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"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;"

There is a teaching that is prevalent in American churches today known as the Pre-tribulation Rapture Doctrine. The main teaching of this doctrine is that Christians will not go through the period of trouble know as the "Tribulation", but will be "Raptured out of the world" prior to that time. The word Rapture is not in the English Bible but comes from the Latin word rapio, used to translate the Greek term of 1 Thessalonians 4:17, harpagesometha, which is usually rendered "caught up" in English Bibles. Other teachings include the belief that when the Christians "disappear in to thin air" at the rapture, that those left behind will be told and believe that they were all abducted by aliens. Another belief is that those "left behind" who refuse to take the "Mark of the Beast" (Rev. 13:16-18) will be saved by virtue of their refusal to take it. Another part of this teaching is that at the end of the Tribulation period that Christ will return again to set up his kingdom and punish the evildoers in the world. Thus, they promote the belief in a two part second coming of Christ. First, they propose a secret or silent rapture where the (true sanctified) Christians are taken out of the world so that they do not have to suffer through the tribulation. Those Christians that are not walking in obedience to Christ will not get raptured but will have to go through the tribulation. At this time those worthy to be raptured will meet Christ in the clouds but Christ will not come all the way to earth. And second, they say that Christ will return again 3 ½ or 7 years later to deliver the "tribulation saints" (those that were saved during the tribulation) and set up his earthly kingdom.

In this essay, we will first look at the issue of tribulation and suffering for God’s people. Secondly, we will look at all of the passages of the Bible related to this issue to see what they say about the second coming of Christ and the end of the world. Thirdly, we will look at the arguments of the Pre-tribulation rapturists and examine them in the light of scripture. Let us start this monumental task in the book of 2 Timothy.







This passage tells us about the churches turning away from the truth and embracing false teachers that tell them what they want to hear. Interestingly, it also refers to the "appearing of Christ" and the suffering and death of Paul. Paul, of course, was imprisoned and killed for the testimony of Jesus. Notice that Paul says that Jesus is going to "judge the quick (alive) and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom." He tells Timothy to "endure afflictions" and does not say anything about a two part "appearing" of Christ to take the "pre-tribulation saints" out of the world. (The pre-tribulation rapturists have made up the term "tribulation saints" to refer to those who "miss" the rapture. This term does not exist in the Bible. Therefore, if the pre-tribulation rapturists can make up this term, then the converse term would be "pre-tribulation saints.")

Masses of people believe the Pre-tribulation rapture doctrine because it satiates their desire for comfort. They can forget all the bible passages about suffering and live the American dream and just wait for the rapture. Unfortunately, when tribualtion comes to them (regardless of whether it is the "great tribulation" or not) and they are still here, they will fall away. "For that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first."

Most ministries in this society are not interested in proclaiming the truth (which is usually very unpopular) because people do not want to hear things that make them uncomfortable. Uncomfortable church members do not give much money and money is what the compromised church leaders want more than truth.

Contrary to what American Churchianity has been deceived into believing, "we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God." Let us see what the Bible says about the suffering and tribulations that God’s people must endure.





Many pre-tribulation rapturists object to the idea of suffering through the tribulation and claim that "God has not appointed us to wrath." This of course is true, however, as evidenced by the preceding passages God has appointed us to trials and tribulations.

Tribulation in this life produces fruit of the spirit (patience) which is for our eternal benefit. Even the death of God’s people is a benefit to them.



Suffering, tribulation, and death for the saint is not equated with the wrath of God. Wrath involves eternal punishment and destruction of the wicked. Job went through terrible suffering and tribulation, and he was not under the wrath of God. He was tested and tried and he proved himself to be faithful to God.


Power was given to Satan to put Job through great tribulation. His children and servants were killed, his property destroyed, and he was afflicted with painful sores all over his body. However, he was not under the wrath of God.


Job is a saint of God and an example for all of God’s children as a man of great faith and patience. He went through great tribulation in this life as a test of his devotion to God. Job is an example of those who will persevere to the end. His wife is a pattern of those who will fall away.

Notice the parallels in the Job 1 and Revelation 13.

Wasn’t power given unto satan to make war with Job and to overcome him? Job’s life was not given to Satan but didn’t God allow Satan to kill his children and servants? Was Job under the wrath of God? No. The elect can never be under the wrath of God because the wrath of God concerns final and eternal punishment for the wicked. The elect will be saved because they have a redeemer; Christ Jesus.


Job knew about Christ the redeemer.

Lukewarm Christians are unwilling to suffer for Christ, thus they will fall away and Jesus will spew them out of his mouth.

God’s people have always gone through tribulations in this life. Sometimes, there are societies in which godliness is propigated and many believers living in these eras are spared suffering. However, other brothers and sisters are oftentimes living just around the globe at the same time under situations of abject horror. Since the churches in Western society have not experienced persecution for about four hundred years, many Westerners are ignorant of the suffering of their brothers in other lands. Due to this condition, doctrines that exclude the issue of Christian suffering flourish. Therefore, let us spend a reasonable amount of time looking at some church history (past and present) that deals with this issue. Let us consider the cases of the following Christians who have suffered for Christ so that we may have a more complete understanding of the suffering that many of God’s people have endured in the Christian era.

One book that every Christian should read is Foxe’s Christian Martyrs of the World. It was compiled by an Christian Englishman (John Foxe) who was a first hand witness of the persecutions of his day. It was first published in 1559 and has been available to Christians for over four hundred years. Here are a few of the stories from this book.


Persecution of the early Christians


In the gospel of Matthew we read that Simon Peter was the first person to openly acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God and that Jesus, seeing God's hand in this acknowledgment called Peter a rock on which He would build His Church - a Church that even the gates of bell would not be able to defeat.

This indicates three things. First that Christ will have a Church in this world. Secondly, that the Church would be Persecuted, not Only by the world, but also by all the powers of hell. Thirdly, despite its persecutions, the Church would survive.

The whole history of the Church to this day verifies this Prophecy of Christ. Princes, kings, add other rulers of this world have used all their strength and cunning against the Church, yet it continues to endure and hold its own. The storms it has overcome are remarkable. I have written this history so the wonderful works of God within the Church will be visible to all who might profit from then.

Of all the People who heard Jesus speak, the Pharisees and scribes should have been the first to accept Him, since they were so familiar with God’s law. Yet they persecuted and rejected Him, choosing to remain subject to Caesar, and it was Caesar who eventually destroyed them.

God's punishment also fell heavily on the Romans. Hearing of Christ's works, death, and resurrection, emperor Tiberius proposed to the Roman senate that He be adored as God, but the senators refused, preferring the emperor to the King of heaven. In reply, God stirred their own emperors against them, causing most of the senate to be destroyed and the city of Rome to be afflicted for nearly three hundred years.

Tiberius became a tyrant killing his own mother, his nephews, the princes of the city, and his own counselors. Scutonius reported him to be so stern that one day alone he saw twenty people executed. Pilate, under whom Christ was crucified, was sent to Rome and banished to the town of Vienne, in Dauphiny, where he eventually committed suicide. Agrippa the elder was even imprisoned by Tiberius for some time.

After Tiberius's death came Caligula, who demanded to be worshiped as a god. He banished Herod Antipas, the murderer of John the Baptist and condemner of Christ, and was assassinated in the fourth year of his reign.

Following thirteen cruel years under Claudius, the people of Rome fell under the power of Nero, who reigned for fourteen years, killing most of the Roman senate and destroying the whole Roman order of knighthood. He was so cruel and inhumane that he put to death his own mother, his brother-in-law, his sister, his wife, and his instructors, Seneca and Lucan. Then he ordered Rome set on fire in twelve places while he sang the verses of Homer. To avoid the blame for this, be accused the Christians of setting the fires and caused them to be persecuted,

In the year A.D. 70, Titus and his father Vespasian destroyed Jerusalem and all of Galilee, killing over 1,100,000 Jews and selling the rest into slavery. So we see that those ho refused Jesus were made to suffer for their actions.


The Apostles

The first apostle to suffer after the martyrdom of Stephen was James, the brother of John. Clement tells us, "When this James was brought to the tribunal seat, be that brought him and was the cause of his trouble, seeing him to be condemned and that he should suffer death, was in such sort moved within heart and conscience that as he went to the execution he confessed himself also, of his own accord, to be a Christian. And so were they led forth together, where in the way he desired of James to forgive him what he had done. After James had a little paused with himself upon the matter, turning to him he said, 'Peace be to thee, brother;' and kissed him. And both were beheaded together, A.D. 36."

