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Hello Dear Friends,Family and good people. I have been going to Costa Rica the last 2 years on summer mission trips with Big world Ventures. (July 2001 & July 2002) In Costa Rica I participated in a Drama called The Toy Makers Dream. It shows how GOd came and died and rose again. This Drama is meant to be for all ages, so kids and adults can understand. We also do fun skits to draw people. After the drama or before we hang out with the people we present the drama to. Those are really Awesome times. The last two years I have seen many Costa Ricans accept God into there lives. Many people who are going through much pain get much hope when we go there to show them God cares and loves them. Please Help me go to Costa Rica again this next year. I feel God is going to do some Awesome stuff there and also here in the U.S and I want to be apart of it. If you are intrested in Helping please email me at (paypal or through mail) Please Pray for me. In Jesus name be Blessed! ~Mike~

For More Info on This Mission Trip check out these sites:

Thank You! Grasias! God Bless You! Que Dios te Bendiga

days 'til the Mission Trip to San Jose, Costa Rica