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...The NWWA Presents...

...Possibly The Greatest Wrestler In WWA History...

...Coming Back To The NWWA For Vengeance...

...He Is The "Original Playa"...

...The "Hardcore Icon"...

...The Man Who Invented "Hardcore" In WWA...

...He Is...

The "Original Playa" The "Hardcore Icon"
NWWA Record
Who Tha Fuck Cares
6 Feet 11 Inches
Famous Move
The Warrior Bomb
Just like Kevin Nash' Jacknife Powerbomb, except Warrior whips the man down into the mat instead of just letting him go.
Title History
(1x) WWA World Heavyweight Champion
(1x)WECW World Heavyweight Champion
(1x)WWA Tag Team Champion
(1x)NWWA Tag Team Champion
(1x)XHW World Heavyweight Champion
(1x)HWA World Heavyweight Champion
(1x)HWA 1/2 Tag Team Champion
Records Set
First Man in WWA History To Hold Three Major Championships
First Man To Hold Both The WECW + WWA World Heavyweight Championships At The Same Time
First Man In NWWA History to Hold Both NWWA Tag Team Championships
First XHW World Heavyweight Champion
(?x)WWA #1 Roleplayer Of The Week
(2x)WWA Monthly Featured Wrestler
(4x)NWWA #1 Roleplayer Of The Week
Theme Song
DMX "Bloodline Anthem"
Compton, Los Angeles, California
Next Opponent(s)
Kevin Nash
Match Type
Single Match
Primetime Title
Roleplay Number For Match
People Mentioned
Whoever I Want

Start Transistion

Setting: The Wachovia Center in Philadelphia, PA.
Time: 12:30pm

...And here we are! Game Time! This is it! The night of Hostile Takeover! The camera is moving down a hall as multiple stars walk by it. Some include the likes of Shaun Williams, Grey Skull, and Kurt Angle, all of them not yet to suit up for their matches yet! But one man is ready to go. One man is dressed, trained, and pumped up to get it on. As the camera moves down the hallway, at the end of the hallway, more wrestlers come into view. The camera man takes a right as it goes down a private carpeted hallway. The camera man stops as a figure is seen jumping up and down infront of a locker room at the end of the hallway. The camera man turns to his right as the plate on the door reads "Basic Locker Room #2". The camera man walks into the locker room as there are a group of about 10-20 men with their backs to the locker room door, all changing and getting ready for their matches. Right in the middle of the group, as men walk by back and fourth, is Kevin Nash! Kevin Nash stops talking to one of the guys to his right as he sees the camera and keeps talking to the person he was talking to. Why is Kevin Nash changing in a room of jobbers? These are guys suiting up for matches before Hostile Takeover begins. Why doesn't Nash have his own locker room?! Well, anyway, thats not the issue. The camera man walks out of the locker room as he turns to his right and walks down the hallway closer & closer to the figure jumping up and down. The man jumping up and down has on a grey "G-Unit" sweatshirt, a pair of Nike black, gray, and white pants, and a pair of black wrestling boots on. The man looks up at the camera and takes off the hood on his sweatshirt to reveal is none other than WARRIOR! Warrior smiles at the camera man as he invited him into his locker room. The camera man follows Warrior into his locker room as the door is heard closing behind him. The room has white walls with a big banner colored black, white, gray, and blue reading "WELCOME BACK TO THE WACHOVIA CENTER WARRIOR!" Warrior looks up at the banner, laughing quickly. Under the banner and behind it is a black leather couch which is in the middle of two black leather love seats on either side of the room. Warrior sits on the big leather couch, but not before grabbing a water out of the mini fridge he has next to the couch. Warrior sighs as he takes off his hooded sweatshirt, than taking a big gulp of his drink. Warrior looks around and smiles, than begins to speak...
-=[The "Original Playa" The "Hardcore Icon" Warrior]=-
Bullying around the help, are we? Poor old Earl is probably going to sue you now or something crazy like that. So since you cant beat me, your going to abuse the help? You see Nash, Earl is a man that, regardless of his position at this job, has worked his ass off day in and day out for 30-sum odd years. You dont just throw that around. Its sort of like the way you throw around the titles you've won. Why dont you tell me who you've beaten for any of the titles you've won?! Not me, thats fa sho'. And tell me - did you cheat to win with any of the titles you've won!? Hmm...something to think about? Regardless of any of that, you think you look good by abusing guys like Earl. Well check this out nigga, I AINT EARL! You ever tell me to carry your bags im'a slap the taste out 'cha mouth nigga, you better believe it! If you think im playin', than fucken try me! Im so pumped up for this match tha I can hardly sit still. ::Warrior gets up and begins pacing back and fourth:: I mean, i wasn't this hyped up last week on my debut back! But knowing that you've accepted my Hall Of Fame challenge, and knowing what this match has on the line, has been getting me excited. I am like Adam Vinateiri - I ALWAYS come through in the clutch situations. This match is one to be remembered forever, because one of us is going to the Hall Of Fame, and one of us isnt. I dont know what kind of plan you worked out with Jason Kash, but thats fine. It's not even about the fact that one of us is Hall Of Fame bound and the other one isnt anymore. It's about the fact that I finally, after about a year or two of taking criticism, I finally get to show everyone around the world that you ain't shit but talk. Im'a knock you off and im'a look good doing it, nigga. Im'a eat your cornball ass and spit you out, and than im'a pin your ass for the 1..2...3! I'll be sure to talk to Kash before our match to see what you've told him about the whole Hall Of Fame stipulation. Because you signed the contract on the terms of the match before I did. I think you need to read the fine print nigga! HA HA HA!