Thomas preached to the Parthians, Medes, Persians, Carmanians, Hyrcanians, Bactrians, and Magians. He was killed in Calamina, India.

Simon, brother of Jude and James the younger, who were all the sons of Mary Cleophas and Alpheus, was Bishop of Jerusalem after James. He was crucified in Egypt during the reign of the Roman emperor Trajan.

Simon the apostle, called Cananeus and Zelotes, preached in Mauritania, Africa, and Britain. He was also crucified.

Mark, the first Bishop of Alexandria, preached the gospel in Egypt. He was burned and buried in a place named Bucolus during Traian's reign.

Bartholomew is said to have preached in India and translated the gospel of Matthew into their tongue. He was beaten, crucified, and beheaded in Albinopolis, Armenia.

Andrew, Peter's brother, preached to the Scythians, Sogdians, and the Sacae in Sebastopolis, Ethiopia, in the year A.D. 80. He was crucified by Aegeas, the governor of the Edessenes, and buried in Patrae, in Archaia. Bernard and St. Cyprian mention the confession and martyrdom of this blessed apostle. Partly from them and partly from other reliable writers, we gather the following material.

When Andrew, through his diligent preaching, had brought many to the faith of Christ, Aegeas the governor asked permission of the Roman senate to force all Christians to sacrifice to and honor the Roman idols. Andrew thought he should resist Aegeas and went to him, telling him that a judge of men should first know and worship his Judge in heaven. While worshiping the true God, Andrew said, he should banish all false gods and blind idols from his mind.

Furious at Andrew, Aegeas demanded to know if he was the man who had recently overthrown the temple of the gods and persuaded men to become Christians - a "superstitious sect" that had recently been declared illegal by the Romans.

Andrew replied that the rulers of Rome didn't understand the truth. The Son of God, who came into the world for man's sake, taught that the Roman gods were devils, enemies of mankind, teaching men to offend God and causing Him to turn away from them. By serving the devil, men fall into all kinds of wickedness, Andrew said, and after they die, nothing but their evil deeds are remembered.

The proconsul ordered Andrew not to preach these things any more or he would face a speedy crucifixion. Whereupon Andrew replied, "I would not have preached the honor and glory Of the cross if I feared the death of the cross." He was condemned to be crucified for teaching a new sect and taking away the religion of the Roman gods.

Andrew, going toward the place of execution and seeing the cross waiting for him, never changed his expression. Neither did he fail in his speech. His body fainted not, nor did his reason fail him, as often happens to men about to die. He said, "O cross, most welcome and longed for! With a willing mind, joyfully and desirously, I come to you, being the scholar of Him which did hang on you, because I have always been your lover and yearned to embrace you."

Matthew wrote his gospel to the Jews in the Hebrew tongue. After he had converted Ethiopia and all Egypt Hircanus the king sent someone to kill him with a spear.

After years of preaching to the barbarous nations, Philip was stoned and crucified in Hierapolis, Phzygia, and buried there with his daughter.

Of James, the brother of the Lord, we read the following. James, being considered a just and perfect man, governed the Church with the apostles. He drank no wine or any strong drink, ate no meat and never shaved his head. He was the only man allowed to enter into the holy place, for he never wore wool, just linen. He would enter into the temple alone, fall on his knees, and ask remission for the people, doing this so often that his knees lost their sense of feeling and became hardened, like the knees of a camel. Because Of his holy life, James was called "The Just" and "the safeguard of the people."

When many of their chief men had been converted, the Jews, scribes, and Pharisees began to fear that soon a the people would decide to follow Jesus. They met with James, saying, 'We beg you to restrain the people, for they believe Jesus as though he were Christ. Persuade those who come to the passover to think correctly about Christ because they will all listen to you. Stand on the top of the temple so you can be heard by everyone."

During passover the scribes and Pharisees put James on top of the temple, calling out to him, "You just man, whom we all ought to obey, this people is going astray after Jesus, who was crucified."

And James answered, "Why do you ask me of Jesus the Son of Man? He sits on the right hand of the Most High, and shall come in the clouds of heaven."

Hearing this, many in the crowd were persuaded and glorified God, crying, "Hosannah to the Son of David!"

Then the scribes and Pharisees realized they had done the wrong thing by allowing James to testify of Christ. They cried out, "Oh, this just man is seduced, too!" then went up and threw James off the temple.

But James wasn't killed by the fall. He turned, fell on his knees, and called, "O Lord God, Father, I beg You to forgive them for they know not what they do."

They decided to stone James, but a priest said to them, "Wait! What are you doing? The just man is praying for you!" But one of the men there - a fuller - took the instrument be used to beat cloth and hit James on the head, killing him, and they buried him where he fell. James was a true witness for Christ to the Jews and the Gentiles.


The First Persecution

The first of the ten persecutions was stirred up by Nero about AD 64. His rage against the Christians was so fierce that Eusebius records, 'a man might then see cities full of men's bodies, the old lying together with the young, and the dead bodies of women cast out naked, without reverence of that sex, in the open streets." Many Christians in those days thought that Nero was the antichrist because of his cruelty and abominations.

The apostle Peter was condemned to death during this persecution, although some say he escaped. It is known that many Christians encouraged him to leave the city, and the story goes that as he came to the city's gate, Peter saw Jesus coming to meet him. "Lord, where are You going?" Peter asked. "I am Come again to be crucified," was the answer.

Seeing that his suffering was understood, Peter returned to the city, where Jerome tells us he was crucified head down at his own request, saying he was not worthy to be crucified the same way his Lord was.

Paul also suffered under this persecution when Nero sent two of his esquires, Ferega and Parthemius, to bring him to his execution. They found Paul instructing the people and asked him to Pray for them so they might believe. Receiving Paul's assurance that they would soon be baptized, the two men led him out of the city to the place of execution, where Paul was beheaded. This persecution ended under Vespasian's reign, giving the Christians a little peace.

The Second Persecution

The second persecution began during the reign of Domitian, the brother of Titus. Domitian exiled John to the island Of Patmos, but on Dornitian's death John was allowed to return to Ephesus in the year A.D. 97. He remained there until the reign Of Trajan, governing the churches in Asia and writing his gospel until he died at about the age of one hundred.

Why did the Roman emperors and senate persecute the Christians so? First of all, they didn't understand that Christ's kingdom is not a temporal kingdom and they feared for their powerful leadership roles if too many citizens followed Christ. Secondly, Christians despised the false Roman gods, preferring to worship only the true, living God. Whatever happened in Rome - famine, disease, earthquake, wars, bad weather - was blamed on the Christians who defied the Roman gods.

Death was not considered enough punishment for the Christians, who were subjected to the cruelest treatment possible. They were whipped, disemboweled, torn apart, and stoned. Plates of hot iron were laid on them; they were strangled, eaten by wild animals, hung, and tossed on the horns of bulls. After they were dead, their bodies were piled in heaps and left to rot without burial. Nevertheless, the Church continued to grow, deeply rooted in the doctrine of the apostles and watered with the blood of the saints.


The Third Persecution

During the third persecution, Pliny the second wrote to the emperor Trajan, complaining that thousands of Christians were being killed daily, although none of them had done anything worthy of persecution.

During this persecution Ignatius was condemned to death because he professed Christ. At the time, he was living in Antioch, next in line as bishop after Peter. As he made the trip from Syria to Rome under heavy guard, he preached to the churches he passed and asked the church in Rome not to try to save him. Condemned to be thrown to the lions, Ignatius replied, "I am the wheat of Christ: I am going to be ground with the teeth of wild beasts, that I may be found pure bread."

The Fourth Persecution

After a respite, the Christians again came under persecution, this time from Marcus Aurelius, in A.D. 161.

One of those who suffered this time was Polycarp, the venerable bishop of Smyrna. Three days before he was captured, Polycarp dreamed that a pillow under his head caught fire, and when he awoke, he told those around him that he would bum alive for Christ's sake.

Hearing his captors had arrived one evening, Polycarp left his bed to welcome them, ordered a meal prepared for them, and then asked for an hour alone to pray. The soldiers were so impressed by Polycarp's advanced age and composure that they began to wonder why they had been sent to take him, but as soon as he had finished his prayers, they put him on an ass and brought him to the city. As he entered the stadium with his guards, a voice from heaven was heard to say, "Be strong, Polycarp, and play the man." No one nearby saw anyone speaking, but many people heard the voice.

