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:People Used:

:People Mentioned:



:OOC Note:

Jared Butkis, Dani Taylor, Maria and Alisa Marsanico



Steve and Jared Butkis, Melanie James, Samantha James, The McDowells, Seth and Summer Donovan, Jillian Norris, Brynn Anderson, Evan Michaels, and Kaili Anderson.

Well,this Roleplay does not mean anything personally,it's IMAGINATIVE,so don't take it like that cuz I said so..K?! Don't steal the layout,don't steal the rp,blah blah blah,you should know the rules.And remember kids...I'm only smiling because I don't know what's going on! :D

[Jared and Dani are at school standing by Jared's locker when Maria and Alisa Marsanico walk by.]

Maria: Hey Jared.. [she smiles at him]

Jared: Hey

Dani: Who's this?

Alisa: You mean you don't know... wow what a shocker...

Maria: Who are you? I'm Jared's girlfriend..

Dani: Excuse me? I am.. [looks at Jared]

Jared: Maria you know we broke up a long time ago...

Maria: Oh yeah I knew that but... I mean come was never really over...

Alisa: oh I have to there's jack... bye Jared...

Dani: Jared.. What is going on here?

Jared: Nothing... Maria and I dated... and I broke it off... She just took off then... and nows she back...

Maria: I was in Hawaii...

Dani: Ok, but honey we are together now.

Maria: Not for long..

Jared: Maria.. Take a hike..

Maria: Ok, but I won't go too far.

Dani: I swear, I am about to smack you.

Maria: Now don't do anything too harsh...little miss priss...

Dani: I'm not the one who has a stick shoved up her ass...

Maria: No stick here darling.

Dani: Could've fooled me.

Maria: Well what about you? You're like totally all over poor Jared no wonder he cant breath...

Jared: I breath fine.

Dani: Yeah, it started after you left...

Maria: You don't even make any sense... and what's with the outfit...

Dani: Don't even talk, you've been in Hawaii, home of those ugly island print shirts...

Maria: [Looks at herself] What the fuck are you talking about little girl...

Dani: I don't even have to deal with you... Jared loves me, not you...

Maria: Not for long... [She looks at her and then at Jared.]

Jared: [Shakes his head] The two of you are being ridiculous...

Dani: Do you think I'm gonna stand here and let her trash me and our relationship?

Jared: No... but I expect you to be the better person Dani...

Maria: Oh no the happy couple is in a fight... lucky me...

Dani: Fine Jared... I'll be the better person and leave... [walks away]

Jared: [Looks at Maria] See what you've done...

Maria: [Looks at him] No do you see what you've done? [She walks away with a smile on her face]

[He runs up to catch with Dani]

Jared: Dani!

Dani: Stay away from me!

Jared: Why?

Dani: How could you not tell me about her?

Jared: Because she doesn't matter to me

Dani: It matters to me when your ex comes up and flaunts her body around you in my face...

Jared: And you think I find that attractive?

Dani: I don't know much anymore.

Jared: What?

Dani: Everything is so messed up... Steve and Mel are miserable without each other... Jillian is living with a teacher... My dad is always gone... and now there's some bitch trying to steal you away from me...

Jared: I'm not going anywhere..

Dani: You're the only good thing in my life right now.

Jared: Dani, I'm here ok?

Dani: I'm sorry, but I can't help but worry.

Jared: I know... which is why we're going to get through this...

Dani: I hope so..

Jared: Maria is a downright bitch.

Dani: And why did you date her in the first place?

Jared: Because I was stupid.... it wasnt long and it meant nothing. Listen I love you and that's all that matters.

Dani: I love you too.

Jared: Come on, let's go to class.

[Jared and Dani go to class as the scene fades.]

[A new scene begins as Jared is looking for Dani after school when Maria walks up to him]

Jared: Hi..

Maria: Hey sexy.

Jared: Can I help you? [he looks over her looking for Dani]

Maria: [checks him out] Oh, there are plenty of ways that you could help me...

Jared: Right.. Have you seen Dani?

Maria: No, why want her when I'm right here?

Jared: Because I dont want you anymore

Maria: Yes, you do... I'm better than that goody two shoes...

Maria: How about this to convince you? [she kisses him]

[He kisses her back a bit then pushes her away.]

Jared: What the hell?

Maria: I knew you still liked me... [pulls him into a kiss]

[Dani comes up and sees them, heartbroken]

Jared: Dani? [Maria smiles]

Dani: What the hell is going on here?

Jared: Nothing..

Maria: Didn't feel like nothing.

Dani: Don't you dare say nothing Jared. I saw you kissing her.

Jared: She kissed me!

Dani: You didn't pull back all that quickly!

Jared: What are you talking about?

Dani: You seemed to enjoy it.

Jared: I did not!

Dani: Then why did you try to lie to me when you said nothing was going on?!

Jared: Because it meant nothing.

Dani: It still happened.

Jared: Oh my god Dani!

Dani: Whatever Jared. If that kiss meant nothing, then why did you respond the first time?

Jared: I don't know.

Dani: Well when you figure it out, come tell me. [begins to walk off]

Jared: You are being ridiculous

Dani: Oh please! What would your reaction be if I was kissing a hot guy in the middle of the hallway?

Jared: I'd probably deck him

Dani: And what about me?

Jared: I don't know.

Dani: Exactly.

Jared: What's that supposed to mean?

Dani: You wouldn't know how you felt about me kissing a guy... Which is the same thing I am going through right now.

Jared: So what can I do?

Dani: I need time to think.

Jared: Fine!

Dani: Don't turn this on me Jared!

Jared: I'm not.

Dani: Then why are you so pissed off at me?

Jared: I'm not I'm annoyed at the situation

Dani: And you think I'm not?

Jared: Obviously.

Dani: You know, I would beat the shit out of that little bitch.. But I'm not gonna be like Leilani and get suspended. Props to her though.

Jared: You do what you want.

Dani: [rolls her eyes] Yeah yeah

Jared: Whatever... [he walks off]

Dani: Damn her!

[The scene fades as Dani punches a locker lightly enough not to hurt her fist]