WIWA - The Arrival
The "Original Playa" The "Hardcore Icon"
0 / 0 / 0
6 Feet 11 Inches
Famous Move
The Warrior Bomb
Just like Jacknife Powerbomb, except Warrior whips the man down into the mat instead of just letting him go.
Title History
(1x) WWA World Heavyweight Champion
(1x)WECW World Heavyweight Champion
(1x)WWA Tag Team Champion
(2x)NWWA Tag Team Champion
(1x)XHW World Heavyweight Champion
(1x)HWA World Heavyweight Champion
(1x)HWA 1/2 Tag Team Champion
(1x)RwA United States Champion
(2x)NWWA/WWF-E World Champion
Records Set
First Man in WWA History To Hold Three Major Championships
First Man To Hold Both The WECW + WWA World Heavyweight Championships
First Man In NWWA History to Hold Both NWWA Tag Team Championships
First XHW World Heavyweight Champion
(?x)WWA #1 Roleplayer Of The Week
(?x)WWA Monthly Featured Wrestler
(1x)NWWA #1 Roleplayer Of The Week
First Man In NWWA History to Make Flying Diamond Leave The NWWA For Good
No One
Theme Song
DMX "Bloodline Anthem"
Los Angeles, California
Next Opponent(s)
Hardcore Syxx
Match Type
Title On The Line
Roleplay Number For Match
People Mentioned
Hardcore Syxx
Song Of The Week
DMX "Bloodline Anthem"

Start Transistion

Setting: XAW Arena
Time: 2:10pm

...Just twenty-four hours away, that's it. You know, 24 hours may seem long, but not when your asleep, asleep to all the world infront, behind, to the left, and to the right of you. Just when you think your at total peace with only yourself, another situation comes up, this situation being Hardcore Syxx and how he can't be THAT hardcore, seeing as that Warrior nor anyone else has heard a word out of him since his announcement that he's coming back. A casual feeling of fear? Possibly. Just plain afraid? Possibly...Warrior is in the old XAW Arena, back in the corner. You hear "Testing" echo throughout the arena. Warrior is seen in that dark corner playing with the soundboard backstage. He is wearing a white wife beater, black du-rag, white Lakers Hat, a pair of black Fubu Jeans, and a pair of white Timberland Boots. Very simple. Warrior turns on his theme music as he speaks into the microphone...

-=[The "Original Playa" The "Hardcore Icon" Warrior]=-
Ayo, this match is for one fall. Str8 up beatdown. Comin down the isle first - The Original Playa, The Hardcore Icon, the Revolutionizer, he is - WARRIOR!

...Warrior makes crowd noises as he immediately stops the music. He than puts on Britney Spears "Hit Me Baby One More Time" as he speaks...

-=[The "Original Playa" The "Hardcore Icon" Warrior]=-
And his opponent, bitch-ass Hardcore Syxx...COME ON OUT!!!!

...Warrior pauses as he shuts the song off and smirks, chuckling to himself as he takes the bottle of Cristol wrapped in a paper bag and gulps it down, putting the glass bottle down and gritting his teeth...

-=[The "Original Playa" The "Hardcore Icon" Warrior]=-
Shit is still HOTT! Anyway, ::Swallows:: Hardcore Syxx...I still have heard ZERO from you, your crew, your momma, her momma, uncle sally-joe, sally joe's cousin neef, neef's cousin j-rock...dayum! Ya'll haven't said shit bout tha big W-A-R-R-I-O-R, str8 up. Im just layin in the cutt waitin fo' ya'll cuz to be quite honest im gettin sick of this talkin shit, I just wanna get in the ring and beat some heads, str8 up. Im too tired 2 deal with some bullshit, so im glad you didn't open your trap. Now I can go into Eclipse, giveout the ass-kicking I plan on giving out, and leave 1-0, like I plan on doing. Hardcore Syxx, it's going to take alot more than you to stop me from doing this simple task. Your going to need an army - fuck it - A COUNTRY of people to get me from losing to you. It is now simply impossible to do. So come at me with your best Hardcore Syxx. Because I guarantee whatever shit you got, I got twice what you got to match it, AND MORE. So Hardcore SYxx, bring tha game, cuz its gettin SHUT THA FUCK DOWN!

...Warrior turns on iLiCiT Feat. Flamez Burna "For Everyone..." as he bops his head to the J-Kwon Beat "Tipsy" as the remake is being played. Warrior looks around and smirks as he goes back to boppin his head 2 the song...

End Transistion

This Has Been Brought To You By The "Original Playa" The "Hardcore Icon" Warrior
Copyright (c) 2002 - All Rights Reserved
iLiCiT Entertainment - All Rights Reserved