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Now that you've tried all of those fast weight loss programs and found that none of them work, are you ready to try one that does work?

Warning:  This is not a diet, this is a way of life.  If you are not interested in changing your lifestyle, you need not read any farther. 

In my lifetime, I have seen diets come and go.  I have seen weight come off and then watched it come back on worse than before I started. Diets only work for as long as you stay on them.  Once you stop dieting, the weight comes back.  This is called the "YO-YO Diet" or the "Roller Coaster Diet"

Do you want the weight to come off and stay off?  Are you ready to eat right and heart smart?  If you have answered "YES", to these questions, then you have come to the right place. 

This lifestyle change will take some time and some work on your part.  I am going to ask you to go look in your cupboards and just read some of the labels on some of the packages or cans you have in there.  What you are looking for is 1) Calories per serving  2) Total Fat Content and 3) % of Cholesterol.  

Over the last year, I have read an awful lot of labels at the grocery store and some of the labels were pretty scary.  Did you know that just because a package says "Fat Free" doesn't mean that it is?  Don't believe me?  Next time you go shopping go over to the dairy section and read some of the Fat Free Yogurt labels.  I can tell you right now, that you will find very few kinds of yogurt that are fat free, but they do exist.  You just have to read the labels.

Your first trip to the grocery store to shop for your "New Way of Life" will take a while, (so if you are in a hurry, don't bother going).  However, once you have done this a couple of times and you know what you are looking for, shopping will be a breeze and you will be done in no time.