Brought before the tribunal and the crowd, Polycarp refused to deny Christ although the proconsul begged him to consider yourself and have pity on your great age. "Reproach Christ and I will release you."

Polycarp replied, "Eighty-six years I have served Him, and He never once wronged me. How can I blaspheme my King, who saved me?"

Threatened with wild beasts and fire, Polycarp stood his ground. "What are you waiting for? Do whatever you please." The crowd demanded Polycarp's death, gathering wood for the fire and preparing to tie him to the stake.

"Leave me," he said. "He who will give me strength to sustain the fire will help me not to flinch from the pile." So they bound him but didn't nail him to the stake. As soon as polycarp finished his prayer, the fire was lit, but it leaped up around him, leaving him unburned, until the people convinced a soldier to plunge a sword into him. When he did, so much blood gushed out that the fire was immediately extinguished. The soldiers then placed his body into a fire and burned it to ashes, which some Christians later gathered up and buried properly.

In this same persecution, the Christians of Lyons and Vienne, two cities in France, also suffered, including Sanctus of Vienne, Maturus, Attalus of Pergamos, and the woman Blandina, all of whom endured extreme torture and death with fortitude and grace.


The Fifth Persecution, A.D. 200

During the reign of Severus, the Christians had several years of rest and could worship God without fear of punishment. But after a time, the hatred of the ignorant mob again prevailed, and the old laws were remembered and put in force against them. Fire, sword, wild beasts, and imprisonment were resorted to again, and even the dead bodies of Christians were stolen from their graves and mutilated. Yet the faithftil continued to multiply. Tertullian who lived at this time, said that if the Christians had all gone away from the Roman territories, the empire would have been greatly weakened.

By now, the persecutions had extended to northern Africa, Which was a Roman province, and many were murdered in that area. One of these was Perpetua a married lady twenty-six years old with a baby at her breast. On being taken before the proconsul Minutius, Perpetua was commanded to sacrifice to the idols. Refusing to do so, she was put in a dark dungeon and deprived of her child, but two of her keepers, Tertius and Pomponius, allowed her out in the fresh air several hours a day, during which time she was allowed to nurse her child.

Finally the Christians were summoned to appear before the judge and urged to deny their Lord, but all remained firm. When Perpetua’s turn came, her father suddenly appeared, carrying her infant in his arms, and begged her to save her own life for the sake of her child. Even the judge seemed to be moved. "Spare the gray hairs of your father," he said. "Spare your child. Offer sacrifice for the welfare of the emperor."

Perpetua answered, "I will not sacrifice."

"Are you a Christian?" demanded Hilarianus, the judge.

"I am a Christian," was her answer.

Perpetua and all the other Christians tried with her that day were ordered killed by wild beasts as a show for the crowd on the next holiday. They entered the place of execution clad in the simplest of robes, Perpetua singing a hymn of triumph. The men were to be torn to pieces by leopards and bears. Perpetua and a young woman named Felicitas were hung up in nets, at first naked, but the crowd demanded that they should be allowed their clothing.

When they were again returned to the arena, a bull was let loose on them. Felicitas fell, seriously wounded. Perpetua was tossed, her loose robe torn and her hair failing loose, but she hastened to the side of the dying Felicitas and gently raised her from the ground. When the bull refused to attack them again, they were dragged out of the arena, to the disappointment of the crowd, which wanted to see their deaths. Finally, brought back in to be killed by gladiators, Perpetua was assigned to a trembling young man who stabbed her weakly several times, not being used to such scenes of violence. When she saw how upset the young man was, Perpetua guided his sword to a vital area and died.


The Sixth Persecution, A.D. 235

This persecution was begun by the emperor Maximinus, who ordered all Christians hunted down and killed. A Roman soldier who refused to wear a laurel crown bestowed on him by the emperor and confessed he was a Christian was scourged, imprisoned, and put to death.

Pontianus, Bishop of Rome, was banished to Sardinia for preaching against idolatry and murdered. Anteros, a Grecian who succeeded Pontianus as Bishop of Rome, collected a history of the martyrs and suffered martyrdom himself after only forty days in office.

Pammachius, a Roman senator, and forty-two other Christians were all beheaded in one day and their heads set on the city gates. Calepodius, a Christian minister, after being dragged through the streets, was thrown into the Tiber River with a millstone fastened around his neck. Quiritus, a Roman nobleman, and his family and servants, was barbarously tortured and put to death. Martina, a noble young lady, was beheaded and Hippolitus, a Christian prelate, was tied to a wild horse and dragged through fields until he died.

Maximinus was succeeded by Gordian, during whose reign and that of his successor, Philip, the Church was free from persecution for more than six years. But in 249, a violent persecution broke out in Alexandria without the emperor's knowledge.

Metrus, an old Christian of Alexandria, refused to worship idols. He was beaten with clubs, pricked with sharp reeds, and stoned to death. Quinta, a Christian woman was dragged by her feet over sharp flint stones, scourged with whips, and finally stoned to death. Apollonia, an old woman nearly seventy, confessed that she was a Christian, and the mob fastened her to a stake, Preparing to burn her. She begged to be let loose and the mob untied her, thinking she was ready to recant but to their astonishment, she immediately threw her self back into the flames and died.


Notice in many of these testimonies of persecution that the victims could have been spared by agreeing to worship the idols of the heathen or by simply denying Christ. What would you do in such a situation? Consider the Christians you know that are still entangled in the world. Who do you know that could endure such a test? Who do you know that you would you want to "have in your foxhole?"

The pre-tribulation rapturists will always claim that the saints spoken of in Revelation 13:7-15 are not going to be them. No, they claim that they are going to be "raptured out of here," before that time. Those saints are other saints; "tribulation saints." It is a fact that God has allowed millions of righteous Christians (pre-tribulation saints), who would not deny him in word or bow to an idol, to be put to death. For some reason, pre-tribulation rapturists believe that He would never allow that to happen to them. They will be, "raptured out of here," before it gets that bad.



John Hooper

During the reign of King Edward, John Hooper served as bishop of two dioceses, always acting as Paul instructed bishops to act in his epistle to Timothy. He never looked for personal gain, only for the care and salvation of his flocks, giving away any money that came his way. Twice I [Foxe] saw Hooper's house filled with beggars and poor people who were eating at a table filled with meat, an event a servant told me took place every evening before Hooper sat down to eat his own dinner.

Hooper served as bishop for more than two years under Edward. When Edward died and Mary was crowned queen, Hooper was one of the first ordered to report to London and imprisoned. He remained there for, eighteen months, gravely ill most of the time, forced to spend his own money to obtain food. On March 19, 1554, Hooper was called before the bishops of Winchester, London, Durham, Liandaff, and Chichester and deprived of his bishoprics. On January 22, 1555, The Bishop of Winchester called him in to demand he forsake his Protestant beliefs and accept the Pope as the head of the Church of England. If he did so, he would be pardoned - as many other English churchmen had been. Hooper refused.

On January 28, 1555, Hooper appeared before Winchester and others and was given another chance to accept the Catholic Church. This was the same day Rogers was appearing, and they met outside as they left the church with their guards

"Brother Rogers," Hooper exclaimed, "should we take this Matter in hand and begin to fry these fagots (wood)?"

"Yes, sir," Rogers replied, "by God's grace." Be sure, God will give strength."

Hooper was returned to Newgate Prison for six days on January 29; on February 4 the Bishop of London stripped him of all Church offices and Hooper was transported to Gloucester to be burned.

On February 5, Hooper was brought to the stake. He had been given packages of gunpowder by the guard, to hasten his death and lessen his suffering. These he put under his arms and between his legs. Three irons were brought to fasten him to the stake - one for his neck one for his waist, one for his legs - but Hooper said they weren't necessary. Just the one around his waist was used.

After Hooper forgave the man who made the fire, it was lit, but the fire builder had used green wood, and even when it finally caught the wind blew the flames away from Hooper. A second fire was lit but it only burned low, not flaring up as it should have. When the fire was lit the third time, the gunpowder on Hooper went off, but even that didn't do much good because of the wind.

Even when Hooper's mouth was black and his tongue swollen, his lips continued to move until they shrank to the gums. He knocked on his breast with his hands until one of his arms fell off. Then he knocked with the other - fat, water, and blood dropping off the ends of his fingers - until his hand stuck to the iron around his waist.

