"' LOL! First grade friends forever! Wanna go to Taco Bell? Ack! Attack seagull! The flying cheeseburger! Hey you stalker, you shouldnt be doing this... he went the other way! After him! Hehe! Remember when we got caught outside Mrs. Harpers? Theres too many funny memories with you!

Matt- What can I say about you Chew-Toy? We've known each other for 13 years now. Thats a helluva long time. The haunted house was awesome! You were so damn 'macho' (coughcough). You've changed so much lately... I miss the old Matt. =*( But you know that you'll always be in my heart. LYLAB.

Squeaks- Haha you're still stuck in Sayville High School! Nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-nah! LOL! You clutz! You're always good for a laugh... or two... or three. Falling on your face at the pool hall! HWA was the best! Hey Kay, wanna try to fly again? Dontcha love having a big sister to pick on you?

Kim- You and I are sisters, thats all there is to it. You're one of my closest friends even if its only online. You know you can come to me whenever you need to talk. You are a wonderful person and I luv ya for who you are. =)

Amy- I barely know you but I trust you so much! Thanks for all your help during stressful times and thanks for being there for me.

Christine- Hiya! Wanna go riding? Im glad that you decided to go to SJC with me! Now we arent by ourselves! Good luck in your classes, Im sure Ill be seeing you on campus. Keep on riding!

Erin- Wassup Cowgirl? Always remember the good days when we made trips out to 'Guam' and you couldnt get rid of 'You-Know-Who' LOL! "OMG, Was that a moped?! Run!!! Quick hide in the bathroom!"

Jesse- You know you want me... dont deny it LOL! Stay the same great person you are and always have been to me. Never change. You are one of my closest friends who I can tell anything. "Hey Noodle, you, me, whipped cream, and handcuffs. Any questions?" "Yeah, when are you getting here?" Hehe.

Danny- My 'little brother' has grown up! Thanks for all the logos and stuff you made me. Cant wait until I come visit ya. Oh yeah, hows the soap opera going? Keep the nosy one informed here kiddo!


This picture reminded me of myself... a perfect angel. Hehe.

What can I say? They do!

My fave band of all time.

Me and my girlz!

I'm the head member. =)

Blech... kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray... trust me. I know!

This is the cutest puppy in the world and I want one! My boyfriend said no... we'll see who wins this one.

I just thought that these were really adorable.

I asked a really nice girl to make this for me, I think she did a great job! =)


Hobbes rules.

By far one of my fave animals.

Just a whole bunch of things I thought were cool.

Some more things I thought were cool.

Even more things I thought were cool.

These descibe me..

Well... Thats all for now. Until I see some of you, alls I have to say is: