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i knoe i fuck up on mah page but i amma change it t0o lazy to do it now
PLEASE CLICK WHERE IT SAY CLICK AIM mEeh... clickHere-[Hey There!] -if u want to!!> ~*da 411*~ Real Name: James Dung Truong Please call me: cRiBaBi bU bU : given to mEeh by mah bEst da da bOo bOo her page AzN BarBe LiNdA`s page Age: 19 Birthday: oCtoBeR 3o, 1983 Status: taken by da m0st kutest gurL so na na ne bOo bOo Location: HtOwn ~HOUSTON~ Contact: AIM mEeh... clickHere-[click to chat to meEh] -come on i wanna talk to you!!> Phone: if u pay da biLLs fo mEeh give it to u otay do we have a deaL Quote:"Can i hoLLa if not give mEeh a doLLar." like mah babi tweEty for da gurL i like to pushmEeh in a cart hahaha...likE to riDe in a shOpPin cArt wEni gO to a gRoCery stoRe, and aSk pEep can i eAt fOod oUt of thEir cArt, shOot p0oL,swim in a p0oL, test liquior and make mah own wine mMMMMmmmmm gOOt hahaha and snEep during exams at da coLLege i am atteNdin HATES: i am n0t a HATER hahahahaha so m0re l0ve t0 u pEeps and th0se wh0 hate mEeh and l0ng live da HATERS cuz if dEy die earLy i d0nt have n0 one t0 piss oFf hahahaha Want to know more: AIM mEeh... clickHere-[AIM mEeh hERe!] -if u want to!!>