Hooper was in the fire for over forty-five minutes, suffering patiently even when the lower part of his body burned off and his intestines spilled out. Now he reigns as a blessed martyr in the joys of heaven that are prepared for the faithful in Christ.

The following is a chapter from Tortured For Christ. This book was written by brother Richard Wurmbrand who suffered in communist prisons for fourteen years for his faith in Jesus. Brother Wurmbrand is the founder of, voice of the martyrs, a ministry to the underground church.



I worked in both an official and underground manner until February 29, 1948. It was a Sunday-a beautiful Sunday. On that Sunday, on my way to church, I was kidnapped from the street by the secret police.

Many times I had wondered what manstealing mentioned several times in the Bible, meant. Communism has taught me.

Many at that time were kidnapped like this. A van of the secret police stopped in front of me, four men jumped out and pushed me into the van. I was taken away for many years. For over eight years, no one knew if I was alive or dead. My wife was visited by the secret police who posed as released fellow-prisoners. They told her they had attended my burial. She was heart-broken. Thousands from churches of all denominations went to prison at that time. Not only were clergymen put in jail but also simple peasants, young boys and girls who witnessed for their faith. The prisons were full and in Rumania, as in all communist countries, to be in prison means to be tortured.

Tortures were sometimes horrible. I prefer not to speak too much about those through which I have passed. When I do I cannot sleep at night. It is too painful. In another book, In God's Underground, I recount with many details all our experiences with God in jail.


Unspeakable Tortures

A pastor by the name of Florescu was tortured with red-hot iron pokers and with knives. He was beaten very badly. Then starving rats were driven into his cell through a large pipe. He could not sleep, but had to defend himself all the time. If he rested a moment the rats would attack him He was forced to stand for two weeks, day and night. The communists wished to compel him to be tray his brethren, but he resisted steadfastly. In the end, they brought his fourteen year-old son and began to whip the boy in front of his father, saying that they would continue to beat him until the pastor said what they wished him to say. The poor man was half-mad. He bore it as long as he could. When he could not stand it any more, he cried to his son; "Alexander, I must say what they want, I can't bear your beating anymore." The son answered, "Father, don't do me the injustice to have a traitor as a parent. Withstand, If they kill me, I will die with the words,'Jesus and my father-land'." The communists, enraged, fell upon the child and beat him to death, with blood spattered over the walls of the cell. He died praising God. Our dear brother Florescu was never the same after seeing this.

Handcuffs, which had sharp nails on the insides, were put on our wrists. If we were totally still, they didn't cut us. But in bitterly cold cells, when we shook with cold, our wrists would be torn by the nails. Christians were hung upside down on ropes and beaten so severely that their bodies swung back and forth under the blows. Christians were put in icebox "refrigerator cells" which were so cold, frost and ice covered the inside. I was thrown into one with very little clothing on. Prison doctors would watch through an opening until they saw symptoms of freezing to death, then they would give a warning and guards would rush in to take us out and make us warm. When we were finally warmed we would immediately be put back in the ice-box cells to freeze-over and over again Thawing out, then freezing to within just one minute or two of death then being thawed out again. It continued endlessly. Even today sometimes I can’t bear to open a refrigerator.

We Christians were put in wooden boxes only slightly larger than we were. This left no room to move. Dozens of sharp nails were driven into every side of the box, with their razor-sharp points sticking into the box. While we stood perfectly still, it was all right. We were forced to stand in these boxes for endless hours. But when we became fatigued and swayed with tiredness, the nails would go into our bodies. If we moved or twitched a muscle there were the horrible nails.

What the communists have done to Christians surpasses any possibility of human understanding. I have seen communists torturing Christians and the faces of the torturers shone with rapturous joy. They cried out while torturing the Christians, "we are the devil."

We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities and powers of evil. We saw that communism is not from men but from the devil. It is a spiritual force-a force of evil-and can only be countered by a greater spiritual force, the Spirit of God. I often asked the torturers, "Don't you have pity in your hearts?" They usually answered with a quotation from Lenin that "you cannot make omelets without breaking the shells of eggs" and that "You cannot cut wood without making chips fly." I said again, "I saw this quotation from Lenin. But there is a difference. When you cut a piece of wood it feels nothing. But here you are dealing with human beings. Every beating produces pain and there are mothers who weep." Its vain. They are materialists. For them nothing besides matter exists and to them a man is like wood, like an eggshell. With this belief they sink to unbelievable depths of cruelty. The cruelty of atheism is hard to believe. When a man has no faith in the reward of good or the punishment of evil, there is no reason to be human. There is no restraint from the depths of evil which is in man. The communist torturers often said, "there is no God, no hereafter, no punishment for evil. We can do what we wish." I heard one torturer say, "I thank God, in whom I don't believe, that I have lived to this hour when I can express all the evil in my heart." He expressed it in unbelievable brutality and torture inflicted on prisoners. I am very sorry if a crocodile eats a man, but I can't reproach the crocodile. He is not a moral being. So no reproaches can be made to the communists. Communism has destroyed any moral sense in them. They boasted they had no pity in their hearts. I learned from then. As they allowed no place for Jesus in their hearts, I decided I would leave not the smallest place for Satan in mine.

I have testified before the Internal Security Subcommittee of the U.S. Senate. There I described awful things, such as Christians tied to crosses for four days and nights. The crosses were put on the door and hundreds of prisoners had to fulfill their bodily necessities over the faces and bodies of the crucified ones. Then the crosses were erected again and the communists jeered and mocked: "Look at your Christ, How beautiful he is! What fragrance he brings from Heaven!" I described how, after being driven nearly insane with tortures, a priest was forced to consecrate human excrement and urine and give Holy Communion to Christians in this form. This happened in the Rumanian prison of Pitesti. I asked the priest afterwards why he did not prefer to die rather than participate in this mockery. He answered, "Don't judge me please! I have suffered more than Christ." All the Biblical descriptions of hell and the pains of Dante’s Inferno are nothing in comparison with the tortures in communist prisons.

This is only a very small part of what happened on one Sunday and on many other Sundays in the prison of Pitesti. Other things simply cannot be told. They are too terrible and obscene to put in writing.

That is what your brothers in Christ went through and go through now.

One of the really great heroes of the faith was pastor Milan Haimovici

The prisons were overcrowded and the guards did not know us by name. They called out for those who had been sentenced to get twenty-five lashes with a whip for having broken some prison rule. Innumerable

times, Pastor Milan Haimovici went to get the beating in the place of somebody else. By this he won the respect of other prisoners. Not only for himself, but also for Christ whom he represented.

If I were to continue to tell all the horrors of communists and all the self-sacrifices of Christians, I would never finish. Not only the tortures were known. The heroic deeds were known, too. The heroic examples of those in prison greatly inspired the brethren who were still free. One of our workers was a young girl of the Underground Church. The communist police discovered that she secretly spread Gospels and taught children about Christ. They decided to arrest her. But to make the arrest more agonizing and as painful as they could, they decided to delay her arrest a few weeks, until the day she was to be married. On her wedding day the girl was dressed as a bride. The most wonderful joyous day of a girl's life. Suddenly, the door was pushed open and the secret police rushed in.

When the bride saw the Secret police, she held out her arms toward them to be handcuffed. They roughly put the manacles on her wrists. She looked toward her beloved, then kissed the chains and said, "I thank my heavenly Bridegroom for this jewel He has presented to me on my marriage day. I thank Him that I am worthy to suffer for Him." She was dragged off, with weeping Christians and a weeping bridegroom left behind. They know what happens to young Christian girls in the hands of communist guards. After five years she was released, a destroyed, broken woman, looking thirty years older. Her bridegroom had waited for her. He said it was the least he could do for her Christ. Such beautiful Christians are in the underground Church.


What Brainwashing is Like

Westerners have probably heard about the brainwashing in the Korean war and now in Vietnam. I have passed through brainwashing myself. It is the most horrible torture. For years we had to sit for seventeen hours a day hearing:

Communism is good.

Communism is good.

Communism is good.

Communism is good.

Christianity is stupid.

Christianity is stupid.

Christianity is stupid.

Give up.

Give up.

Give up.

Give up.

For seventeen hours a day-for days, weeks and months.

