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Heidi: Dominant Female of the FWF

I Stand Alone hits and the entire arena goes wild as the most powerful woman in the FWF makes her appearance after almost a two month hiatus. The lights fade and as soon as the drums are introduced, the lights turn back on and flicker rapidly as she finally appears at the top of the ramp with both the Women's title and the Heavyweight title on each shoulder. She has a smile on her face and looks around the arena before finally walking to the ring. When she enters the ring, she gives her titles to the ring announcer and she gets a microphone from him. The fans can't seem to quiet down at all. They chant her name and all Heidi can do is laugh and wait for them to settle down. Minutes go by and yet the crowd still isn't quiet. Impressed by all this she decides that time is very limited and she begins to speak right away.

"Oh my God, where the hell have I been!?"

The fans again cheer as Heidi decides to quit the jokes.

"Okay, okay. I really shouldn't waste a lot of time. Well I gues I shuld start by saying... I'm back."

The fans once again cheer and settle down immediately.

"Well now that I'm back... I should say that FWF is back on track as well. With my absence, FWF was in deep trouble. Nobody even came out at all! It disappoints me. I mean, I am now in charge of FWF and even though it was my responsibility to make sure that FWF was up and running but... these wrestlers have a responsibility too. They have the responsibility to make sure that even without me around, they keep FWF alive. And did they? No. It pretty much pissed me off. Well now that this new character has come to FWF... I'm hoping that not only he helps FWF come back to the way it was in the beginning. Speaking of which, this new guy, The Thriller... um... Adam Boswell... I heard what he said about wanting a title match for the X-Treme title... and you know what? I know none of you guys want to see me and TRC battling i out once again and be bored as hell... so how about it? But... here's the catch... there's going to be a little battle for the title. We'll have Adam Boswell battle it out with NJ Jones for the title... the winner will then be crowned the new champion a week later by me. And as for me and my heavyweight title... TRC... I know you want this title very badly... and so next week it'll be you and me... in an I QUIT MATCH!!!"

The fans go crazy and can not wait for the next edition of GroundZero where two rookies go head to head for one of the titles and see Heidi and TRC battle it out a week later for the title in one of the most brutal matches ever. Heidi gets out of the ring with the titles in her hands and goes backstage.