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"The Assassin"

Double Diamond

Height: 6'4''

Weight: 270lbs

Theme Music: "Saint Anger" by Metallica

Alignment: Face

Fighting Style: Power/Technical

Finisher: F-5

Trademark: Shooting Star Press

Favorite Moves: Grecko-Roman Throw, Spear, Jacknife Powerbomb, Chokeslam, Jackhammer, Triple Backbreaker, Tombstone Piledriver, Release German Suplex

Career Record: 34-10-0

Career Highlights: NXWF United States Heavyweight Champion (2x); NXWF T.V. Champion (1x); NXWF Hardcore Champion (4x); NXWF X-Champion (2x); XHCWF Undisputed World Champion; XHCWF Intercontinental Champion (2x); XHCWF Tag Team Champion (6x); XHCWF Owner; TCW Undisputed World Champion; TCW General Manager


AIM: SoDisturbed72


Double Diamond began his career like any other. He joined efeds, and did what he could do win. It began in indy promotions, in 1999. Double Diamond became quite popular. However, not being happy in these promotions, Double Diamond joined his friend M.K.M at the XHCWF. In his first week, Double Diamond teamed up with M.K.M to defeat "The Forsaken" for the XHCWF Tag Team Champions. A first of 6-Tag Team Titles of the XHCWF. However, this reign didn't last long, because Double Diamond was destined for bigger and better things. After burning his Tag Team Title, Double Diamond and M-K-M were set to face off in a epic match for the XHCWF World Championship. However, after weeks of antcipation, the match didn't go on forth because the Tim Brown (the XHCWF Owner at the time) shut down the fed and everyone was out of a job. After nearly 9 months of sitting at home, Double Diamond finally got back into wrestling, and entered a federation called the XWF. In the first week, Double Diamond was in a battle royal for the XWF Championship, after a brutal contest, Double Diamond gained the victory and won the XWF Championship. But not 3 days later, the fed shut down and 2XD was yet again out of a job. Destined to succede, Double Diamond created a small, simple federation, known as EHW. Unable to run it himself, Double Diamond got his former foe, M-K-M, named him Commissioner, and the EHW was on his way. Not only did Double Diamond and M-K-M settle there differences for a time being, we also saw the debut of Jay Phat Buds (known then as Cynical Cronic Cursor). In the first match, a Hell in a Cell match, CCC won the EHW World Title after Double Diamond stabbed M-K-M in the back after giving him the Tombstone Piledriver. M-K-M wanted his revenge, and got it. Since having control of EHW, M-K-M destoryed the fed and left everyone out of a job. After 2 months, M-K-M reopened under his name as Owner. Double Diamond found out about this and under a federal agreement, Double Diamond was EHW Commissioner. But before the first show could go forth, M-K-M joined with the reopen XHCWF. After a year of little wrestling, Double Diamond was back...and better than ever. The XHCWF in 2002, will forever be known as the year of Double Diamond. In Febuary 2002 through July 2002, Double Diamond reign atop of the XHCWF mountain. In this year of the XHCWF, Double Diamond came back from numerous injuries to gain the Tag Team Championships on Five occasions, won the Intercontinental Championship twice, including become the first Intercontinental Champion, and achieving his life-long dream of becoming the XHCWF Undisputed Champion. This certainly was a time for Double Diamond to live a good life. In May of 2002, Double Diamond became XHCWF Commissioner after Tim Brown declined to be the Owner and under new ownership of M-K-M, he was named Commish. However, after 4 months of 2XD's Comissionership, the XHCWF was closed for a brief period to clean it up after being plauge with poor ratings and slow competition. After a two week closing, Double Diamond reopened it as Owner. XHCWF was becoming better than ever, but a dark day occured on warm night in July. The XHCWF was hacked into and destroyed by an Unknown character and was closed forever. In Double Diamond's last match in XHCWF, he won the Tag Team Championship alongside of M-K-M. But as said before, the XHCWF was hacked into a destroyed. Double Diamond was out of a job, and thought his days of wrestling in efederations was over. But 3 weeks later, Double Diamond was contacted by former enemy, No Limit to join his new fed, Total Control Wrestling...better known as TCW. Double Diamond signed a contract, just to gain a few extra bucks. Double Diamond had his first match in TCW against a Cruiserweight named Midnight. In that Ladder match, he won and thought there was more to TCW then he had first thought. But after 2 loss' in a row, Double Diamond began to think he had gotten to the end of his career. Or so he thought...Double Diamond thought that he had come to the end of his career. He thought that he could no longer do it anymore. He thought wrong. On August 25, 2002, Double Diamond was in his first Hell in a Cell in over 3 months. It was a 6-Man Hell in a Cell for the vacant TCW World Championship at the first Pay-Per-View, Fire Hazard. Double Diamond went into this match with a 9-0 record in Hell in a Cell, but he thought this was going to be his last match ever...he was wrong. In a come from behind victory, Double Diamond pinned Blood Realm following a Diamond Crusher to become the TCW World Champion. Things starting looking up for Double Diamond, but unfortunatley after a near career ending injury, Double Diamond left the TCW. After a few months, Double Diamond came to the NXWF in late December. He quickly made a name for himself and became the United States Champion. But nagging injuries caught up with The Assassin, and he was out for a following 3 months. Double Diamond came back with the fire in his heart to win. He regained the NXWF United States Championship and went on a winning streak. He is now fighting to gain the NXWF World Championship and only time will tell on whether "The Assassin" can live up to his true meaning....