Several Christians have asked me how we could resist brainwashing. There is only one method of resistance to brainwashing. This is "heartwashing." If the heart is cleansed by the love of Jesus Christ, and if the heart loves Him, you can resist all tortures. What would a loving bride not do for a loving bridegroom. What would a loving mother not do for her child. If you love Christ as Mary did, who had Christ as a baby in her arms, if you love Jesus as a bride loves her bridegroom, then you can resist such tortures.

God will judge us not according to how much we endured but how much we could love. I am a witness for the Christians in communist prisons that they could love. They could love God and men. The tortures and brutality continued without interruption. When I lost consciousness or became too dazed to give the torturers any further hopes of confessions, I would be returned to my cell. There I would lie, untended and half dead, to regain a little strength so they could work on me again. Many died at this stage, but somehow my strength always managed to come back. In the ensuing years, in several different prisons, they broke four vertebrae in my back, and many other bones. They carved me in a dozen places. They burned and cut eighteen holes in my body.

Doctors in Oslo, seeing all this and the scars of the lung tuberculosis which I also had, declared that my being alive today is a pure miracle. According to their medical books, I should have been dead for years. I know myself it is a miracle. God is a God of miracles. I believe God performed this wonder so that you could hear my voice crying out on behalf of the Underground Church behind the Iron Curtain. He allowed one to come out alive and cry aloud the message from you suffering, faithful brethren.

Brief Freedom -- then Re-Arrest

The year 1956 arrived. I had been in prison eight and a half years. I had lost much weight, gained ugly scars, had been brutally beaten and kicked, derided, starved, pressured, questioned ad nauseam, threatened and neglected. None of this had produced the results my captors were after. So, in discouragement, they turned me loose. Besides, they were still getting protests over my imprisonment.

I was allowed to return to my old position for just one week. I preached two sermons. Then they called me in and told me I could not preach any more, nor engage in any further religious activity. What had I said? I had counseled my parishioners to have "patience, patience and more patience." "This means, you are telling them to just be patient and the Americans will come and deliver them," the police shouted at me. I had also said that the wheel turns and times change. "You are telling them the communists will not continue to rule. These are counter revolutionary lies," they screamed. So that was the end of my public ministry.

Probably the authorities believed that I would be afraid to defy them and go back into the underground witnessing. That was where they were wrong. Secretly, I returned to the work I had been doing before. My family backed me up.

Again I witnessed to hidden groups of the faithful coming and going like a ghost under the aegis of those who could be trusted. This time I had scars to back up my message about the evil of the atheist viewpoint and to encourage faltering souls to trust God and be brave. I directed a secret network of evangelists, who helped each other spread the Gospel under providentially blinded communist eyes. After all, if a man can be so blind as not to see the hand of God at work perhaps be will not see that of an evangelist either.

Finally, the ceaseless interest of the police in my activities and whereabouts paid off for them. Again I was discovered, again imprisoned. For some reason they did not imprison my family this time, perhaps because of all the publicity I had received. I had had eight and a half years of prison and then three years of relative freedom. Now I was to be imprisoned for five and a half years more. My second imprisonment, was in many ways, worse than the first. I knew well what to expect. My physical condition became very bad almost immediately. But we continued the underground work of the Underground church in underground communist prisons.

We Made a Deal -- We Preached and They Beat

It was strictly forbidden to preach to other prisoners. It was understood that whoever was caught doing this received a severe beating. A number of us decided to pay the price for the privilege of preaching, so we accepted their terms. It was a deal; we preached and

they beat us. We were happy preaching. They were happy beating us, so everyone was happy.

The following scene happened more times than I can remember: A brother was preaching to the other prisoners when the guards suddenly burst in, surprising him half way through a phrase. They hauled him down the corridor to their "beating room". After what seemed an endless beating, they brought him back and threw him-bloody and bruised on the prison floor. Slowly, he picked his battered body up, painfully straightened his clothing and said, "Now, brethren,

where did I leave off when I was interrupted." He continued his Gospel message. I have seen beautiful things.

Sometimes the preachers were laymen. Simple men inspired by the Holy Spirit often preached beautifully. All their hearts were in their words, for to preach under such punitive circumstances was no trifling matter. Then the guards would come and take the preacher out and beat him half to death. In the prison of Gherla, a Christian named Grecu

was sentenced to be beaten to death. The process lasted a few weeks. He was beaten very slowly. He would be hit once at the bottom of the feet with a rubber club, and then left. After some minutes again a hit,

after another few minutes again. He was beaten on the testicles. Then a doctor gave him an injection. He recovered and was given very good food to restore his strength, and then he was beaten again until he died

under this slow, repeated beating. One who led this torture was a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, whose name was Reck.

Now, at a certain moment, Reck would say something which the communists often said to Christians, "You know, I am God. I have power of life and death over you. The one who is in heaven cannot decide to

keep you in life. Everything depends upon me. If I wish, you live. If I wish, you are killed. I am God." So he mocked the Christian.

Brother Grecu, in this horrible situation, gave Reck a very interesting answer which I heard afterward from Reck himself. He said, You don't know what a deep thing you have said. You are really a god. Every caterpillar is in reality a butterfly, if it develops rightly. You have not been created to be a torturer, a man who kills. You have been created to become a godlike being. Jesus said to the Jews of His time, 'Ye are gods.' The life of Godhead is in your heart. Many who have been like you, many persecutors, as the apostle Paul, have discovered at a certain moment that it is shameful for a man to commit atrocities, that they can do much better things. So they have become partakers of the divine nature. Believe me, Mr. Reck, your real calling is to be a god, godlike; not a torturer."

At that moment Reck did not pay much attention to the words of his victim, as Saul of Tarsus did not pay attention to the beautiful witness of Stephen being killed in his presence. But those words worked in his heart. And Reck later understood that this was his real calling.

One great lesson arose from all the beatings, tortures and butchery of the communists: that the spirit is master of the body. Often, when tortured, we felt the tortures, but it seemed as something distant and

far removed from the spirit which was lost in the glory of Christ and His presence with us. When we were given one slice of bread a week and

dirty soup every day, we decided we would faithfully "tithe" even then. Every tenth week we took the slice of bread and gave it to weaker brethren as our "tithe" to the Master.

A Christian was sentenced to death. Before being executed, he was allowed to see his wife. His last words to his wife were, "You must know that I die loving those who kill me. They don't know what they do

and my last request of you is to love them, too. Don't have bitterness in your heart because they kill your beloved one. We will meet in heaven." These words impressed the officer of the secret police who attended the discussion between the two. Afterward he told me the story in prison, where he had been put for becoming a Christian.

In the prison of Tirgu-Ocna, there was a very young prisoner called Matchevici. He had been put in prison at the age of eighteen. Because of the tortures, he was now very sick with tuberculosis. The family found out somehow that he was in this grave state of health and

sent him one hundred bottles of streptomycin, which could make the difference between life and death. The political officer of the prison called him and showed him the parcel and said, "Here is the medicine which can save your life. But you are not allowed to receive parcels from your family. Personally, I would like to help you. You are young. I would not like you to die in prison. Help me to be able to help you. Give me information against your fellow prisoners and this will enable me to justify before my superiors why I gave you the parcel." Matchevici answered, I don't wish to remain alive and be ashamed to look in a mirror be cause I will see the face of a traitor. I cannot accept such a condition I prefer to die." The officer of the secret police shook his hand and said, "I congratulate you I didn’t expect any other answer from you. But I would like to make another proposal. Some of the prisoners have become our informers. They claim to be communists and they are denouncing you. They play a double role. We have no confidence in them. We would like to know in what measure they are sincere. Toward you they are traitors. They are doing you so much

harm, informing us about your words and deeds. I understand that you don’t want to betray your comrades. But give us information about those who oppose you so you will save your life." Matchevici answered, as promptly as the first time, "I am a disciple of Christ and He has taught us to love even our enemies. The men who betray us do us very much harm but I cannot reward evil with evil. I cannot give information even against them. I pity them. I pray for them. I don't wish to have any connection with the communists." Matchevici, came back from the discussion with the political officer and died in the same cell I was in. I saw him die, he was praising God. Love conquered even the natural thirst for life.

If a poor man is a great lover of music, he gives his last dollar to listen to a concert. He is then without money, but be does not feel frustrated. He has heard beautiful things. I don't feel frustrated to have lost many years in prison. I have seen beautiful things. I myself have been among the weak and insignificant ones in prison, but have had the privilege to be in the same jail with great saints, heroes of faith who equaled the Christians of the first centuries. They went gladly to die far Christ. The spiritual beauty of such saints and heroes

of faith can never be described.

