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There are three main video game console systems out today. Those three systems are the Nintendo GameCube, Microsoft Xbox, and the Sony PlayStation 2, my personal favorite.

Nintendo GameCube

The Nintendo GameCube is small and the least expensive of the other two competing game systems. Some advantages of the GameCube are that it is tiny and portable, and is less expensive than the other systems out there. Disadvantages are that it is not a DVD player like the Xbox or the PlayStation 2. This is really just a game system, and a good one at that, a game system that offers titles to a broad audience of gamers.

Microsoft Xbox

The Xbox is a system created by the company ruling your desktop, Microsoft. The Microsoft Xbox is not just a video game system, it is more like a computer system and a video game system in one. The Xbox has built in support for high-speed networking, an 8gb hard drive, DVD playback abilities, and display support for HDTVs, so this thing can do way more than just play games. Some things that seem to be wrong about the Xbox are that it is big and bulky, you need a seperate kit to use the DVD viewing capability, and no progressive-scan DVD playback.


Sony PlayStation 2

The Sony PlayStation 2 had about a years head start on the two other systems and as a result of that head start the PS2 has a greater selection of quality games. The good things about the PS2 are that it is sleek, it has a better selection of quality games, and that it is a DVD player right out of the box. The PS2 is also online compatable with its online adapter accessory. What we've yet to see from the PS2 is a hard drive. Xbox's graphics are considered better than the PlayStation 2's, but I still pick the PS2 as my favorite system now.

Computer games- Click here for information and pictures on some of my favorite computer games.