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Whats Up

Your news without the newsletter

Games for all the bored people

Simple Plan lyrics

All the music lyrics u could ever want!

A Forum for questions

Chat With Friends This is a great chat program

This section of my site is for whats happening now. I am now being homeschooled. long story short hobby sucks. I will learn to use unix soon i have the unix box. Its just not set up.... then mabye i will be able to make a decent site. untill then i will try to make this site as interesting as possibl. oh and i allmost forgot i have been trying to add music to the site but havnt been doing well SHOUTcast is a little bit confusing to setup. cya ppl! ;p 2/12/04 SHOUTcast sucks. i cant get it to work on my site. i have added a newsletter created a password protected portion (with nearly nothing in it) i have finally chose what chat service i will use! its quick chat! when u create a screen name make sure u register it. or it wont be there the next time u come back. my forum works leave any questions u have there i have linked the site to so now u have quick acess to music lyrics. I am pretty sure i have fixed the link problem i didnt then i just made it worse -Webmaster Ramon Nic Leal
