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Have we ever been alone....?

How it all began.

Around the beginning of the big bang theory, scientists have been studying life outside what we think is the only planet with life. From rumors and artifacts, to history and real life, the thought of an alien was unheard. But one night, when Americans thought it was safe to fall asleep...something happened that changed the lives of three individuals. There life, their story, and their survival. To many of us today, a UFO sighting is either a hoax, a make belief figure, or just a simple hub cap. For hundreds of years we thought among the stars in the skies and the galaxy in which we exist, is Earth the only planet blessed with life? We as humans have never accepted the fact that we are alone in the universe. Since early times when we as humans were summoned by the heavens with gods, goddesses, supernatural beings, and space exploration of the late 20th Century, we are driven to finally answer our question. On August 8th, 1999, a young man whose name was left anonymous came forward to share his story about his encounter with what he claimed to be as an alien. We will call him Jon. “It was unknown to me what was happening. I remember waking to a loud sound outside my window and see all these different lights flashing”. Jon then reported that all the electricity had gone out in the house and claimed that everything started getting warm and began glowing. “It starting making my eyes burn and anything I did seem to burn me,” Jon stated, “and then all of a sudden I woke up back in my bed with everything back to normal.” He believes it was aliens because as he awoke, he had no clothes on and an incision scar along his stomach where he had not had one before. “I was scared that they might have taken an important part of my body I might need to survive.” It appeared that nothing was missing from his body and he was in perfect health. But the scar still remained a mystery. Who were they? What did they want? And why would they have performed surgery and not take anything? As the year came to a end, Jon would always wonder about the night he was “abducted”. Yet there was still no clue as to why they chose his house. The following year, on the same day, around the same time, they came back. “I was scared as to what was going to happen again, but I was more prepared,” Jon said, “but it seemed no matter where I hid, I was still in their presence.” He quickly ran to his basement where he felt was the safest place to hide. Jon remained there for a few hours till the noise and lights stopped. He ended sleeping in the basement through out the night hoping they wouldn’t find him there. Again he woke up with another scar across his stomach, and again, nothing missing. “I was really getting scared with what was happening. Its like they wanted something but I didn’t know what.” Why were they doing this to him? The mystery remains unknown, but on August 8th, every year, he was visited no matter where he was, what he did, he was somehow taken and put back. It was the beginning of the end for him and he never found out why. The next story was from a man named Danny Jimeniz. His story was taken place when he was only a small child. He has kept it from people for so long thinking he would get made fun of and put in a mental asylum. But we had a chance to convince him that its ok to tell the truth on your behalf. Here’s what he had to say... “I was five years old. My father, just out of the Navy, and my mother and I moved into my grandfathers secluded Massachusetts farmhouse. The only plumbing was a sink. We lifted water from the well, and used an outhouse located down a small hill behind a work shed at the rear of the house. At night I was afraid to go to the outhouse because of the darkness and the foxes that roamed the night, often killing chickens by digging under the fenced in chicken yard attached to the back of the work shed. One night, a bright metallic green light pierced through my closed eyelids and woke me up. As I opened my eyes I saw a shaft of green light shining into my bedroom through a gap in the curtains. I threw my blankets aside and jumped out of bed to look out the window and down into the farmyard. From behind the work shed I saw a corona of green light radiating into the sky. At night my uncle, who lived with us also, would often go there and dig night crawlers for fishing. I assumed it was him using a new bright lantern, and felt safe about the situation. I decided to go to the outhouse. Not wanting to awaken my mother and father, I exited through the window. I walked toward the rear of the coop expecting to see my uncle. My eyes were drawn to a blue/ white cylindrical object shaped like the spade on an ace of spades playing card. It was about twelve feet tall and five feet wide at the widest part. All of a sudden, my body vibrated and felt large, weightless and fuzzy. Little did I know I was on my way to my first alien abduction. I was in a large glowing red corridor with an arched ceiling. A very tall thin alien, which only looked like a tall man to me, with long gold hair, wearing a metallic golden brown, tubular collared, uniform stood aside me. He looked down at me with his huge blue friendly alien eyes as his left hand waved me on through an archway. He put his large hand on my back, behind my heart. He guided me with that mystical hand. That hand soothed my anxiety. As I entered a small room, I noticed a centrally located white pedestal table with metal instruments hanging above. He placed his hands under my armpits and hoisted me onto the table . I noticed an odor on him like in a church (frankincense). I instinctively laid down for my alien examination. Above me I saw a large round purple light come on, and simultaneously in the center of my head I felt a tickling sensation. In seemingly no time at all my consciousness ceased, and eyes still closed, came forth slightly again as I felt something in my right side. It felt like a sword entering my right rib cage and going up into my heart. When it entered it felt warm and pleasing. The "sword" retracted. My eyes opened to slits. Silhouettes of bald heads bob in and out to partially eclipse the light. I felt a coolness with my limp hands, and as my consciousness came forth. I remembered I was laying on the porcelain table. The strong odor of electric sparks shot up my nostrils like smelling salts, popping my eyes open and my awareness to super clarity. I was again looking into the glare of purple light emanating from the large round chrome lamp fixture above. Medical instruments are hung around it, dangling from the dark ceiling somewhere beyond. As a exhilarating fiery sensation filled my chest I again felt large and fuzzy and found myself standing in the shadows behind the chicken coop. I ran back to bed and closed my eyes never wanting to open them again.” He only stopped there before becoming too emotional to finish, but its obvious that we can truly say, that we are not alone..

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A piece of evidnece
Aliens and UFOs amoung us