...Warrior stops walking around, calming down a little bit. He walks over to the leather couch and sits down again. He takes the big bottle of "H2O" GNC Spring water and chugs some of it down. Warrior sighs as he takes his right hand and rubs the top of his head. His hand finds its way down Warriors face as he rubs his eyes with his right hand, letting out a big groan! He yawns as he throws his hand down by his side, leaning back on the leather couch. He throws his legs up on the coffee table infront of him, crossing them a little bit to get a little more comfortable. He puts his hood back on over his head as he leans his head back, talking a little softer so the camera man needs to get closer to him...

-=[The "Original Playa" The "Hardcore Icon" Warrior]=-
I've never been afraid of anything.... I've never been afraid or anything in my entire life... so this motha fucka Kevin Nash comes out... Talkin all this shit... Like im gonna just throw in the towel and quit... Like im gonna just give up and lay down for this nigga... Like im some kind of clown or some kind of jobber from the underground... Just because you grewup with more money than me don't mean shit nigga.... If you wanna think that means your better than me than fine... Im alot more grimier than you... I had to live for the current day... You knew that you would be alive for a long time... Niggaz would buck you where im from... They see a pussy ass white boy like you walking down the street... Niggaz would eat you alive much like im gonna do... in the ring tonite... and when I raise that title high over my head... you will realize that all the shit you talked wasn't worth it... than you'll be sent out on a stretcher because I cracked your back in two... So have fun walkin nigga....
...Warrior, needless to say, is ready to give Nash everything he's got. Warrior is like a little schoolboy. If he could get the match going right now, he would! If Warrior could show the world what he wants and plans to do to Kevin Nash right now, he would. But he has to wait awhile. and Amidst the wait, Warrior will calm down. Warrior is hyped now because he realizes all thats on the line and all he will be taking away from Kevin Nash. Warrior is sitting on the couch still, drinking his GNC water. He begins to speak...

