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The Black People In The North Colonies
















In 1808, Many of the north states reclaimed about the slavery.

            In 1820, the Congress allowed slavery in the new Missouri State and in Arkansas. But it prohibited in the West and North of Missouri.

            In 1850, The Congress allowed the slave law where it said that the south states could get again the slaves for themselves. The north states didn´t follow this law. They kept helping the slaves.

            In 1854, Stephen Douglas from Illinois and the Congress let all the Arkansas and Nebraska people to solve their  slavery  problems. That law made dissapear the Missouri law from 1820.This situation caused a war between the people who was against slavery and the people who wanted to continue with slavery.

            In 1857, The Supreme Court announced “Dred Scott”. This law said that negros didnt have rights.

            In 1859, John Brown tried to get started a war in Virginia but he was captured. The North States voted for Lincoln and he won the elections.

            On January 1 1863, Lincoln announced the Emancipation law, where he gave slaves freedom.

            The Constitution of 1865 get end slavery in the United States







Paulina Díaz    Andrea Hernandez    Rosalpina Wong