The things which I say here are not exceptional. The supernatural things have become natural to Christians in the Underground Church. The Underground Church is a Church which has come back to the first love. Before entering prison, I loved Christ very much. Now, after having seen the "Bride of Christ"-His spiritual Body-in prison, I would say that I love the Underground Church as much as I love Christ himself. I have seen her beauty, her spirit of sacrifice.


What Happened to My Wife and Son

I was taken away from my wife. I did not know what had happened to her. Only after many years I heard that she had been put in prison. Christian women suffer much more than men in prison. Girls have been raped by brutal guards. The mockery, the obscenity is horrible. The women were compelled to work at hard labor at a canal which had to be built, and they had to fulfill the same work load as men. They shoveled earth in winter. Prostitutes were made overseers and competed in torturing the faithful. My wife has eaten grass like cattle to stay alive. Rats and snakes were eaten at this canal by the hungry prisoners. One of the joys of the guards on Sundays was to throw women into the Danube and then fish them out, to laugh about them, to mock them when they saw their wet bodies, to throw them back and fish them out again. My wife was thrown in the Danube in this manner.

My son was left to wander on the street when his mother and father were taken away. Mihai had been from childhood very religious and very interested in matters of faith. At the age of nine, when his father and mother were taken away from him, he passed through a crisis in his Christian life. He had become bitter and questioned all his religion. He had problems which children usually don’t have at this age. He had to think about earning his living.

It was a crime to help families of Christian martyrs. Two ladies who helped him were arrested and beaten so badly that they are crippled even now--after fifteen years. A lady who risked her life and took Mihai into her house was sentenced to eight years in prison for the crime of having helped families of prisoners. All her teeth were kicked out. Her bones were broken. She will never be able to work again. She, too, will be a cripple for life.


"Mihai, Believe in, Jesus."

At the age of eleven, Mihai began to earn his living as a regular worker. Suffering had produced a wavering in his faith. But after two years of my wife's imprisonment, he was allowed to see her. He went to the communist prison and saw his mother behind iron bars. She was dirty, thin, with calloused hands, wearing the shabby uniform of a prisoner. He scarcely recognized her. Her first words were, "Mihai, believe in Jesus." The guards, in a savage rage, pulled her away from Mihai and took her out. Mihai wept seeing his mother dragged away. This minute was the minute of his conversion. He knew that if Christ can be loved under such circumstances, He surely is the true Saviour. He said afterward: "If Christianity had no other arguments in its favor than the fact that my mother believes in it, this is enough for me." That was the day he fully accepted Christ.



The preceding testimonies should be very disturbing to any Christian. They certainly are to this writer. How do Christians that have to go through this endure it? How could I endure? Would I give in and deny the Lord under such pressure? Why does God allow his children to be tortured and slain by the wicked?

It is folly for man to try to answer this last question. The depths of the wisdom of God are unknowable. However, the Bible reveals and history shows that Christians have and currently do endure such tribulations. As you read this and as you lay down to sleep tonight, there are Christian brothers and sisters around the world being persecuted and tortured for their testimony for Jesus.

What does all of this have to do with the question of whether there is a two part coming of Christ? The doctrine of a two part coming of Christ is so widely accepted in the Western Churches because it gives its adherents a belief in an escape from suffering. Since they have not experienced real suffering, and they are ignorant of the fact that this suffering for Christ exists even today, they openly embrace a doctrine that tells them that it wouldn’t happen to them.

Suffering is for "Other People"

If a pre-tribulation rapturists is confronted with scriptures that speak of the saint’s of God experiencing suffering or tribulation they will usually have a rebuttal that includes the idea that the "saints" in that verse are a group of God’s people other than them.


For instance, a pre-tribulation rapturist will claim that the saints mentioned in this verse are "tribulation saints" (a term that is not in the Bible and that they fabricated.) Of course, it is nice to believe that God would never give the beast power over us (pre-tribulation saints) and that we would never have to suffer or be tortured. God willing we won’t. However, what about those believers that are being tortured and killed right now as we speak? What about the millions of martyrs that have been tortured and murdered the last 2000 years? It wasn’t the "other saints" for them. They weren’t "raptured out of here."

This writer recently discussed some Bible passages that spoke of a great time of trouble in this world with a relative. This relative immediately responded, "Not while I’m alive." They agreed that the troubles would come but they wouldn’t affect them. No, they believe that this trouble would be for; "other people."

This is a natural reaction for people. Often you can observe people on the news reacting to a terrible event such as a murder saying, "You never think that something like this can happen to you." Unfortunately, it can.

It is amazing what lengths the pre-tribulation rapturists will go to to dismiss any scriptures that show the saints going through the tribulation as being "other saints" or "other elect." We will look at their arguments in part three of this essay.

In part two of this essay, we will go into detail discussing the fact that no matter what tribulation God is allowing to happen on the earth, that the wrath of God is only for the lost and that tribulation for the saint is temporal.




Let us turn to the gospel texts that deal with this issue. By reading all of the related passages, one will notice the omission of any references to a two part coming of Christ with a silent pre-tribulation rapture where the world doesn’t understand that the day of judgement is here. Such an important doctrine should have clear and obvious references to its existence.

Reading again through Matt 24, verse 3 tells us that the passage is speaking of his "coming" and "the end of the world." Verse 13 tells us that "he that endure to the end, the same shall be saved," The "He" here must refer to the elect of God, those predestined to salvation. He must "endure" to the "end." Now if Christians just had to "endure" until the silent rapture, then this would have been a good place to reveal that doctrine. However, Christians must "endure" until the "end."

Verse 15 refers to the, "Abomination of Desolation spoken of by Daniel." We will come back to this issue, but notice that by the time of the "Abomination" there is still no reference to any "rapture" to take us out of the world. Verse 21 says that, "then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be." This is a clear reference to what some people call "The great tribulation." Still, there is no mention of Christians being "taken out of the world." The next verse (22) tells us that many will be killed during those days ("no flesh be saved") but that for the "elect’s sake" (the elect are those God predestinated to inherit salvation), "those days shall be shortened." So, the "days" will be shortened but there is no reference to rapture.

Verse 27 speaks of the "coming of the Son of Man" being as "lightening." Luke 17:24 says the same thing. The "coming of the Son of Man" is commonly referred to as "The Second Coming of Jesus Christ." He came the first time to be the sacrificial lamb to bear our sins and is coming the second time with power and glory to judge the inhabitants of the earth.

Verse 29 says, "Immediately after the tribulation of those days…and then shall appear the Sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

30And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

31And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other." When will he appear? After the tribulation of those days. So shall see him? All the tribes of the earth.(verse 30). How will he come? In the clouds with power and glory. Who will he send? His angels, with a great sound of a trumpet. What will they gather? His elect, that is, the children of God.

Are you a child of God? Are you his elect? Then you know that Jesus is coming to gather you when he comes in power and glory with a great sound of a trumpet after the tribulation of those days. Was there any mention of a rapture where Christians (who were truly santified) all over the earth are taken out of the world so that they don’t have to suffer tribulation? According to some who hold the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine, those that are "left behind" will be told that aliens took the Christians as an explanation of what happened to them.

Regardless of what the pre-tribulation rapturist say about that, it is obvious that verses 29-31 are not speaking of a rapture where the world does not know what is going on. No; "then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds…" Why are the people of the earth mourning? They are mourning because they will know that the King of kings has come to judge, and it is too late for them. The door of grace has been shut.

If there was a rapture prior to the "coming of the Son of Man" where Christians are taken out of the world, why didn’t Jesus say anything about it so far. The pre-tribulation rapturists would have us believe that all of these verses pertaining to tribulation and the coming of Christ do not really pertain to us because we will have already been taken out of the world before this time. In fact, they teach that we (Christians) will come with Christ in the clouds (from heaven) at his Second Coming to meet those "tribulation saints" that were saved during the tribulation. However, verse 31 says that he will "send his angels,,,and they shall gather together his elect…from one end of heaven to the other." Certainly, there are already saints in heaven that will be gathered at his coming. There are Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and every other child of God whose soul has gone to be with the Lord. However, there are no scriptures that say that Christians who are still alive when we are "caught up together" would be in heaven prior to this time. Furthermore, the parallel passage in Mark says,

Mark|13:27 And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven.

