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~Elorea Murador~



Name : Elorea Narisee Murador

Age: 18 years

Race: Wraith

Height: 5'6"

Hair color: Raven black

Eye color: Bright blue


Where to begin with my life. The past is just that... the past. So little of interest actually occurred when I was growing up that it would bore one to tears to have to sit through the rendition of it.  I was born mid fall, I grew up in a loving family being the eldest daughter and I died on my eighteenth birthday in the late afternoon. Well.. died is such a permanent word isn't it? Let us say I was reborn into what I am now on that day. A much better description in my opinion.

I will say that my childhood was a good one, filled with family and love. I had a mother and a stepfather, four younger sisters and six younger brothers. At what point I knew that I was not the child of my step father, I cannot remember, it seems as if I always knew it deep in my mind. Still that did not hinder him from loving me or I from caring for him. Life was life... chores, church services, family gatherings, birthdays, schooling that Mother insisted we all have.

But everything changed on my eighteenth birthday. From the moment the clock struck the hour of my birth, the difference was felt. Not anything so drastic as to be noticeable by my family, but most definitely felt by me. An awakening one could say.  Now how can I possible explain what it was like to one that is not "awakened"?

Picture if you can, things you had never heard of becoming knowledge in your mind in the blink of an eye. That is what I awoke to on my eighteenth birthday. Knowledge I had never studied was at my disposal, understandings of things that the day before had eluded me. My own body was more aware of everything about it, as if I could sense the slightest movement of every strand of hair upon my body and know what caused it while at the same moment be aware of what everyone else in the house was doing and saying. It was quite the overload to my mind I can assure you. Needless to say, I spent the majority of my birthday in solitude trying to adjust to this change that I had not expected.

It was late afternoon before the next step of my change began. Hidden within the safety of my room, I became aware of powerful force, pulling at my insides as if trying to draw me outside. Quite understandably, I remained in my room till summoned by my mother to go out to the laundry lines to speak with a visitor. Not an uncommon request from my mother since many times I had been required to handle family business whilst she and my step father took care of other chores. And in that moment that I stepped from the house, I accepted my fate and destiny that had been planned upon the moment of my conception.

The man that stood by the baskets of laundry was by all accounts dignified and looked no more unusual than any other nobleman. Stylish dressed, impeccably fashioned, haughty mannerisms. I had seen many such as him during my life and would have thought nothing strange of him had it not been for the instant knowledge that this man, Lord Ethirec Murador, was my father.

I stood before the man, attempting to seem normal despite the strange pulling and knowledge that flooded my mind. But alas, I am not the meek, mild mannered child that my brothers and sisters are and in short time, I let it be known that I knew him for who he was. His response was definitely not the one I thought would come from him. He asked me if I had learned that sometimes things happened without us understanding why and when I replied yes, he finished what he had started eighteen years ago.

My eyes watched in fascination, every nerve in my body screaming at me to move, my soul seeming to argue in answer demanding I stand still while Lord Ethirec formed his staff in raised hand then harshly shoved it through my chest. Can you imagine the feelings of dying?  Intense, white hot pain radiating to every nerve of the body, the breath trapped in the lungs, unable to escape or allow more air in. The eyesight still very much attuned to the scene about the falling body, the brain accepting the images and acknowledging them. The heart struggling to continue pumping the blood, only to send the life giving fluid out of the wound in spurts. The intimate knowledge that death is coming.

The difference with my death is simple. Twas only my body that died. The shell that protected and hid what I am from others. As I lay there on the blood soaked ground, I became aware of a new sight to the world. I could see my Father's body moving towards the door of my house yet still see him before me, talking to me and explaining what I am.  When my Mother came to the door, I could see her very soul encased in her mortal shell and when I lowered my eyes, I realized that I was looking upon my own mortal shell, my body and that my soul was free. That I was still alive, in a manner of speaking. What heady knowledge it is to be brought to the understanding that you are above others.

My Father took me to my new home with him, spending days upon days beginning the lessons of what I am and what I can do now. To say I was not impressed would be to lie, and I will not lie unless it suits my purpose and helps me gain what I wish. But I digress, in short time, I had ensconced myself in the massive library of my father and began the road to my new life, learning and applying the knowledge that I soaked up.

Rest assured should you meet me, never underestimate me, for time is something I have an abundance of. I will be denied nothing I desire, and to this extent I have taken my Father as my lover and a female half elf as a concubine. Should you catch my attention, know that I am patient and in my own time will you give me what I desire.