-=[The "Original Playa" The "Hardcore Icon" Warrior]=-
Nash, Im taking everything away from you tonite. Im taking away your Hall Of Fame inductance, which ultimately means im taking away any win you've ever come to be credited for, im taking away any title you've ever been credited for, and im taking away any LEGACY or LEGENDARY STATUS you've been known to possess. Do you realize this?! I am taking away any and everything you've ever come to known, as if to say that your whole wrestling career has been forgotten. The only person to name "Kevin Nash" as one of the best the NWWA has ever seen will be YOU - YOURSELF - KEVIN NASH! I am taking away everything you've EVER come to know and replacing it with a life that you will feel like you never had, and thats because until now, you haven't had it. You haven't had the empty life i've had. I've had to deal with things you could only imagine. But beginning tonite, you're going to get a taste of what i've had to endure my whole life. Your going to get a taste of a feeling like "why am I alive?" Your going to get a taste of it all, and when the time comes, as the days, weeks, months, and years come ahead, that feeling will grow to attach to you, and you will never, EVER forgive me for it. Because Nash, this promo here is real quick, but it gets to the point. Im taking away your life and everything good in it and replacing it with feelings of abandone-ment, will feelings of use-lessness, with feelings of strait up pain. If you think this match isnt serious to me, YOUR DEAD WRONG. I HAVE THE CREDENTIALS FOR THE HALL OF FAME. I HAVE THE TITLES, I HAVE THE WIN-LOSS RECORD, I HAVE THE RESPECT OF EVERY FUCKING WRESTLER AND FAN IN THE BUILDING AND WATCHING ON TELEVISION. YOU DONT HAVE THE RESPECT OF WARRIOR NIGGA. YOU WANT MY RESPECT? BEAT ME YOU WANNA BEAT ME? KILL ME! Because nigga, that aint happenin'. Take advantage of all you know, seek, and possess, because come tonite, everything you know, seek, and possess will be gone and will be @ the hands of The "Original Playa" - The "Hardcore Icon" - it will all be at the hands of ME, WARRIOR! ...and you know what the sad part is in all of this? There ain't a fucking thing you can do about it. So sit back nigga and take the ride, because if this shits Texas Hold'em Poker, than im all in nigga...ALL IN!

...Warrior looks deeply into the camera with his eyes wide open and his hood down from where it began over his head. Warrior hasn't looked quite as focused and confident as he does now. The way he come off at the beginning of the promo, sort of as a jokester, he has turned into the serious and determined Warrior we've seen over the years. There's no doubt about the fact that Warrior has loosened up a little bit. He's enjoying life a lot more after getting over Lauren, his ex girlfriend way back when. Hes going out to clubs and hangin' wit his crew he lives near. But don't get it twisted. Warrior is as determined as focused as he was back in the WWA, and sorry to say to the whole NWWA Roster, but that makes him a very, very dangerous man. Warrior stated at the end of his promo that he is "All In" - but is Kevin Nash? Kevin has accepted Warriors challenge, but thats not what is being talked about when the term "All In" is said. Is Kevin Nash as determined and as confident as Warrior? Or is Kevin Nash not taking Warrior seriously, something that multiple "wrestlers" have decided to do, and paid dearly for it. Is Kevin Nash as determined as he may seem? Or when the cameras shut off, does Kevin Nash get nearvous about the match at hand. Does Kevin Nash become scared. Does he get butterflies in his stomache? All of this will be answered later on tonite in what is possibly the best match on the NWWA card and possibly the best match in quite awhile for the NWWA. Warrior is determined and Warrior is confident. No ones ever seen a Warrior quite like this. The last time they saw Warrior like this was in the WWA when he ruled over Team X and the rest of the WWA Federation. And what happened when Warrior was this confident? He took over a whole federation. Kevin Nash doesn't realize that, and many other things. But will Kevin Nash shrug Warrior off or will he take Warrior seriously?! We'll haveto see later on tonite, because tonite is the night Kevin Nash loses two things: NWWA Hall Of Fame Inductance & In General, HIS WHOLE LIFE! Because Kevin Nash... In Easier Terms... IS NOT ALL -- IN!

End Transistion

This Has Been Brought To You By The "Original Playa" The "Hardcore Icon" Warrior
Copyright (c) 2005 - All Rights Reserved
Warrior Entertainment - All Rights Reserved