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> CM2 Crews Family Website

Welcome one and all to our official
website.As most probably already know,
our name (CM2) represents Country Music
2...which is where you will always
find us.We are not a boot group but
merely a close group of friends who love
to sing..listen...joke..and just have fun.
We come from all over the United States
and even a few from other countries...
so many differences and backgrounds...
some are quiet and laid back...
some who are feisty and rarin to go...
and then some are just plain outta
but one thing we ALL have in common is our
value of friendship and togetherness.
No matter what...we stand behind eachother 100%.
If one falls..we ALL fall.Like any other
family,we have our share of disagreements But
we pull together and everything works itself

CM2 Crew originated with just a mere
handful of friends who met online and always
hung out together in Country Music 2.
One day they just started calling
themselves "The CM2 Crew".Since that time...
The Crew family has expanded and
now there are 45 of us (at least).A big
jump from just 4 people.

We welcome all to our room and we respect
everyone...we just ask for the same in return
We appreciate as little drama as possible
altho it always seems to find us lol.We ask
that if you have issues to plzz take it private and
keep it out of the room so that others don't have
to deal with it.Handle it amongst yourselves...
Thank You.

but most of all.. above all else...
Have Fun!!!!!