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The scene opens with the camera view facing a window. A shadowed figure is standing by the window, looking out into the cold, dark night. The rain lashes down hard as the man continues to stand there, not moving an inch. then suddenly the light appears on inside the house and someone shouts

Hey! What the f*** are you doing in my house! Get the hell out!!

Al Snow looks startled and jumps out the window, causing himselve severe body harm. The man who shouted goes over to Al's body, and checks him over carefully, to see how hurt he really is. Then he shouts back to someone in the house

Hey Susie!! Get my gun!


The scene now opens in the local hospital, where Al is layed up on a bed, for several glass cuts and a bullet through his left middle finger(the guy was a bad shot). Anyway, the police are in the next room, talking to some doctors and the guys who owned the house which Al was in.

Man of the house: I'm telling ya, he should'nt have been there. I only shot him in the balls because he was a-tresspassin'.

Policeman: Excuse me, sir, but you did'nt shoot him in the....genital area. You shot him in his left middle finger. Blew his finger off, you did. He was in pain for about four seconds, before he passed out.

Man of the house:That lunatic should be locked up! thrown in the mental house two towns over! Or at least bunged up in a jail cell!!

Doctor dude: Now now, everybody. Al Snow is in no condition to move at the moment. In fact we're quite lucky that he should be fit to wrestle on Saturday, narrowly avoiding a law suit from the WWE.

Doctor otto Octavious: yes, thats correct. but soon, soon i will clone him and have an army of Al Snows with which i will use to talke over the world! At least, I'll try, but Spiderman or someone stupid like that would probably foil my evil plans once again. he usually does.

hey, I've told you, Otto. You dont belong here. Get the hell out.

Ok, i'm leaving, but I'll be back! hahahahahaha and stuff.

Then giant robot arms spring from the back of the good doctor and he uses them to smash the wall down and escape.

Now that he's gone, I have some serious news for all of you.

just then, some stalker woman jumps through the massive hole in the wall that Doc Ock made.

hey, anyone need stalking around here?

No, you have the wrong room. You want the next room down on the second floor. Anyway, now that thats over, I have some serious news for you all. Al Snow...COULD DIE!!!

Everyone in the room gasps, except for the owner of the house, who yells good riddance.

Oh, wait. Sorry. thats the wrong Al Snow. You would be surprised how many there are at this hospital.

policeman: How many are there?

......well, two, but thats not the point. What i meant to say is, We could'nt find Al's finger, so if anyone here has it, could they retuen it to us so we can sew it back on?

Everyone looks blank, except for the owner of the house, who pushes the finger down further in his pocket. Suddenly the doctor points at someone and yells

AHAH!! I thought you had it all along!!

Camera shows the finger pointing to some unknown character.

hey, whats going on? i've only been here five minutes!

no, not you. The guy standing beside you. Yes, the owner of the house. You have the finger, dont denigh it! police, search than man!

The police reluctantly search the man, as he seems to smell. One police dude fins the finger in the back pocket of the smell man.

Aha! I knew you were lying to us all the time! Now we have enough evidence to put you away for good!

Huh? What the blue hell are you yammering about? You got o evidence of nothin'.

oh, thats where your wrong, sonny. yeah, you thought you got away with it, but you did'nt. Who stole all those diamonds from "miss Richass" who lives across the street from you?

Someone else?

aha! You just admitted it! You ARE the murderer!

What in gods name are you preaching about now? I mean, this conversation is so stupid, it does'nt even belong in an Al Snow promo! A Tajiri one, maybe, but c'mon. Al has suffered enough.

Aha! So, you think Al has suffered enough, therefore you dont want to see him punished?

Hey, not a....You twisted my words and made me sound like a moron!

yes i did. I'm good at that. Bake him away, Toys!

the police are about to arrest the man, when they stop and ask the doctor what he said.

I..its just.,..thats not inportant, so just bake him!

The police dont argue, and they go to find a rather large oven. The doctor starts to talk to himself.

I'm not as stupid as i look, am I?

just then soime guy alks past the room, looks in and points at the doctor and says

"You look stupid!"

The doctor pretends he did'nt hear that and he goes to check on Al. However, in all the confusion, Al seems to have escaped.


New scene opens with Al hooked up to aload of wires and mashines and crap, while Doctor octopus says.

I told you I would get my clone army! hahahahahahahahahahha cough cough, oh, I have to stop laughing to myself.

Al Snows start to fill the whole room, as one is heard to remard "wheres the bathroom?"