So quite obviously, the elect are going to be gathered at this time from the "earth" and "heaven." This negates that PTR's claim that only the Pre-Tribulation "saints" are being "gathered" here.

If there was a "rapture" prior to the "coming of the Son of Man" referred to in these verses, why didn’t Jesus say anything about it yet?

Verses 37-39 compares the days of the "coming of the Son of Man" (i.e. the coming of Christ) to the days of Noah. These verses also let us know that the subject of the passage is still "the coming of the Son of Man," and not some event years prior to "the coming" (i.e. a pre-tribulation "coming").

The rapturists love to refer to verses 40-41 to describe how the "rapture" is going to take place. These verses are what they base their idea that cars and planes will wreck all over the world as Christians are "Raptured out of here." However, there is no indication that Jesus is now talking about something (the pre-tribulation "coming") that happened 3 ½ to 7 years prior to the "coming of the Son of Man" that he had just been talking about. According to most pre-tribulation rapturists, the tribulation is 3/12 to 7 years in length and the rapture occurs before the tribulation, and the "coming of Christ" occurs after the tribulation. Therefore, according to their doctrine, verses 40-41 would have to refer to a period of time 3 ½ to 7 years prior to the "Coming of Christ" which Jesus had been speaking of for the last 36 verses. Now, if as they believe, the rapture happens prior to the "tribulation" and the "tribulation" happens prior to the "coming of the Son of Man," why didn’t Jesus tell us about the rapture prior to at least verse 15? He didn’t tell us about it because the rapture does not occur prior to the tribulation."

Verses 42-51 discuss the aspect of Jesus coming as a "thief in the night" and the fact that no one knows when he will come. Notice that the main theme in this passage is a warning against sin for the professing Christian. In verse 43 the "Goodman" (master) is the Christian. If the Goodman watches, (lives righteously while awaiting the Day of the Lord) his house will not be broken up (into). Notice that in 2 peter 3:12 we are told that we (Christians)are to be Looking for and hasting (hastening) unto the coming of the Day of God." It also says of the "Day of God," "wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat."


The "Day of God" that we are to be looking for does not sound like the "rapture." The "Day of God" will have fire and destruction. 1 Corinthians 1:7 says that we are to be, "waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."8 "Who shall also confirm you unto the end." Again, there is no mention of a pre-tribulation rapture. No, we are to wait for the coming until the end.

What comes as a "thief in the night?" Does it say a "pre-tribulation coming" comes as a "thief in the night?" Does it say the "rapture" comes as a "thief in the night?" No. it says, "the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night;"


Who comes as a thief? None other than the Lord himself.

Revelation 16:15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.

Again in Matt 24:43 the professing Christian who bears fruit will not suffer loss when Christ comes. However, those who do wickedly will not discern the nearness of the coming of the Lord (verse 50) and will be sent to Hell (verse 51).


Now look at the parallel passage in Mark 13. Notice that this passage follows the some general outline.


Verse 24 says, "But in those days, after the tribulation26 then shall they see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. And then shall he send his angels… and gather his elect form the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven. So again, after the tribulation they shall see the Son of Man come with power and glory and his angels will gather his elect form earth and heaven.

Obviously, Jesus is telling us about his "Second Coming" which occurs after the tribulation and not before. Now, if (we) Christians are to be "taken up in the rapture" before the tribulation, why didn’t he tell us about it in this passage. Notice again that at the end of verse 27 we are told that his elect will be gathered from earth and heaven.

Luke 17 has a shorter parallel passage with still no reference to a "rapture" before the tribulation; or a "gathering together" before the tribulation; or a "coming" before the tribulation.

Let us look at the comparison to the "days of Lot." What day did God rain down fire and brimstone and destroy them all? The same day that Lot went out. Even thus, what day shall the world be destroyed this time? In the day when the Son of man is revealed. The pre-tribulation rapturists claim that the rapture happens 3 ½ or 7 seven years before Jesus comes to judge the world and destroy the wicked. Thus, they cannot have Jesus being revealed at the rapture because he will bring destruction on the day he is revealed. Therefore, they promote the idea that at the pre-tribulation rapture Jesus is not revealed to the world but that the Christians just disappear "into thin air."

If this is true, then the "rapture" must be silent with no trumpet blast or shout, or voice of the archangel. This presents the pre-tribulation rapturists with a problem because the verse that they always claim refers to the "pre-tribulation rapture" shows that his coming is not secret or silent.

In the book of John (21 20-23 Jesus speaks to Peter concerning John and says, "If I will that he tarry (remain alive) till I Come, what is that to thee?" There is no mention of a rapture before tribulation in the book of John either.

Let us now turn to the epistles to the Thessalonians, which have more details of "the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by (concerning) our gathering together unto him." (2 Thess 2:1)


Now, the pre-tribulation rapture teachers usually cut the passage off at chapter 4, verse 18. Of course, the very next two lines identify the time of the "catching up" as the "day of the Lord". Not only that, but the proceeding verses also identify this time as a time of great destruction on the unbelieving and disobedient. In fact it says that they "shall not escape". No wonder the pre-tribulation teachers cut the passage off, for they teach that many will escape. They teach that there will be a huge revival as millions of "tribulation saints" get saved.


Tribulation for the saint is not the Wrath of God

In 1 Thess 1:4 Paul tells the Christians, "knowing, brethren beloved your election of (by) God." Of course we know that all true Christians have been "elected" by God to receive salvation and are God’s "elect."

In chapter 3 verse 4 we are told, "that we should suffer tribulation." In chapter 4 verse 13 he tells us, "I would not have you to be ignorant concerning them which are asleep (dead) that ye sorrow not…15 that we (Christians, God’s elect) which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent (precede) them which are asleep (dead). 16 for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump (trumpet) of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first:17Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to met the Lord in the air…"

So Paul does not want us to be ignorant of what happens to Christians who die before the coming of the Lord. We (Christians) who are alive on the earth at the time of this coming will not be caught up (Raptured) until after the Christians who have lived and died before us are risen for the dead. The Lord will come from heaven with a shout and a trump (refer back to Matt 24:30-31)

The pre-tribulation rapturists like to refer to verse 17 as speaking of the rapture. The use of this word is fine because the work rapture comes from the Latin rapio as discussed earlier. However, the preceding verses in the passage (13-16 show that this event concerns the "coming of the Lord," or the "coming of the Son of Man," or the "day of the Lord." The terms are synonymous and refer to the same thing. Thus we will be "caught up" (Raptured), but not years before the coming of the Son of Man.

Continue to chapter 5, "For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as the thief in the night." (verse 2) Where have we heard of the thief? Matt 24:43.

In verse 4 Paul tells us that "that day" should not overtake us as a "theif." Why? Because we are children of the light (verse 5) Furthermore, we are not appointed to wrath but to salvation (verse 9). The day of the Lord does come as a thief in the night to the wicked and disobedient though (verse 6,7).

Chapter 3 verse 13 speaks of, "the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints." Some pre-tribulation rapturist may claim that this verse refers to Jesus coming again after the rapture with the Christians (saints) that had been raptured 3/12 to 7 years earlier (the pre-tribulation saints). In fact, when quoting this verse orally, many pre-tribulation rapturists will insert the word "back" in the sentence (i.e. "come back with his saints"). However it doesn’t say that. It just says he is coming "with all this saints." It is made perfectly clear in 1 Thessalonians 4:14 what saints are coming with him.


Very obviously, those saints who previously died (are asleep) will be brought with him. Also, when he does come, his angels will "gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven," (Matt 24:31 & Mark 13:27) so his coming will be "with all his saints."

Again, if there was going to be a 2 part "Second Coming of Christ" with the "rapture" followed by the "tribulation" followed by the "coming of the Son of Man," why wouldn’t Paul have explained this in this passage about us being "caught up together with them in the clouds?" There will be no rapture to take Christians out of the world years prior to the day of the Lord.

We see the same thing in 2 Thess starting in chapter 1 verse 4. Paul says,

Does this sound like a silent "rapture" where Christians disappear into then air and the world doesn’t know what has happened? No, this is the day of the Lord when he comes in power and glory. Did Paul mention anything to his readers about being "Raptured out of here" 3 ½ to 7 years prior to the Lord Jesus coming in glory? No. Notice that the, "the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ" and "our gathering unto him" and the "day of Christ" are all the same event. When are those that are troubled going to rest? "When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels." How is He going to be revealed? In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel. When is this going to happen? When he shall come to be glorified in his saints.

