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Welcome to Our Movie Website!

A website designed to bring you media that is fun, exciting, and sometimes crazy.

Biographies: (under construction)





JAMS Mixtape Vol. 2 Trailer 2.2 mb Starring: Alex, Ian, Joey, and MEXI

Spaghetti Dinner 5.9 mb Starring: Misc. Actors

JAMS Mix-tape 1 4.19 mb Starring: Alex, Joey, and David

Marquette lost 3.88 mb Starring: Alex, Joey, and Dwayne Wade

"It's Time to Party!"

2.45 mb Starring: Alex, Joey, and Emily

Classic Scooter Movie 5.28 mb Starring: Alex, Joey, and David

Cribs: Steeles 5.86 mb Starring: Alex and Joey

What Up Gangsta? 3.05mb Starring: Alex and Joey

Golf Movie 3.58 mb Starring: Alex and Joey

Scooter Racing 5.85 mb Starring: Alex, Joey, and David