Again, back to chapter 2 verse 1;

Who is he speaking to? Christians, us. What is he speaking about? The coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together with him. This is the same event described in 1 Thess 4:17.

Again, that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

What day is he talking about? "the day of Christ." What other names does this day have? "The Day of the Lord" (1 Thess 5"2) and "The coming of the Son of Man" (Matt 24:37).

What must occur before that Day? The "man of sin be revealed"

The "man of sin" has many names but it is generally accepted that he is the "antichrist" referred to in 1 John 2:18. So, the "coming of our Lord Jesus Christ" and "our gathering unto him" will not take place until the antichrist is revealed.

When a pre-tribulation rapturist is commenting on 2 Thess. Chapter 2 he will most always skip over the first 4 verses, especially verse 3. This is very deceitful and dishonest. Thus the warning at the beginning of verse 3 ("Let no man deceive you"). Not only are there no verses that speak of a rapture before a period of tribulation, but Paul specifically teaches that "the coming the Lord" and "our gathering unto him" will not occur until the antichrist is revealed. Obviously then, we can not expect to be "Raptured out of here" before the antichrist comes to power.

We will now look at verses 6 and 7 which the pre-tribulation rapturists cite as a proof text of their doctrine.



Now the way most pre-tribulation raptures interpret this passage is like this; the "he" in verse 7 is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit dwells in Christians. Christians will be "raptured out of the world" before the antichrist comes to power, and the Holy Spirit will leave the earth with the Christians and therefore be "taken out of the way." Thus, there will be only evil on the earth and the Antichrist will rise to power.

The error of this interpretation should be easy to see. First of all, what other scripture supports the idea that the "what" (verse 6) and "he" (verse 7) is the Holy Spirit? There is none. The verses do not say "Holy Spirit," They say "He" and "what." Why would one presume that God the Holy Spirit would be referred to in scripture as "he" and "what" without clarifying that it is God himself being spoken of. This has not been done anywhere else in scripture.

Secondly, while our (Christian) bodies are the "temple of God" and the Holy Spirit dwells in us, the spirit of God (Holy Spirit) is not confined exclusively to our bodies. It is ridiculous to presume that he is. It is impossible for man to comprehend just how the Holy Spirit operates in man and on the earth and in the heavens. He exists and moves according to his own will.

Thirdly, the pre-tribulation rapturists claim that people will be saved after the rapture (during the tribulation). Now if the Holy Spirit is taken out of the world, how could anyone be saved? How can one be born again by the Spirit of God (John 3:5) if the Spirit is taken out of the world. Some pre-tribulation rapturists even believe that people who "miss the rapture" but who refuse to take the "Mark of the beast" will be saved. However, salvation is obtained by faith in Jesus Christ, not by refusing to "take the mark." The pre-tribulation rapturists call these persons supposedly saved during the tribulation, "tribulation saints." Contrary to this doctrine, once "the son of man comes with power and glory to gather his elect," it will be too late for those who "obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ." (2 Thess 1:8) The wrath of God will be poured out on them.

While this writer would not be dogmatic about exactly who "he" is in verse 7, let us look at another scripture that could have the answer to this question.

Michael, of course, is the great archangel (Jude 9). Notice that in

1 Thess 4:16 the "voice of the archangel" will be heard when "the Lord himself shall descend from heaven" and we are 17"caught up (Raptured) together… to meet the Lord in the air." Some contend that the phrases "children of thy people" and "thy people" in Dan 12:1 show that this passage is speaking only to Jews. However, in the New Testament (the Last days) "There is neither Jew nor Gentile we are all one in Christ Jesus." Also, we are "children of Abraham."


Furthermore, the last phrase of verse 1 (Dan 12) clarifies that "thy people" are everyone that is "found written in the book." The book, of course, is the "book of life." Gentile believers are definitely included in that "everyone."

Verse 2 of Dan 12 speaks of the resurrection of the dead which is also discussed in 1 Thess 4:16,17. Notice that in verse 4 of Dan 12 Daniel is told to, "shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end." The complete understanding of the book of Daniel has been sealed and cannot be known for sure until the proper time. Perhaps that time has not yet come.

Compare these three passages again.


One important rule of Bible hermeneutics is that the Bible interprets itself. In other words, the meaning of an unclear passage can usually be found in another passage. Daniel 12:1 provides a very plausible answer to the mystery that is presented in 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7. Again however, it is wise not to be dogmatic about disputable passages such as this.

Another disputable matter that is rarely mentioned in today’s discussions is what is the "strong delusion" mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2:11?

What is the nature of this delusion that would be so powerful that all of the unregenerate souls of the earth would believe it and be damned for their error? This passage undoubtedly makes some brothers who do not have a correct understanding of the nature of God uncomfortable because they cannot imagine God doing such a thing. In Ezekiel we find a very interesting scripture with similar connotations.


The delusion that is mentioned in 2 Thessalonians, however, is going to decieve the whole world, excluding of course the elect. So, what could it be? In Genesis 6 we learn about fallen angels mating with humans.


This brings us to an interesting and often overlooked passage in Daniel.

Now we know from the testimony of converted witches and Satanists that demons do have sexual relations with women. It appears that at certain times in history (There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that) that God has allowed these relations to produce superhuman offspring. In speaking of the fourth and final beast empire, Daniel reveals, "they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men:" It seems plausible to this writer that in these last days God will allow these demonic unions to produce demonic offspring who will be instrumental in the formation or administration of the final worldwide antichrist system.

The recent revelations of cloning and other ungodly acts of procreation lead credence to this theory. Further study into the "Alien" phenomenon shows that multiple thousands of people claim to be abducted by malevolent creatures that perform experiments on them related to sexual reproduction. The multitudes of testimonies cannot be summarily discounted as delusion, and it is this writer’s opinion that the aliens that so many people claim to see are in fact fallen angels masquerading as such. Furthermore, the "strong delusion" mentioned in 2 Thessalonians will involve these entities and possibly their half human offspring in bringing about a worldwide deception that will cause the totality of unregenerate man to turn from any fear of belief in the true and living God and to give their allegiance and worship to the beast.

Let us now turn back to the issue of whether the saints of God will be "caught up" 3 ½ to 7 years before the period of time referred to as the "great tribulation."

First of all, where do we find the biblical basis for the "great tribulation." Look at the following passages:

It is certainly appropriate to speak of a time of trouble that is to come upon the world as the "great tribulation" because many passages speak of such a time that will come. The pre-tribulation rapturists would have us believe that if you are a true Christian that is walking in obedience to God and are alive at this time in world history, that you will not have to endure such a thing. Daniel chapter 7 speaks of this time of trouble. Let’s see if he mentions a two part coming of Christ and the saints being "raptured" before the tribulation and not having to suffer through it.


Now, you see that instead of the saints being "raptured out of here" before the beast (little horn) comes to power, Daniel was told in the interpretation that, "the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them." Furthermore, 25"And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time." It is generally accepted by most that "a time and times and the dividing of time" is equal to 3 ½ years.


Are there any parallel passages that say the same thing so that we can let every matter be established by two or three witnesses?


The vision of Daniel 7 says that "the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them." Other passages repeat this doctrine. There is no mention of a two part coming of Christ to rescue us before this time. Some pre-tribulation rapturists will claim that the "saints" mentioned in these passages aren’t them. No they are "tribulation saints," that is, those persons that didn’t "make the rapture" and are consigned to "endure to the end." Of course, the term "tribulation saints" in not anywhere to be found in the Bible (Latin or otherwise). Nor is there a passage that specifically says that there is a two part coming of Christ. However, it is the nature of fallen man to not want to suffer. Therefore, men like to ascribe potential suffering always to other people than themselves.

Therefore, a pre-tribulation rapturist will say that they are not of the saints mentioned in these passages. Of course, these passages (as do most passages that speak of suffering and trial for God’s people) speak of the rewards and glory that "these saints" will inherit.


So, their doctrine must be that they are not the saints of Daniel 7:21,25 but they are the saints of Daniel 7:18,22, and 27. How convenient for them.

It is normal for people to want to avoid suffering. In fact, most people don’t even want to think or talk about the possibility of suffering. Due to this fact, not much is said about the issue of Christians suffering in American churchianity today as we have discussed earlier.